
information From LinkedIn to Chinese domain names

Spaceship Spaceship


Hand-picked NewsTop Member
I use LinkedIn almost everyday. It is the only foreign social network that I know has entered China successfully. Its growth has been explosive — being propelled by Chinese executives eager to connect with the outside world. I like this trend so much that I have started writing about domain names in Chinese to cater to my large number of Chinese connections.
Since my interest is domain names, I wanted to see how these companies are using domain names. For each company on the list, I entered its Chinese name into Baidu and checked its domain names used. Here’s the result...
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Great article @Kassey Lee
enjoyed this line
"Notice that these companies are also top brands. As the saying goes: when the brands lead, the rest follow. Therefore, in the foreseeable future, .com will continue to be the best choice as domain extension for businesses in China."
i think we all must learn chinese language soon...
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