
question How much you lost by investing in Chips Domains

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
Hello guys
Many of us invested in Chips domains such as: 5L.com, 4L.org, 4L.info, 3L.biz, 3L.co, 6N.com, NNLL.com ..... etc.
So with No shame, How much you lost in that investment?, and how many domains you will drop?
About myself $9k-$10k., and 400 domains
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Chips was good untill people went into investing 7N, 8N, 5L

Total Domains
7N - 10,000,000 Domains
8N - 100,000,000 Domains
5L - 11,881,376 Domains

7N - 2,097,152 Domains
8N - 16,777,216 Domains
5L - 3,200,000 Domains

Where are we going to find buyers for that? People should have asked the question for themselves before investing. But its too late now.

Some people even promoted this Chips bubble just to make profit for them self by disposing the reg fee domains for 3x - 5x profit at peak, They were counting for buyouts one after the other :(
I would be scaling down, pick your best 100 or less and keep. You may be able to get better quality for a pittance in the near future
Up around say $5k to $10k plus inventory still holding.
Purchased around 95 LLLL.com's just before the boom as part of a strategy to go after short domains, got sick of holding stuff no one offered anything on. So to be fair lucked out and offloaded for around 5x during the Chinese boom, mostly on here and around 15 on flippa. All of the cash moved into registering 6n.com's and purchasing reasonable patters via Dynadot and GoDaddy aftermarket, 99% had a 0 or a 4, or both. Sold all of the 6n's about 10 months ago, there is a thread here somewhere with specific numbers. In the meantime part of the funds used to buy way too many VR related domains, main prizes are 14 VR.nGtld plus random others from GD closeouts etc. (VR.Marketing, VR.Community which we're hoping to develop into a forum)
In terms of whats left holding from the Chinese boom, maybe 2,000 of NNLL, 4L.org/biz/info but with low entry. For example, 1k of .info's were registered with 1 & 1 and others for a few dollars per domain...those were the days. Just deleted over 200 9n...Overall a good and profitable experience and i do feel this market will keep steadily rising as inventory moves, slowly. Good luck to all.
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Chips was good untill people went into investing 7N, 8N, 5L

Total Domains
7N - 10,000,000 Domains
8N - 100,000,000 Domains
5L - 11,881,376 Domains

7N - 2,097,152 Domains
8N - 16,777,216 Domains
5L - 3,200,000 Domains
and these are literally the reasons why people lost money. People dumped cash into 5L.coms? sorrry thats plain stupid. supply is sooo huge, there's only so much money ina few slim pickings. well 4l.info? thats dumb too bcos 3L.info havent taken off yet so how will 4L.info have any meaningful value? 7N.com? isnt that too many numbers?
there was an there is money in CHIPS....but the right type of chips. not just any random "chips"dot whatever.
Love the points some made about patience. Domainers with no patience should get out, or sell cheap and move on. obviously lack of patience is a game over for a domainer.
But domainers always lose money when they follow hype with no fundamentals AND lack patience for the right names to mature. This thread is irritating...because most of the losses peope ar reporting are from very naive mistakes. So the thread is misleading. chips didnt make people lose money, people lost money because of poor understanding of chips and believing WHAT they wanted to believ eabout them not the realities about them. am out.
I know it was a hype. I posted to warn people but not too many listen.
I sold all mine during the hype and made very nice profit.

Same here. I had about 20 4L .com domains which I set up on both Godaddy Auctions or Sedo and made some nice profit on those between Sep 2015 and Dec 2015. But the temptation to buy and flip in that market was definitely great. I didnt thought. I didnt reinvest either - just paid bills.
Chips was good untill people went into investing 7N, 8N, 5L

Total Domains
7N - 10,000,000 Domains
8N - 100,000,000 Domains
5L - 11,881,376 Domains

7N - 2,097,152 Domains
8N - 16,777,216 Domains
5L - 3,200,000 Domains
and these are literally the reasons why people lost money. People dumped cash into 5L.coms? sorrry thats plain stupid. supply is sooo huge, there's only so much money ina few slim pickings. well 4l.info? thats dumb too bcos 3L.info havent taken off yet so how will 4L.info have any meaningful value? 7N.com? isnt that too many numbers?
there was an there is money in CHIPS....but the right type of chips. not just any random "chips"dot whatever.
Love the points some made about patience. Domainers with no patience should get out, or sell cheap and move on. obviously lack of patience is a game over for a domainer.
But domainers always lose money when they follow hype with no fundamentals AND lack patience for the right names to mature. This thread is irritating...because most of the losses peope ar reporting are from very naive mistakes. So the thread is misleading. chips didnt make people lose money, people lost money because of poor understanding of chips and believing WHAT they wanted to believ eabout them not the realities about them. am out.
About myself $9k-$10k., and 400 domains

I'm curious to know if you lost 9-10k including profits you made from some previous chips or if you simply had a write off from your residual inventory.

It's difficult to profit from any single domain, and in many cases, profits from some domains will compensate losses from some others.
All useless investment.
In the last 7 days:
- 5L.com Chips: 1,384 domains dropped, 228 domains registered, 1,156 available.
- 4 Characters.com Chips: 540 domains dropped, 138 domains registered, 402 available.
About 500 or so but hopefully I'll be able to sell a few of them at near cost price to reduce this amount!

ETA: Actually, not all were in CHIPs. A significant portion of the $500 mentioned above were in LLNN.COMs which also were CHIPs.
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All useless investment.
In the last 7 days:
- 5L.com Chips: 1,384 domains dropped, 228 domains registered, 1,156 available.
- 4 Characters.com Chips: 540 domains dropped, 138 domains registered, 402 available.

and now please let me know which 4L.com are available
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NN Chips
LL Chipps
That so called Chips.

why do you confuse the discussion?

LL.com is a chip
NN.com is a chip



are not
why do you confuse the discussion?

LL.com is a chip
NN.com is a chip



are not
I am not confuse at all, it seems you are who confused.
I mean by LL (Letters) and NN (Numbers)
The 4 characters Chips as I know is the combination of L (letters) and N (numbers) without (04aeiouv)
So regarding the examples you have mentioned:
6tb3.com is Chips
37ct.com is Chips
ld24.com Not Chips (Containing 4)
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I am not confuse at all, it seems you are who confused.
I mean by LL (Letters) and NN (Numbers)
The 4 characters Chips as I know is the combination of L (letters) and N (numbers) without (04aeiouv)
So regarding the examples you have mentioned:
6tb3.com is Chips
37ct.com is Chips
ld24.com Not Chips (Containing 4)

"6tb3.com is Chips
37ct.com is Chips"

sorry those are no CHIPS for me
and of course those drop and stay unregistered

but that is not usefull in a CHIP discussion
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6tb3.com is Chips
37ct.com is Chips

sorry those are no CHIPS for me
and of course those drop and stay unregistered

but that is not usefull in a CHIP discussion
No problem, thank you anyway for sharing the thread.
I dont hold many chips but am sure holders will see green again in a few years. Patience is key...
If end users are not buying this $@#%! Why should you?
If end users are not buying this $@#%! Why should you?
Ha ha ....you should have said that a year ago, doubt anyone would have listened at that point though
Feeling sad for all my friends here who lost money in chips hype.
I purchased few llll chips in sept15 and sold them for double price in next 90 days.
Made a profit of about $13500 with 19 domains i sold.
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