
Listing on Dan will be on Afternic

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WeSellName.comTop Member
Here is an email from DAN: Listing on DAN with BIN will automatically list on Afternic

As we move towards a simplified Aftermarket experience, we wanted to share three updates. Our goal with these updates is to make your domain investing experience easier and more consistent across marketplaces.

  1. Payout Currency Selection
    Starting on July 5th, you can choose a preferred payout currency in your payout settings. This enables payouts in either US Dollars (USD), Great British Pounds (GBP) or Euros (EUR) based on your selection. From July 5th, when Dan receives the buyer’s payment, your invoice, revenue sheet and payout amount will convert to your preferred payout currency.
  1. Domain listings converted to USD
    Our goal is transparency because we believe transparency is key to a better domain world. To enable transparency, we need to align on one listing currency which is used as the basis of conversion for both parties. As of July 7th, we will convert all listings to USD at the current market exchange rates. Going forward, USD will become the only currency available for pricing your domains. This allows us to easily convert to the buyer’s local currency while still paying you out in your preferred currency with no surprises.
  2. Coming soon…Domains listed on Dan with a Buy Now price will automatically distribute across Afternic
    Analysis of Dan sellers opting into distribution on the Afternic network shows an increase of more than 30% on the average sales price those sellers receive. We want everyone to have the chance to benefit from the 75 million+ monthly domain searches on Afternic, so will automatically opt in all domains listed on Dan with a Buy Now price into the Afternic marketplace. We worked to make managing domains on both marketplaces easy. Check out our product update #7 for more information and stay tuned for more news on this important change.
We highly recommend taking advantage of adding an asking price to your listings increasing your conversion rates. Premium domains are often impulse purchases and adding an asking price allows interested parties to buy your domains on the spot.

We are committed to continuing to deliver a superior customer experience making domain trading available to everyone. If you have any questions, please use the Dan Help Center or contact the Dan team at [email protected].

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
It's sad that Dan is practically being gutted and is being made into Afternic 2.1. I dislike all the recent changes on Dan, all in the name of making it better for the users.

No, DAN/Afternic/Godaddy! You are not making it better by removing flexibility, options and choice from users. You are making it worse
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