
I tried park logic after bodis and above. Big mistake!

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
I must have missed the $250 payout minimum. I was canceled and lost my balance. I cant even log in to go over my records. when I research a few domains that use them, along with a few of my own, they forward to some implied virus removal scam. putting my domain vaulation in the toilet.
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is this the old bs company redirected,com? or something similar to it? usually it takes long to ruin your names no? how long u been there?
i dont know redirected.com, i hardly ever click on my own domains, as all traffic to PL is organic, and didnt want to get an email 'you violated a term of service with my ip" but the few times i hit my own domain there, i see about 3-4 redirects in the address bar resolving to a page that tells me that i have a virus yadda yadda with a phone number.
its pretty common as i click on a number of other domains on my hit list, and with PL nameservers , i get the same infected computer shpeal. i tried PL for about a year. 0$ payout. account closed. about 600 plus .coms
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