
My Review

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My Review | Making the most money of my parked domains

I was just reading through the threads here on domain parking and thought I would contribute my own domain parking experience. I was earlier with two of the prominent domain parking services and really couldn't make more than a couple of dollars a month. There is no way you can build traffic to a new parked domain in a legit way. The earnings are bound to stop, unless ofcourse you have purchased a domain name with previously generated traffic. That too IMO has to reach a melt down point when visitors just turn a blind eye to a landing page with tons of links and leave.

Let us look at the situation here, domain parking companies use OUR domain names to park ads of OTHER businesses. So who owns what? YOU are the main owner of the domain, the parking company gives you a few MB space and runs other people's ads to make ITSELF more money and you "a small percentage". Its more like you own land and lease it out to a company who then starts parking cars on "your" land.

However, it seems like the parking companies call the shots, even though they practically are leasing the land from you for free with no fixed rent. They also want your site to generate unique clicks, so that they make a good profit and give you some peanuts. 90% of the parked domains generate dismal income. Tell me of one parked site that makes even a 100 bucks a day? And even if it does now, it surely had previously generated traffic. How long will it last? Is it ever going to get repeat visitors?

To add to the woes, here are some points to note:
1. Unique clicks ( How on earth can a new domain name get unique clicks unless some guy decides to pay for directed traffic).
2. No site promotion even through emails. Clicks originating from a mail referral source are termed fraud. Wow!
3. Can your new domain ever get indexed by any search engine? NO
4. Can you decide on the content? Or which ads you can place on "YOUR" site? NO! All you can do is add some keywords and they generate some ad content based on their theme.

I decided it was time to do what "I" wanted with my domains. I tried the offering and believe me, I'm much better off today. Today I run my own ads, I add content I like or stick to the whypark content. I also run affiliate ads. Finally after a month of being with WP, I see a steady trickle of both adsense and other ad revenue.

Check out my domain for my experiment with whypark. I hope that one day, we can all really start making the most of our domains "our way".
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Makes sense, thanks...

WP looks great imo, I will select 100 dn's and try Google Adsense...
It could be great for someone with a huge portfolio. You could take out your best 100 performing parked domains, get an adsense account, and apply good ad placements. Believe me, you will make more out of Adsense than a parked CPC. If you decide to give it a try, I can give you some ad placement tips. :)
At first glance on how this (whypark) mini-site are made worries me a risk of possible adsense ban.

@Varon, for how long have you've been using adsense ads on whypark sites?

I used adsense for a few months. I am currently using Bidvertiser. With Bidvertiser I can choose the ads I want displayed and also know exactly how much is the CPC. Currently, I see most of the WP sites monetized by Adsense, AdBrite, Bidvertiser..etc.

All the articles are published legitimately with links to the original author. So I don't see that as an issue. As far as AdSense TOS, they change all the time and anyone could get banned for any reason, even with genuine self written content. So nothing can be guaranteed. In fact, nothing can be guaranteed about any ad network.

As I mentioned earlier, I am happy that my domains are up and running for $1 each. But it would be good for you to research a bit more and then make a good informed decision.
Varon said:
I used adsense for a few months. I am currently using Bidvertiser. With Bidvertiser I can choose the ads I want displayed and also know exactly how much is the CPC. Currently, I see most of the WP sites monetized by Adsense, AdBrite, Bidvertiser..etc.

All the articles are published legitimately with links to the original author. So I don't see that as an issue. As far as AdSense TOS, they change all the time and anyone could get banned for any reason, even with genuine self written content. So nothing can be guaranteed. In fact, nothing can be guaranteed about any ad network.

As I mentioned earlier, I am happy that my domains are up and running for $1 each. But it would be good for you to research a bit more and then make a good informed decision.

I am thrilled to death to be with WP, a dollar a site is awesome, front page content to ad ratio is where adsense gets picky, the content is targeted, and linked back to it's rightful owner, I wouldn't think google would have any problem with the sites, i have developed sites of RSS free content is past years, and never had a problem, i did get warned once, because my start page didn't have enough content, I added the necessary RSS feed to get the content up to par, they were satisfied.
Exactly, this isn't plagiarism. Its content published with legitimate links back to the author. Plus, if you really want to have a lifetime investment, I would sincerely look at adding some content of your own, as time passes. That way, you can make your site stand out with no borrowed content. I tend to add my own keyword rich article per week to each of my sites. More than anyone else, these authors must be thrilled to have sites link back to them. Its free advertising for them.

The way I look at it, if each of my domains makes a buck, I'm break even. Anything after that is profits. All my domains were purchased for 6 bucks and considering the $1 per site for WP, I have recovered my $7 on almost 32 of my 44 sites with WP. In fact just one of my domains on WP has helped me make 7 times my fee with WP. Some domains (9) aren't doing well, I will be looking into them and adding some new content and create some links.

I hate to post my stats, but for once let me. My domain topdwiattorney makes good money through attorney referrals and clickbank sales. I make around $200 per month from this site itself. Plus, some attorneys have expressed their interest to buy text links at $1200 per year for a fixed link. If that happens, I'll be real glad. But remember, the content is totally my own. Totally unique original content. I worked a bit on this site. So hard work pays off for sure. Plus, I never have to worry about content related issues ever, in the future.
One might argue google itself has zero original content.. :)

However, without wanting to crash the whypark thread, we at 1plus have an good and active relationship with google and in fact RJ and myself had the pleasure of visiting wonka world, errm I mean GooglePlex just last month. Our sites have the blessing of google though i would suggest to everyone that in order to sleep better at night, run your sites passed adsense support (or whomever you use) and ask them if what youre doing complies. Proactive is better than reactive in the TOS stakes, believe me :)
Badger said:
One might argue google itself has zero original content.. :)

I would suggest to everyone that in order to sleep better at night, run your sites passed adsense support (or whomever you use) and ask them if what youre doing complies. Proactive is better than reactive in the TOS stakes, believe me :)

Very true. :) But what do they write to the ad network in both cases (whypark and 1plus)?

That we sport RSS news/article feeds with no self written original content. Is it okay with you guys?

Its a very tricky situation.
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Varon said:
That we sport RSS news/article feeds with no original content. Is it okay with you guys?
You could, or you could explain the site, show them an example, ask them if you should make any improvements etc etc.

Google have no problem with syndicated content, the rule of thumb is that you give your visitors a worthwhile experience and that your site simply isn't "made for adsense".

Our article template / layout actually went through 3 separate hoops before Google were happy with it. Incidentally, their main issue was with how many banners we had loaded into the upper part of the site.

But hey ho, that was then, 1plus or iMoDo (to be) is a giant leap from where we were 12 months ago..

Good luck to everyone with your whypark sites; I have to say, a well researched, articulate and well written article combined with blended adsense will bring greater dividends than an article that can be found on thousands of other similar sites.
netPH said:
At first glance on how this (whypark) mini-site are made worries me a risk of possible adsense ban.

@Varon, for how long have you've been using adsense ads on whypark sites?

I just want to reassure that there shouldn't be any problem with adsense on whypark sites, because I opened my adsense account over 4 months ago using one of my whypark sites and it was approved therefore okay with google. Since there is content from generated articles or can add you own it meets the guidelines.

Varon said:
I hate to post my stats, but for once let me. My domain topdwiattorney makes good money through attorney referrals and clickbank sales. I make around $200 per month from this site itself. Plus, some attorneys have expressed their interest to buy text links at $1200 per year for a fixed link. If that happens, I'll be real glad. But remember, the content is totally my own. Totally unique original content. I worked a bit on this site. So hard work pays off for sure. Plus, I never have to worry about content related issues ever, in the future.
You've been showing some great examples of what you can do with whypark sites. And being able to create landing pages to promote products from clickbank, commission junction or others is a great way for additional revenue. You can't beat the ease in setting up the sites and with some effort can make them stand out from the crowd.
Badger said:
I have to say, a well researched, articulate and well written article combined with blended adsense will bring greater dividends than an article that can be found on thousands of other similar sites.

Absolutely. I notice that on domains where I have put in efforts to add my own content are doing better than the others. My goal is to do off with the RSS articles in a year and have my own keyword rich content on all 44 domains. I wish I had more time, because I am busy writing articles for web publishers. It pays well but I now have less time for my own domains. :(

Ak007 said:
You've been showing some great examples of what you can do with whypark sites. And being able to create landing pages to promote products from clickbank, commission junction or others is a great way for additional revenue. You can't beat the ease in setting up the sites and with some effort can make them stand out from the crowd.

Thanks AK. I'm working on some other domains now, hopefully they should be even better. :)
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Personally I use Whypark, but not for the same reasons as pretty much everyone else I suppose.
At 100 bucks for 100 domains, it's a steal, since it allows me to do what I want them to do on their hosting and not use up my servers resources (which would cost me more per domain - currently $249/server for 300+ domains + outsourced support costs + data backup & maintenance costs + other expenses , which equates to around $600/month per server on the average).
For me Whypark is not exactly to monetize every single domain I slap on Whypark servers, but rather to drive traffic to my money making sites, although the Whyypark sites themselves generate decent revenue, their primary purpose is to power my money sites where the big bucks are made.

I've been in this business long enough to know that Adsense is not the Ultimate way to make money, sure it's the most profitable money generator for me in terms of a single company (closely followed by CJ aka eBay), but what makes money for me is the people willing to spend.
Willing to spend on what you may say, well on pretty much everything. In the past and until now, the most profitable for me is selling memberships (as an affiliate, although I have one of my own with a few hundred paying members), simply because membership affiliate sales is money that is guaranteed to come in month after month, provided that the buyers actually stay members, which I've found 90% mostly do stay members of certain membership sites for years and that's the kind of income I want. So whypark serves many purposes for me including a reduction of Adwords/YPN/others CPA, reduced advertising costs, better Adsense artbitrage performance and so on.

For the past year I've pretty much reduced as much PPC on my websites and instead moved towards CPA programs where the real money is made. (Oh yeah, for those who also have the Google XML feeds, you know what I'm talking about as Google is moving towards changing some things in the adsense progam in the coming months, can't give too much details but by the way it's worded it will not totally affect parking but rather let you re-think the reasons for parking certain names and the choice of parking providers to stick with).

Now getting back to Whypark, I simply don't put as much advertising as I possibly can (1 adsense block is more than enough) and instead place multiple links to my money sites where I know the squeeze pages will lure the buyers in buying what I want them to buy. There is of course an ad or 2 which promotes similar products just to used to gauge click-through & conversion perfomances.
There is also the added bonus of backlinks to the money sites which adds more SE power. (well no follow until the sites get PR, and when they do they get switched with a follow link to push more PR strentgh in to the main site).

The only complaint I have with whypark is not their lack of templates, but rather the inability of users such as myself to integrate an automated commentaries option, which would help in making the sites more unique. This option alone, if implemented will make whypark even more powerful. This is the reason why blogs don't get dumped as easily into the supplements as other sites do even though a lot of them including a lot of mine re-use articles that are used a hundred times over by others.

Overall rating 7/10 for economic and time saving reasons, and use as a marketing tool.
I'm very enjoy with whypark , I just did my second site. I can add what I want!!
I also did a adult site with whypark as well..
I now have 20 sites up and completed with SE submissions, google maps and ect, It is a great service and very afforable for people who can't code thier own websites, The slurps are crawling my sites like crazy, i couldn't be happier, well... perhaps some new templates, that would be great, but even with what whypark has, it is very efficient and looks nice imo.
how can I put [[related]] in the custom page? should I put something there then make it works? or just put [[related]] there? I tried, not working for me.
longd said:
how can I put [[related]] in the custom page? should I put something there then make it works? or just put [[related]] there? I tried, not working for me.
Related comes up on the custom pages automatically in the same position as home page if it is in the main script. If you are meaning that you do not have "related articles" in the home page and now want to put in the custom pages, then I don't think you can. You would have to add your own content or change first on the home page.
ak007 said:
Related comes up on the custom pages automatically in the same position as home page if it is in the main script. If you are meaning that you do not have "related articles" in the home page and now want to put in the custom pages, then I don't think you can. You would have to add your own content or change first on the home page.

place it in the body content?
longd said:
place it in the body content?
Did you alter the original whypark script and took related out? If you have another site that is like original, copy the script to this one and start again. Don't remove [[related]] if you want in custom pages.
ak007 said:
Did you alter the original whypark script and took related out? If you have another site that is like original, copy the script to this one and start again. Don't remove [[related]] if you want in custom pages.

if I removed on the main page, then I can't just display the related articles on the custom page, right?
longd, if you remove the related placeholder it wont matter, but if you remove your mainbody placeholder then your custom articles won't appear. Btw, your adult site is a fantastic effort at customizing the layout. Great work!
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adsense don't let me in, any other suggestion?
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longd said:
adsense don't let me in, any other suggestion?
Did you submit your site with other ads on it? And ads that look similar to adsense? If so, then to be on the safe side best to submit without ads and should get accepted.
ak007 said:
Did you submit your site with other ads on it? And ads that look similar to adsense? If so, then to be on the safe side best to submit without ads and should get accepted.

you can check my site, I did't put any ads. and I buy this design from ppc-site. No idea why they don't let me in. I tried the and resubmit again, I hope they approve finally.

Varon said:
Btw, your adult site is a fantastic effort at customizing the layout. Great work!

thanks! I did another one too, I use the same layout too...
my 2nd adult site
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longd, dont keep resubmitting Google requests. Wait for some time for their review team to approve you. I hope you didn't send in any sensitive domain name for inclusion into the program.
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