
Kate Buckley addresses those who question her sales

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they're just jelly over chocolate :)
I’m on Kate’s side. before her response. think she brokered Rate.com for $750K (funny, that never called to question)

they did say $750k too low for Rate.com?
You can never win with these people @Kate Buckley
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I’m on Kate’s side. before her response. think she brokered Rate.com for $750K (funny, that never called to question)

they did say $750k too low for Rate.com?
You can never win with these people @Kate Buckley

Too right! It was actually $725K (2016) and yes, some people said it was too low. Others said it was too high! ;) #hatersgonnahate #thosewhocan'tselltroll
I appreciated your letter. Sounds like you roll with the punches. I'm glad.

I've been in business too long to be surprised at how nothing can become something to some.

You are clearly a class act. Keep up the good work Kate.
I appreciated your letter. Sounds like you roll with the punches. I'm glad.

I've been in business too long to be surprised at how nothing can become something to some.

You are clearly a class act. Keep up the good work Kate.

Hey, thanks! Really appreciate the kind words.
You deserve them. I've read articles about your journey and wish you continued success.
@Kate Buckley I do support you and many other people in this industry who does their hard work and smart work to get where they are today.

I strongly believe your response to that nonsense thread was not needed. The allegations from the people who never proved anything in their life. There are so many people who jealous about others who doing good and improving with time. If people talk a lot about past glory means they never improved with time.

Keep doing good work. Let hatters do what they do the best because they don't have any other things to do in life. We never get in touch with each other in past. But I do observe activity of many people who believe in hard work and smart work. You are definitely one of that individual from whom so many other people including myself can learn something to keep improving in life with time.

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@Kate Buckley I do support you and many other people in this industry who does their hard work and smart work to get where they are today.

I strongly believe your response to that nonsense thread was not needed. The allegations from the people who never proved anything in their life. There are so many people who jealous about others who doing good and improving with time. If people talk a lot about past glory means they never improved with time.

Keep doing good work. Let hatters do what they do the best because they don't have any other things to do in life. We never get in touch with each other in past. But I do observe activity of many people who believe in hard work and smart work. You are definitely one of that individual from whom so many other people including myself can learn something to keep improving in life with time.

I appreciate your sentiments and wish you all the best!
Nice job! Great answer to the haters! Sometimes its good to give a blow back when the water goes above the tolerence level. More power and success to you, Kate!!
Nice job! Great answer to the haters! Sometimes its good to give a blow back when the water goes above the tolerence level. More power and success to you, Kate!!
Well said! I don't do bullies. Appreciate your kind words and support.
IDontDoBullies.com ;)
You freakin took it! LOL...enjoy! It's actually catchy.

Something good from something annoying. Now go sell it for 5k and let us know!
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Congrats on your incredible success @Kate Buckley. I am glad that you stay on NamePros despite the unjustified criticism. We all can learn much from your approach. Your strong letter has drawn attention to an issue that should concern us all.

PS Congrats on the new domain name! :xf.smile:
There is no better person in this industry than Kate Buckley. If her word is no good then nobody's is. It's ironic that she was slandered by @offthehandle, the opposite side of the spectrum. Glad that she has stood up for herself and I hope that Namepros makes sure that statements like he made can easily be removed if shown they are without merit.
Ultimately the seller IREG (read: BOI) and the buyer Wazimo (read: investor, marketer, content delivery) are responsible to make disclosures regarding the sale (read: deal) not the broker. When NDA, the broker should not mention any indications (figures) in the statement. Move on!
Great job on reporting @equity78 and TLDInvestors.com , Great job @Kate Buckley, no one doubts you though ;)
That thread is super-defamatory in my strong opinion and I would have reported it to namepros admin for maligning "your" name @Kate Buckley

What is the intent of OP of the thread? Questionable and malicious indeed!
Nice to see a picture of Kate. Such a frequent contributor to the original (First) 'Domain State' way before the term Social Media had the hold and influence it does today.

And we were all about 15 years younger - If I remember correctly
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That you have had to even reply to this tripe is a shame, but what a response! Putting aside all the logic and facts displayed aside you might have hit the nail on the head with below.
The last sentence is a nice put down if I ever saw one....

"Could it be because I’m a woman? As any successful woman in business can tell you, there is a certain ilk of man who is at best intimidated and at worst caustic toward women who’ve achieved any measure of success. "

"Or, could it be because he hasn’t achieved any measure of success of his own?"

If this was a boxing match I would call this a KO.....
..statements like he made can easily be removed if shown they are without merit.


Statement's made or accusations levelled without merit hold no ground at all and should never be allowed on the forum, and the Internet per se.
Great letter @Kate Buckley. I wouldn't be surprised if the accuser approached Kate to broker a low quality domain of his and the request was denied, leading to the unjustified reprisal.
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