Do you believe in God

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kunal kumar

New Member
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Go to a hospital, ask where the kids with cancer are, go there, then ask yourself if there is a need for asking that question

I would assume from your post you don't believe in God?
So because there is cancer in children that equals = no god. Interesting.

I have to get to my day job but I'll be back on tonight. I'm sure this thread will be a lot longer by then.
It's not so much that I don't believe in God, it's that I dislike him. It's possible that he created us and just went on holidays for a few million years. If he's aware of what's happening on this planet, he deserves to be fired because he's doing a lousy job. But, if he is outta town, maybe he'll (no pun intended) come back one day and fix the problems he created.
More likely we are responsible and have that duty.. Whilst he's away.. I think we chose the duty before we arrived ;) But many forgot...
Infractions will be given if this continues :(
i worn him alot of time and he started .
who started is irrelevant you are both now breaking the rules

Please stop
Hi guys Interesting subject :)
May I just remind you while debate is healthy and encouraged personal attacks are not

Thank you

words are more powerful
There was god
There is god
There will be god

Everyone is just entitled to give their opinion.
prove God !
i worn him alot of time and he started .
Just a polite debate my friend "Worn" has to be "Warn"? Past tense = "Warned"?
So because there is cancer in children that equals = no god. Interesting.

I have to get to my day job but I'll be back on tonight. I'm sure this thread will be a lot longer by then.

I won't get into a discussion about this, I respect your beliefs, please respect mine. Thanks
Just a polite debate my friend "Worn" has to be "Warn"? Past tense = "Warned"?
do u know something about polite lol learn how to be spechless man not like ur way .

so there is NO God !!!
Screen Shot 2016-04-22 at 8.53.04 PM.png

one more lesson

English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England and is now a global lingua franca.[4][5] English is either the official language or an official language in almost 60 sovereign states. It is the most commonly spoken language in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand, and it is widely spoken in some areas of the Caribbean, Africa, and South Asia.[6] It is the third most common native language in the world, after Mandarin and Spanish.[7] It is the most widely learned second language and is an official language of the United Nations, of the European Union, and of many other world and regional international organisations.

English has developed over the course of more than 1,400 years. The earliest forms of English, a set of Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to Great Britain by Anglo-Saxon settlers in the fifth century, are called Old English. Middle English began in the late 11th century with the Norman conquest of England.[8] Early Modern English began in the late 15th century with the introduction of the printing press to London and the King James Bible as well as the Great Vowel Shift.[9] Through the worldwide influence of the British Empire, modern English spread around the world from the 17th to mid-20th centuries. Through all types of printed and electronic media, as well as the emergence of the United States as a global superpower, English has become the leading language of international discourse and the lingua franca in many regions and in professional contexts such as science, navigation, and law.[10]

Modern English has little inflection compared with many other languages, and relies on auxiliary verbs and word order for the expression of complex tenses, aspect and mood, as well as passive constructions, interrogatives and some negation. Despite noticeable variation among the accents and dialects of English used in different countries and regions – in terms of phonetics and phonology, and sometimes also vocabulary, grammar and spelling – English speakers from around the world are able to communicate with one another effectively.

so please don,t think in english
don,t think there is a God

there is no God
there was no God
there will be no God

The invention of God by MAN

Has anyone ever wondered why Man created GOD in his own image? Or which really is the blunder? IF the blunder was God creation of Man (because he regretted it according to the bible) or Man creation of GOD. Though from what I could deduct from the bible man created God in his own image! Knowing fully well none of the authors of the scripture met this imaginary God one or one than to picture a super-being according to their limited imaginations at the time of writing the scriptures.

I think this is the first thing we should consider before really going into the religions that later sprung up after the believe in the man in the sky. Though I will like to agree that the invention of God have been to some extent helpful to the human race i.e in civilization and union of human societies or communities from time to time. But still the same as caused wars and conflicts. Imagine what Moses would say today if he was able to fly in an airplane and found out there was nobody behind the clouds lol.

Men created God back when they couldn’t find answers for simplest things like gravity. Everything we know about God has been told to us by fellow human beings. It is bound to be filtered and colored by human perceptions. It will also be shaped by the motives of those who do the telling.

Some people take the Bible to be the literal word of God, and Mohamed claimed to have written down direct dictation from Allah, these claims are only assertions of authority, backed by nothing outside themselves (the authors). We can choose to accept, or reject the claims. I reject the claims of divine authorship. As I can as well claim that this material I’m typing is being inspired divinely too!

Some people will be very sad at the discovery of their own child having imaginary friend; which is not far from what they do in the practice of religions themselves. Having to talk to invisible creatures they believe somewhat protects them. Who is actually passive until some coincidence happens and they give him credits for it. And give DEVIL credit for whatever seem to be evil to them. Because if you just got robbed the thieves will say “Thank God I didn’t get caught” and You will say ”Damn the devil remembered me today  “

It is perfectly awesome to have a God to set up a better morality into people if the fear of an invisible creature would put them on-check than the government system itself. As some people fear HELL which nobody has ever been to than the JAIL/justice system in place.

But if God already knows the future, then humanity is destined to corroborate with his knowledge of the future and not have true free will to deviate from it. Therefore our ‘free will’ contradicts an omniscient god. As it means that I can do things to SURPRISE God. Lol And Gawd will open is mouth and say HA!!!! Na Wa oh! Even him will say “God dey sha” because something must have created God and there will be God of Gods xxxxx …. ad infinitum.

My proofs that Man created GOD in their own image according to the bible are as follows:
- Jealousy (His ego doesn't allow competition and wants to be the only GOD, he kinda admits there are other gods then)
- Hatred /Discrimination / Racism (How he preferred Isrealites)
- Anger (He was mad at Adam and Eve for having sex) several occasion where he showed his anger
- Regret (when he regretted creating man means he’s not omniscient.)

Well in my conclusion I may hold an agnostic view that the lack of evidence that a God may exist doesn’t mean the later doesn’t exist. Or maybe it’s just still not proof-able at the moment and may later be proofed as human gain more knowledge about the matter of the Existence of God. But confidently I can argue that a God according to the existing mainstream scriptures is very implausible in its contradictory attributes. As it is logically impossible to have omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, transcendence and omnibenevolence in one package. This is logically contradictory, incomprehensible, or absurd, and therefore the existence of such a god is a priori false.
s God the best invention of man or worst one?
9 Answers
Barry Hampe, Octogenarian & lifelong atheist (from a Christian family)
4.6k Views • Upvoted by Dan Holliday and Brad Neumyer
Barry has 2280+ answers and 7 endorsements in Religion
Neither one. Gods were invented to fill two needs:
  1. As an explanation for things that prescientific humans did not understand. (GodDidIt!)
  2. As a means of social control.

Both have long since been superseded by science and law. But the structure of the god myth remains in various religions.

One of the greatest inventions of humans is the horse collar, which made possible farming, cities, leisure, education, and science.

One of the worst was slavery.

Gods probably rank below the invention of beer and somewhere above the invention of the lawn mower.
Updated 5 Sep 2013View Upvotes
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More Answers Below

Sudhendu Pandey
, Non religious. Darwinist. Rationalist. Atheist. Stardust.
474 Views • Sudhendu has 90+ answers in Religion
This question would be best if asked, is God a useful or useless invention

Barry Hampe has already listed the need of God. I will touch it once though.

Is God greatest invention? Yes.

When we humans were settling in groups and society, and the society was constituted by people who were not kin or close-kin, it was very difficult to maintain a social order. I mean, how do you convince somebody to be good and altruist, when that somebody is not your relative. How do you synchronize your curiosity to your knowledge. Well you create something that can be a place holder for all the question and authority you ever needed. God.

Is God worst invention? Yes.

The idea of God is obsolete now. Today, it create more problems than it actually solves. Looking at today's scientific works, God is really not invited to any party. So if you consider for now, God is creating some of the most ugliest unnecessary issues of our time. It is hampering the God of one of the most accessible way of understanding nature, science. If not directly, God is the agent for lot of unrest.
Written 6 Sep 2013View Upvotes

Arun Singh
, Once an engineer, now a banker. Both by chance.
I believe that God is one of the best inventions ever made by mankind.

It has controlled the minds of millions and millions of people making them conform to one ideal. It has passed the test of time as well; been there since the starting of mankind and existing till date.

Inventions were made and forgotten, but God is immortal, the greatest of them all.
Written 20 Nov 2013

Ron Fox
, biker, witch, engineer
I agree with the two reasons cited. But I think there is at least one more. There appears to be a psycholgical need in the human subconscious for gods. Perhaps something to make us, and the happenings in our lives, more important, more connected to a great power so that we are not that insignificant anymore
Written 1 Oct 2013View Upvotes

Daniel Super
, If you want to get technical, I'm an Ignostic Anti-theist.
I think invention isn't the right word, it implies that god/gods/religions were deliberately and explicitly created by individuals rather than being natural products of the evolution of our pattern matching reasoning language using brains.
Written 4 Sep 2013View Upvotes

Karthik Balakrishnan
, Pretend Assassin
I guess "God" was an okay story to help people cope with life's uncertainty.

However, religion was not.
Written Sep 6, 2013View Upvotes

David Bump
, Child of 1960 and godly parents
No, Man is the best of God's inventions. Man is also responsible for the worst thing that ever happened, and the best. Like many great inventions, the potential for both good and evil are great. The world is woven of paradoxes, although one of them is that ultimately there can be no paradox. It's a human limitation thing.
For those who think God is an invention, I'm sorry, but that is just a statement of faith; there's no record of God being invented by man. As someone pointed out, even in atheistic evolutionary terms the idea of God appears to be part of our early social development, lost in the mists of time. There are even artifacts dated long before writing and major settlements that could well be religious in nature. And, like Man, "God" has lead to both great evil and great good. Religion has shaped our notions of good and evil. There's no telling how many things would change or even reverse -- as different cultures with different gods have had very different views of good and evil. If you look at the history of people who thought they were putting their Reason alongside or above God, or were guiding governmental policies by "scientific principles," you'll find a number of terrible things were done with such good intentions.
Written Oct 4, 2013View Upvotes

Melissa Grant

The invention of God was neither best nor worst. The mistake was giving him human characteristics such as the desire to punish, coupled with unlimited power.
Written Feb 11, 2014

If we are talking about just God and not religion:

Let me tell you the story of an egotistical being, he thought that because he could think he was definitely "special". And his ego was further inflated, but with natural physical limits came the limitations on how big his ego could become, but in his heart he knew he was special. He used his mighty imagination, how could he be more than what he was now, which he knew deep inside was as pathetic an existence as any other. And it struck him, if there was an all powerful being that gave a damn about him, there could be nothing more. And he cooked up God and became special by association.

Whether you think it's the best or the worst thing he ever imagines would depend on how you weigh this infinite pool against maybe just maybe getting distracted from ever imagining something bigger.
Written Oct 4, 2013
Related Questions
Related Questions
A debate of perennial interest, addressing one of the oldest questions posed to religious believers—if God made everything, who made God?

Most recently leveled by the New Atheists, the question of the likelihood that God is a human invention was first asked in ancient Greece and has preoccupied religious believers for centuries ever since. Here, renowned scholar Robert Banks explores the history of this objection—from its earliest vocalization in the ancient world to its most famous advocates, including Freud, Marx, and others—and offers compelling evidence that takes both sides of the argument into account. Ideal for those with a general interest in New Atheism or for those studying religion, this informative guide will offer readers the chance to sort out once and for all what—if any—elements of their idea of God are man-made.

u have changed ur subject from to
and u brought thing and when u see what i have what i posted u removed it directly .
i think u know english u dont need to read arabic
plz kindly listen to this and reply me ..
u have changed ur subject from to
and u brought thing and when u see what i have what i posted u removed it directly .
not me NP changed it
they deleted my post

one more lesson

English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England and is now a global lingua franca.[4][5] English is either the official language or an official language in almost 60 sovereign states. It is the most commonly spoken language in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand, and it is widely spoken in some areas of the Caribbean, Africa, and South Asia.[6] It is the third most common native language in the world, after Mandarin and Spanish.[7] It is the most widely learned second language and is an official language of the United Nations, of the European Union, and of many other world and regional international organisations.

English has developed over the course of more than 1,400 years. The earliest forms of English, a set of Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to Great Britain by Anglo-Saxon settlers in the fifth century, are called Old English. Middle English began in the late 11th century with the Norman conquest of England.[8] Early Modern English began in the late 15th century with the introduction of the printing press to London and the King James Bible as well as the Great Vowel Shift.[9] Through the worldwide influence of the British Empire, modern English spread around the world from the 17th to mid-20th centuries. Through all types of printed and electronic media, as well as the emergence of the United States as a global superpower, English has become the leading language of international discourse and the lingua franca in many regions and in professional contexts such as science, navigation, and law.[10]

Modern English has little inflection compared with many other languages, and relies on auxiliary verbs and word order for the expression of complex tenses, aspect and mood, as well as passive constructions, interrogatives and some negation. Despite noticeable variation among the accents and dialects of English used in different countries and regions – in terms of phonetics and phonology, and sometimes also vocabulary, grammar and spelling – English speakers from around the world are able to communicate with one another effectively.

so please don,t think in english
don,t think there is a God

there is no God
there was no God
there will be no God

The invention of God by MAN

Has anyone ever wondered why Man created GOD in his own image? Or which really is the blunder? IF the blunder was God creation of Man (because he regretted it according to the bible) or Man creation of GOD. Though from what I could deduct from the bible man created God in his own image! Knowing fully well none of the authors of the scripture met this imaginary God one or one than to picture a super-being according to their limited imaginations at the time of writing the scriptures.

I think this is the first thing we should consider before really going into the religions that later sprung up after the believe in the man in the sky. Though I will like to agree that the invention of God have been to some extent helpful to the human race i.e in civilization and union of human societies or communities from time to time. But still the same as caused wars and conflicts. Imagine what Moses would say today if he was able to fly in an airplane and found out there was nobody behind the clouds lol.

Men created God back when they couldn’t find answers for simplest things like gravity. Everything we know about God has been told to us by fellow human beings. It is bound to be filtered and colored by human perceptions. It will also be shaped by the motives of those who do the telling.

Some people take the Bible to be the literal word of God, and Mohamed claimed to have written down direct dictation from Allah, these claims are only assertions of authority, backed by nothing outside themselves (the authors). We can choose to accept, or reject the claims. I reject the claims of divine authorship. As I can as well claim that this material I’m typing is being inspired divinely too!

Some people will be very sad at the discovery of their own child having imaginary friend; which is not far from what they do in the practice of religions themselves. Having to talk to invisible creatures they believe somewhat protects them. Who is actually passive until some coincidence happens and they give him credits for it. And give DEVIL credit for whatever seem to be evil to them. Because if you just got robbed the thieves will say “Thank God I didn’t get caught” and You will say ”Damn the devil remembered me today  “

It is perfectly awesome to have a God to set up a better morality into people if the fear of an invisible creature would put them on-check than the government system itself. As some people fear HELL which nobody has ever been to than the JAIL/justice system in place.

But if God already knows the future, then humanity is destined to corroborate with his knowledge of the future and not have true free will to deviate from it. Therefore our ‘free will’ contradicts an omniscient god. As it means that I can do things to SURPRISE God. Lol And Gawd will open is mouth and say HA!!!! Na Wa oh! Even him will say “God dey sha” because something must have created God and there will be God of Gods xxxxx …. ad infinitum.

My proofs that Man created GOD in their own image according to the bible are as follows:
- Jealousy (His ego doesn't allow competition and wants to be the only GOD, he kinda admits there are other gods then)
- Hatred /Discrimination / Racism (How he preferred Isrealites)
- Anger (He was mad at Adam and Eve for having sex) several occasion where he showed his anger
- Regret (when he regretted creating man means he’s not omniscient.)

Well in my conclusion I may hold an agnostic view that the lack of evidence that a God may exist doesn’t mean the later doesn’t exist. Or maybe it’s just still not proof-able at the moment and may later be proofed as human gain more knowledge about the matter of the Existence of God. But confidently I can argue that a God according to the existing mainstream scriptures is very implausible in its contradictory attributes. As it is logically impossible to have omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, transcendence and omnibenevolence in one package. This is logically contradictory, incomprehensible, or absurd, and therefore the existence of such a god is a priori false.
s God the best invention of man or worst one?
9 Answers
Barry Hampe, Octogenarian & lifelong atheist (from a Christian family)
4.6k Views • Upvoted by Dan Holliday and Brad Neumyer
Barry has 2280+ answers and 7 endorsements in Religion
Neither one. Gods were invented to fill two needs:
  1. As an explanation for things that prescientific humans did not understand. (GodDidIt!)
  2. As a means of social control.

Both have long since been superseded by science and law. But the structure of the god myth remains in various religions.

One of the greatest inventions of humans is the horse collar, which made possible farming, cities, leisure, education, and science.

One of the worst was slavery.

Gods probably rank below the invention of beer and somewhere above the invention of the lawn mower.
Updated 5 Sep 2013View Upvotes
Related Questions
More Answers Below

Sudhendu Pandey
, Non religious. Darwinist. Rationalist. Atheist. Stardust.
474 Views • Sudhendu has 90+ answers in Religion
This question would be best if asked, is God a useful or useless invention

Barry Hampe has already listed the need of God. I will touch it once though.

Is God greatest invention? Yes.

When we humans were settling in groups and society, and the society was constituted by people who were not kin or close-kin, it was very difficult to maintain a social order. I mean, how do you convince somebody to be good and altruist, when that somebody is not your relative. How do you synchronize your curiosity to your knowledge. Well you create something that can be a place holder for all the question and authority you ever needed. God.

Is God worst invention? Yes.

The idea of God is obsolete now. Today, it create more problems than it actually solves. Looking at today's scientific works, God is really not invited to any party. So if you consider for now, God is creating some of the most ugliest unnecessary issues of our time. It is hampering the God of one of the most accessible way of understanding nature, science. If not directly, God is the agent for lot of unrest.
Written 6 Sep 2013View Upvotes

Arun Singh
, Once an engineer, now a banker. Both by chance.
I believe that God is one of the best inventions ever made by mankind.

It has controlled the minds of millions and millions of people making them conform to one ideal. It has passed the test of time as well; been there since the starting of mankind and existing till date.

Inventions were made and forgotten, but God is immortal, the greatest of them all.
Written 20 Nov 2013

Ron Fox
, biker, witch, engineer
I agree with the two reasons cited. But I think there is at least one more. There appears to be a psycholgical need in the human subconscious for gods. Perhaps something to make us, and the happenings in our lives, more important, more connected to a great power so that we are not that insignificant anymore
Written 1 Oct 2013View Upvotes

Daniel Super
, If you want to get technical, I'm an Ignostic Anti-theist.
I think invention isn't the right word, it implies that god/gods/religions were deliberately and explicitly created by individuals rather than being natural products of the evolution of our pattern matching reasoning language using brains.
Written 4 Sep 2013View Upvotes

Karthik Balakrishnan
, Pretend Assassin
I guess "God" was an okay story to help people cope with life's uncertainty.

However, religion was not.
Written Sep 6, 2013View Upvotes

David Bump
, Child of 1960 and godly parents
No, Man is the best of God's inventions. Man is also responsible for the worst thing that ever happened, and the best. Like many great inventions, the potential for both good and evil are great. The world is woven of paradoxes, although one of them is that ultimately there can be no paradox. It's a human limitation thing.
For those who think God is an invention, I'm sorry, but that is just a statement of faith; there's no record of God being invented by man. As someone pointed out, even in atheistic evolutionary terms the idea of God appears to be part of our early social development, lost in the mists of time. There are even artifacts dated long before writing and major settlements that could well be religious in nature. And, like Man, "God" has lead to both great evil and great good. Religion has shaped our notions of good and evil. There's no telling how many things would change or even reverse -- as different cultures with different gods have had very different views of good and evil. If you look at the history of people who thought they were putting their Reason alongside or above God, or were guiding governmental policies by "scientific principles," you'll find a number of terrible things were done with such good intentions.
Written Oct 4, 2013View Upvotes

Melissa Grant

The invention of God was neither best nor worst. The mistake was giving him human characteristics such as the desire to punish, coupled with unlimited power.
Written Feb 11, 2014

If we are talking about just God and not religion:

Let me tell you the story of an egotistical being, he thought that because he could think he was definitely "special". And his ego was further inflated, but with natural physical limits came the limitations on how big his ego could become, but in his heart he knew he was special. He used his mighty imagination, how could he be more than what he was now, which he knew deep inside was as pathetic an existence as any other. And it struck him, if there was an all powerful being that gave a damn about him, there could be nothing more. And he cooked up God and became special by association.

Whether you think it's the best or the worst thing he ever imagines would depend on how you weigh this infinite pool against maybe just maybe getting distracted from ever imagining something bigger.
Written Oct 4, 2013
Related Questions
Related Questions
A debate of perennial interest, addressing one of the oldest questions posed to religious believers—if God made everything, who made God?

Most recently leveled by the New Atheists, the question of the likelihood that God is a human invention was first asked in ancient Greece and has preoccupied religious believers for centuries ever since. Here, renowned scholar Robert Banks explores the history of this objection—from its earliest vocalization in the ancient world to its most famous advocates, including Freud, Marx, and others—and offers compelling evidence that takes both sides of the argument into account. Ideal for those with a general interest in New Atheism or for those studying religion, this informative guide will offer readers the chance to sort out once and for all what—if any—elements of their idea of God are man-made.

i think u know english u dont need to read arabic translating
plz kindly listen here to find ur question and this for all
i think u know english u dont need to read arabic translating
plz kindly listen here to find ur question and this for all
no need
I belong to God. I trust in God.
i think u know english u dont need to read arabic
plz kindly listen to this and reply me ..
No propoganda plz
i think u know english u dont need to read arabic translating
plz kindly listen here to find ur question and this for all
if you were born in the US you would believe in Jesus. Think about that for a minute.

one more lesson

English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England and is now a global lingua franca.[4][5] English is either the official language or an official language in almost 60 sovereign states. It is the most commonly spoken language in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand, and it is widely spoken in some areas of the Caribbean, Africa, and South Asia.[6] It is the third most common native language in the world, after Mandarin and Spanish.[7] It is the most widely learned second language and is an official language of the United Nations, of the European Union, and of many other world and regional international organisations.

English has developed over the course of more than 1,400 years. The earliest forms of English, a set of Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to Great Britain by Anglo-Saxon settlers in the fifth century, are called Old English. Middle English began in the late 11th century with the Norman conquest of England.[8] Early Modern English began in the late 15th century with the introduction of the printing press to London and the King James Bible as well as the Great Vowel Shift.[9] Through the worldwide influence of the British Empire, modern English spread around the world from the 17th to mid-20th centuries. Through all types of printed and electronic media, as well as the emergence of the United States as a global superpower, English has become the leading language of international discourse and the lingua franca in many regions and in professional contexts such as science, navigation, and law.[10]

Modern English has little inflection compared with many other languages, and relies on auxiliary verbs and word order for the expression of complex tenses, aspect and mood, as well as passive constructions, interrogatives and some negation. Despite noticeable variation among the accents and dialects of English used in different countries and regions – in terms of phonetics and phonology, and sometimes also vocabulary, grammar and spelling – English speakers from around the world are able to communicate with one another effectively.

so please don,t think in english
don,t think there is a God

there is no God
there was no God
there will be no God

The invention of God by MAN

Has anyone ever wondered why Man created GOD in his own image? Or which really is the blunder? IF the blunder was God creation of Man (because he regretted it according to the bible) or Man creation of GOD. Though from what I could deduct from the bible man created God in his own image! Knowing fully well none of the authors of the scripture met this imaginary God one or one than to picture a super-being according to their limited imaginations at the time of writing the scriptures.

I think this is the first thing we should consider before really going into the religions that later sprung up after the believe in the man in the sky. Though I will like to agree that the invention of God have been to some extent helpful to the human race i.e in civilization and union of human societies or communities from time to time. But still the same as caused wars and conflicts. Imagine what Moses would say today if he was able to fly in an airplane and found out there was nobody behind the clouds lol.

Men created God back when they couldn’t find answers for simplest things like gravity. Everything we know about God has been told to us by fellow human beings. It is bound to be filtered and colored by human perceptions. It will also be shaped by the motives of those who do the telling.

Some people take the Bible to be the literal word of God, and Mohamed claimed to have written down direct dictation from Allah, these claims are only assertions of authority, backed by nothing outside themselves (the authors). We can choose to accept, or reject the claims. I reject the claims of divine authorship. As I can as well claim that this material I’m typing is being inspired divinely too!

Some people will be very sad at the discovery of their own child having imaginary friend; which is not far from what they do in the practice of religions themselves. Having to talk to invisible creatures they believe somewhat protects them. Who is actually passive until some coincidence happens and they give him credits for it. And give DEVIL credit for whatever seem to be evil to them. Because if you just got robbed the thieves will say “Thank God I didn’t get caught” and You will say ”Damn the devil remembered me today  “

It is perfectly awesome to have a God to set up a better morality into people if the fear of an invisible creature would put them on-check than the government system itself. As some people fear HELL which nobody has ever been to than the JAIL/justice system in place.

But if God already knows the future, then humanity is destined to corroborate with his knowledge of the future and not have true free will to deviate from it. Therefore our ‘free will’ contradicts an omniscient god. As it means that I can do things to SURPRISE God. Lol And Gawd will open is mouth and say HA!!!! Na Wa oh! Even him will say “God dey sha” because something must have created God and there will be God of Gods xxxxx …. ad infinitum.

My proofs that Man created GOD in their own image according to the bible are as follows:
- Jealousy (His ego doesn't allow competition and wants to be the only GOD, he kinda admits there are other gods then)
- Hatred /Discrimination / Racism (How he preferred Isrealites)
- Anger (He was mad at Adam and Eve for having sex) several occasion where he showed his anger
- Regret (when he regretted creating man means he’s not omniscient.)

Well in my conclusion I may hold an agnostic view that the lack of evidence that a God may exist doesn’t mean the later doesn’t exist. Or maybe it’s just still not proof-able at the moment and may later be proofed as human gain more knowledge about the matter of the Existence of God. But confidently I can argue that a God according to the existing mainstream scriptures is very implausible in its contradictory attributes. As it is logically impossible to have omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, transcendence and omnibenevolence in one package. This is logically contradictory, incomprehensible, or absurd, and therefore the existence of such a god is a priori false.
s God the best invention of man or worst one?
9 Answers
Barry Hampe, Octogenarian & lifelong atheist (from a Christian family)
4.6k Views • Upvoted by Dan Holliday and Brad Neumyer
Barry has 2280+ answers and 7 endorsements in Religion
Neither one. Gods were invented to fill two needs:
  1. As an explanation for things that prescientific humans did not understand. (GodDidIt!)
  2. As a means of social control.

Both have long since been superseded by science and law. But the structure of the god myth remains in various religions.

One of the greatest inventions of humans is the horse collar, which made possible farming, cities, leisure, education, and science.

One of the worst was slavery.

Gods probably rank below the invention of beer and somewhere above the invention of the lawn mower.
Updated 5 Sep 2013View Upvotes
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Sudhendu Pandey
, Non religious. Darwinist. Rationalist. Atheist. Stardust.
474 Views • Sudhendu has 90+ answers in Religion
This question would be best if asked, is God a useful or useless invention

Barry Hampe has already listed the need of God. I will touch it once though.

Is God greatest invention? Yes.

When we humans were settling in groups and society, and the society was constituted by people who were not kin or close-kin, it was very difficult to maintain a social order. I mean, how do you convince somebody to be good and altruist, when that somebody is not your relative. How do you synchronize your curiosity to your knowledge. Well you create something that can be a place holder for all the question and authority you ever needed. God.

Is God worst invention? Yes.

The idea of God is obsolete now. Today, it create more problems than it actually solves. Looking at today's scientific works, God is really not invited to any party. So if you consider for now, God is creating some of the most ugliest unnecessary issues of our time. It is hampering the God of one of the most accessible way of understanding nature, science. If not directly, God is the agent for lot of unrest.
Written 6 Sep 2013View Upvotes

Arun Singh
, Once an engineer, now a banker. Both by chance.
I believe that God is one of the best inventions ever made by mankind.

It has controlled the minds of millions and millions of people making them conform to one ideal. It has passed the test of time as well; been there since the starting of mankind and existing till date.

Inventions were made and forgotten, but God is immortal, the greatest of them all.
Written 20 Nov 2013

Ron Fox
, biker, witch, engineer
I agree with the two reasons cited. But I think there is at least one more. There appears to be a psycholgical need in the human subconscious for gods. Perhaps something to make us, and the happenings in our lives, more important, more connected to a great power so that we are not that insignificant anymore
Written 1 Oct 2013View Upvotes

Daniel Super
, If you want to get technical, I'm an Ignostic Anti-theist.
I think invention isn't the right word, it implies that god/gods/religions were deliberately and explicitly created by individuals rather than being natural products of the evolution of our pattern matching reasoning language using brains.
Written 4 Sep 2013View Upvotes

Karthik Balakrishnan
, Pretend Assassin
I guess "God" was an okay story to help people cope with life's uncertainty.

However, religion was not.
Written Sep 6, 2013View Upvotes

David Bump
, Child of 1960 and godly parents
No, Man is the best of God's inventions. Man is also responsible for the worst thing that ever happened, and the best. Like many great inventions, the potential for both good and evil are great. The world is woven of paradoxes, although one of them is that ultimately there can be no paradox. It's a human limitation thing.
For those who think God is an invention, I'm sorry, but that is just a statement of faith; there's no record of God being invented by man. As someone pointed out, even in atheistic evolutionary terms the idea of God appears to be part of our early social development, lost in the mists of time. There are even artifacts dated long before writing and major settlements that could well be religious in nature. And, like Man, "God" has lead to both great evil and great good. Religion has shaped our notions of good and evil. There's no telling how many things would change or even reverse -- as different cultures with different gods have had very different views of good and evil. If you look at the history of people who thought they were putting their Reason alongside or above God, or were guiding governmental policies by "scientific principles," you'll find a number of terrible things were done with such good intentions.
Written Oct 4, 2013View Upvotes

Melissa Grant

The invention of God was neither best nor worst. The mistake was giving him human characteristics such as the desire to punish, coupled with unlimited power.
Written Feb 11, 2014

If we are talking about just God and not religion:

Let me tell you the story of an egotistical being, he thought that because he could think he was definitely "special". And his ego was further inflated, but with natural physical limits came the limitations on how big his ego could become, but in his heart he knew he was special. He used his mighty imagination, how could he be more than what he was now, which he knew deep inside was as pathetic an existence as any other. And it struck him, if there was an all powerful being that gave a damn about him, there could be nothing more. And he cooked up God and became special by association.

Whether you think it's the best or the worst thing he ever imagines would depend on how you weigh this infinite pool against maybe just maybe getting distracted from ever imagining something bigger.
Written Oct 4, 2013
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