
opinion Need you opinion about my site -

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What is different between my web and a lot of similar "mexico travel" sites?
Huge differents.
Check for example, for me it is too compilated and confuses a lot, I see there a lot of destination that I have no idea where they are and how far they one from each, too much effects, paralax and large photo instead of useful information.
I imagine me a traveller who plans his first trip to Mexico but has no idea from where to begin and what to see and finally he just makes rounds around Mexico City, Cancun, Acapulco visiting just the same as thousands tourists before him.
With my site it is easy to create itinerary, the route for your trip.
Very easy access from mobile, simple and intuitive structure (I hope).
Filter by towns, by resorts, by archeological sites, by states.
By the moment I just copy paste from wikipedia, I still in adding places and states descriptions, history etc.
After I finish I recheck all information (dont need any rewrite o copywrite, my goal is simplificate the access to all this information from wiki and other sources) and will add more from the rest of source I find.
You can see that each place has a loooong information, but all is toggled.
You dont need read and read searching for the right content, just open the correct toggle.
And finally I add to the site routes, a los of routes (itinerary) everyone could select - depending on thier vacation dates and financial possibility.
For example: 7 days trip, 14 days trip, 21 days trip, 28 days trip etc, then filter by Mexico Colonial, Mexico Pre Columbian route, Mayan world, Riviera maya, resorts, economic trip (just buses), or rental car or flights instead of going by bus etc...
Monetize? I hope to make traffic and offer to local agency promote thier guide services on my website, dont want to see there any adsense blinking ads on this website. Also will offer prepare personal routes and use "donate" button after each free route I will create.

Still not all cities are added, still not all places have complete description, I will find all info about each town/place in spanish and english, compare and add to the english version additional info.
No copywrite, this is not the goal of this site, at least not with english version.
Then I add spanish version and russian version (this one will be copywrited).
I want finally have added to my site all mexican destinations, archeological sites, villages, towns, natural parks, lakes etc.
All with descriptions, its history, how to get there and all information I will be able to get.

So, I need you just test my site (still not complete) and give me your opinions, ideas, suggestions..
This is more hobby than website for earn, so I want to make it the best for travel plan purpose.
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Alright what is the exact goal of your site? If it is just a money site you could set up an rss feed. This way it will take information of the site(s) you want. Bascially the site auto updates itself. And you can focus on monetizing it.

I would change some things like the "color" beneath the top menu. It doesn't look good and it just distracts people, or at least me :)

Focus on looking professional and traffic. Monetize with travel affiliate sites and/ or amazon/ ebay/ alibaba
I explain you how I plan to monetize it.
I need traffic.
My website will have something that dont have any other sites - a lot pf mexican destinations with descriptions and usefull information and no annoying ads.
Then I plan to offer to mexican local tour agencies promote thier service.
For example, I have Cuernavaca, Cancun, Tulum etc posts.
Imaggine your are tour agennt in Mexico and you just select the post with destination you want and below the post I will add "recommended travel agent" and add thier banner in the right sidebar of just selected post.
Each destination = fixed price.
I still dont know, there are a lot of possibility, I just need now to make traffic.
I have already added around 90 towns, 30 archeological places and more.
By the moment I try to rewrite all added destinations and add more information from other sources.

What excactly you dont like?
What color?
Green and red are mexican flag colors.
No, no, dont want any annoying ads, affiliate banners and more rubbish.
Must be a clean, ads free web, easy to navegate from mobile.
Simple interface that let to visitors focus on information.
Dont want any popups, suscribe windows and the rest...
This is what will make my web different from the rest of similar sites
I need traffic.

How do you plan to get it? Social? Paid? If your content is all copied from Wikipedia that will kill you in organic search.
By the moment all added destination have wiki copy paste.
Right now I stoped to add content and began to make a light rewrite to all existed content and add more info from spanish wiki version and other suorces.
My website is very easy to read from mobile, all well organized, it is informative website for who really plan to visit Mexico.
I just try mo make the same structure that I would preffer to have years ago when I went there to travel.
So, I ask how can I make traffic, I dont ask about google.
There must be a lot of other tactics.
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