
I've been hit by Indian Spam on one email

Spaceship Spaceship

Name Trader

formerly @stubTop Member

As the title says. I've been hit by indian spam on one of my email addresses. Is there any way to get off their list? Is it a lost cause? It's kinda an important old gmail account for me. It's going to take a LOT of work to use another email address (months of work). Anything else I can do?

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Can you show the domain name which was attempted to sell to you?

Or can I know the email address from the email was sent to you?

Recently, I sent some emails to sell a domain name and I do not want to be tagged as a spammer.
Can you show the domain name which was attempted to sell to you?

Or can I know the email address from the email was sent to you?

Recently, I sent some emails to sell a domain name and I do not want to be tagged as a spammer.

It's not you :) I'm talking about up to 50-100 emails a day. Nothing to do with domain selling. They're about various subjects and not all from one address either.
It's getting a PITA to delete all this spam every day. Some of it my email client puts to Trash, some to Spam, and a few get thru this checking to my inbox. So it could be worse. But I would like some way of removing this spam or as a last resort have to change my email address, which frightens me to death. Since it's my main email for selling/buying, and everything else related to domains. Like websites, payments, and any else I've forgotten to mention. It looks like I've got some work to do with my filters.
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It's not you :) I'm talking about up to 50-100 emails a day. Nothing to do with domain selling. They're about various subjects and not all from one address either.

Hang tight as it may not continue.

I got hit with over 700 emails in one day over the weekend... then it abruptly stopped.

They were the same spammers who usually send me a handful a day.

They got a bit overzealous that day.
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Hang tight as it may not continue.

I got hit with over 700 emails in one day over the weekend... then it abruptly stopped.

They were the same spammers who usually send me a handful a day.

They got a bit overzealous that day.
Can confirm this. Got a ton of emails like that one day, the next there were less of them and the day after it pretty much came to an end. Nevertheless, I have to agree that it is a pita (cute word btw).
In the last 4 hours I've had only 2 emails to filter. But it is a quiet time of day. Just wait until I wake up in the morning :) And the weekend is also busy :)
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I can think of ways to stop it but 2 wrongs don't make a right
Pray tell us :)
I don't want people to think i am some evil mastermind as i also get spammed and don't retaliate but i have in past sent so many requests same time to submit sites that generate so much email nobody will host as full in minutes. Problem is half the time it is some innocent they are using anyway and gives that poor soul worse issues. I can throw around loads of ideas eg blacklists but end of day no point starting wars. There are no winners i have had people here give negative reviews when they have requested sites only they are lookin to find more sites in same niche to review negative so do you start a war there too so as i said 2 wrongs don't make a right but if comes down to being totally destroyed well there would be wrath.
I have had loads of my sites hacked with political messages about India and Pakistan over the years and killed off most efforts in wordpress sites so i feel all a waste of time as sites get destroyed so often.
The interesting thing about getting (briefly) bulk spammed like this is you realise that all those seemingly random spam emails you usually get, are all from the one operator.
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This is easy - Identify a common pattern in those emails like a common keyword or URL then create a filter to delete them before reaching your inbox.
This is easy - Identify a common pattern in those emails like a common keyword or URL then create a filter to delete them before reaching your inbox.

Not very reliable, some important emails may also get deleted!

Instead block the email address in Gmail, it is a little hard work but with time you will get rid of this.

Gmail is also very smart to recognize such spam emails as well.
whatever you do don't open the email they track the emails and if they sense that you might be interested in w.e service they provide you get moved to the next list of 'might be interested' and the spam will grow stronger
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Not very reliable, some important emails may also get deleted!

Instead, block the email address in Gmail, it is a little hard work but with time you will get rid of this.

Gmail is also very smart to recognize such spam emails as well.

Not really. You have to be smart to do this. For example, the tracking URL contains a unique string that won't be found in other emails like - "pVFcZq5jkLRNlV4U".

Blocking email addresses is not a solution when you get each email from different addresses.
So Stu.

Did you notice it increase again over the weekend?
Sorry for the late reply. I do sense that it goes up and down at times. The difference between slow and heavy can be as much as 50 times more spam
I get spam mostly on my gmail accounts and my filters don't seem to be working.
I had terrible spam on an old hotmail, tens of thousands. I let if accumulate, then I ditched the email. I'm generally spam free with my email now, thankfully

You can't really remove yourself from an illegitimate spammers list. You can mark it, then future spam will be sent to your junk folder. Don't let a spammer know that you exist and read your emails. If they get a hint that you read your emails and that you're active, they may fire off more your way. This can be one downside of unsubscribing, they notice. It can do more harm than good, sometimes
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