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Numeric Domains

Established Member

100's of Millions of Medical Records are set to go online soon

Appraisal and suggestions appreciated​
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Reseller value - around $800.

End user value - This is a great domain, and there are many players in the medical records industry, but they are almost all for-profit and would not have much use for a .org. The one organization I know of that this would be a good fit for is OpenMRS ( I've worked with these guys in the past, and I know that the quality or genericness of their domain thing is about 1000th on their long list of things to care about. They're a non-profit organization, and certainly wouldn't give you much more than the reseller value above (and probably not that). They'd rather spend the money on actually doing their core mission. I think you'll find many non profit organizations in this field think the same way.

That said, if you did find an interested party, I wouldn't take less than $X,XXX. As you said, online medical records will only become more common.
Reseller value - around $800.

End user value - This is a great domain, and there are many players in the medical records industry, but they are almost all for-profit and would not have much use for a .org. The one organization I know of that this would be a good fit for is OpenMRS ( I've worked with these guys in the past, and I know that the quality or genericness of their domain thing is about 1000th on their long list of things to care about. They're a non-profit organization, and certainly wouldn't give you much more than the reseller value above (and probably not that). They'd rather spend the money on actually doing their core mission. I think you'll find many non profit organizations in this field think the same way.

That said, if you did find an interested party, I wouldn't take less than $X,XXX. As you said, online medical records will only become more common.

Thanks for the lead on OpenMRS. Kind regards
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