
Internet History

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Well this is just a little bit of a quiz really. I was stumbling through the web just reading things about servers, hosting and other related things, and I happened to come across a pretty nifty little page that has some interesting stuff on it about the internet. So I thought, "This would be a good thing for the forum." And really anyone can play along, so if u know the answers to any question that I, myself or any other member of the forum post here, feel free to do so , cuz it's fun to learn new things [=

1. What year did Microsoft create DOS?

2. Who was the Creator of the name "World Wide Web"?

3. In 1976 Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded what computer?

4. IBM announces it's first Personal Computer in what year?

5. In 1989 who created an anti-virus software available for free?

I will give it a few days so that u guys can research and find the answers, then I will post the answers [=

Have fun guys!!;)
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1. 1981 MS-Dos was "created" but it was not developed by microsoft, it was bought by microsoft from some company, it was called QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System)

2. Berners-Lee, 1990

3. Apple, on april fools day. Hah what a joke! I still expect them to jump out of one of those colourful things laughing their asses off at everyone who bought one.

I'll leave the rest for someone else.
Originally posted by DarkDevil
1. 1981 MS-Dos was "created" but it was not developed by microsoft, it was bought by microsoft from some company, it was called QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System)

Seattle Computer Products is the company they bought it from.

4. 1981

Heres a lil fact in 1988 Robert Morris releases his ?worm? program, which crippled the Internet for days.
The answer to Number.

5. McAfee

Feel free to post any other little quiz questions. [=

I myself will think of some more to post while I am at work during the day. [=
Okay who got the answers right?

Wasn't IBM's first personal computer released in 1986??
Hmmmm don't know where I got 1986 from.
In 1976, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded the Apple Computer.

Probably got 1976 and 1986 mixed up in that question;)
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