
Anyone come across these guys ?

Spaceship Spaceship


First Time Poster !VIP Member
I was trawling through an expired domain list just passin time and realised that the following company seems to reg just about anything and almost everything.

It seemed like at least every other one is now parked by them - even when i checked the really really crap ones - yes - they have it.

Its weired !! :alien:

some of the terrible names IMO are as follows


- and Yes – this one ?


their website says the following -

www.kenyatech.com is an international domain name reseller portal. We offer our clients an excellent, ever-growing selection of high quality domain names - names that are not available through traditional domain name registrars.

Kentech specializes in after-market domain names, meaning Kentech has acquired the right to resell these domains to you at discounted rates from an existing domain name registrant. These domain names are exclusively brought to you by Kenyatech.com and are not for sale elsewhere on the Internet.

Any thoughts on this lot ? :-/ Do you think they get every one than is not backordered by anyone ?
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DomainPump said:
I will go further to assume they are terrorist connected. Call me paranoid but so did many others when I thought someone "stole" the name I searched on only days prior and registered it to Kenyatech.com. Also, I will go so far as saying that they have ties or connections INSIDE some major registrars. They have to in order to lift the WHOIS search database. ... ...I know someone in IT at the DHS and, well, if it turns out that these idiots are terrorist-related then it would be awesome for DHS to round them up and wait for the FBI to arrest them. Who knows, more powerful investigation methods may just prove that this really IS just the tip of some huge, ugly, ice-berg related to terrorism.

I won't exactly call the Kentechers (and their "work force") a bunch of terrorists at this point (due to legal reasons) but I do have to agree with the following evidence:

1) Solares is not an American name. Could be "Arab."

2) The actual boss of Kentech also does not have an American name. Sounds VERY "Arab."

3) Solares and his people work in Lousiana, which is a shithole (even before the hurricane), but to an "Arab" with few other frames of reference, it might seem like a paradise.

4) No average American businessman, even a sneaky domain name hustler, would ever go up against huge American companies like major drug-making businesses and trademark law firms, like Kentech has (see their WIPO decisions on those, which they lost) - but an arrogant, no-respect-having "Arab" might indeed do so.

5) The upshot of their domain-grabbing activities is obviously not merely to hold for ransom some domain names, since after their legal fees are paid from cases of people fighting them, their profit margin, while healthy now, is already shrinking because they're running out of valuable domains, and will result in taking a big bite out of their bottom line in the near future. Therefore their more pressing desire must be for the hoped-for side-effect of their massive domain dealings - that of disrupting, "Arab" style, the otherwise comparatively calm ebb and flow of the internet, largely based in America.

6) That very same (false) concept that bringing down the internet will bring down America, is the same (false) concept the "Arabs" also had in 2001 when they hit the World Trade Center, thinking that destruction in New York would bring down America.


(DISCLAIMER: When I use the term "Arabs," it is meant only as an easy cliched reference to those of radical Middle Eastern extraction who are America-hating terrorists, those who believe that all Americans are the "white devil." It is NOT meant to insult the many thousands of fine, upstanding people of Middle Eastern extraction who do not hate America.)
bluesman said:
Look at it like a supermarket - sure, you might get to the checkstands with your cart full of groceries quicker than another customer, but that other customer can still beat you out the door by having much less in his cart and zipping through the Express Lane line!

Ah-sure, but, with domains there can only be one ABCDEFG.com With TV dinners they're are a whole freezer shelf of "ABCDEFG Frozen Macaroni and Cheese".. Make sense? So when you pull that Mac-n-Cheese off the shelf and put it in your cart, I can do the same 10 minutes later because chances are there are 25 of them on the shelf.

There cant be 25 domain names of the same name on the shelf - which leads me to believe its "first come first served". If I followed your quote above, then when someone pays and leaves the store with "ABCDEFG Frozen Macaroni and Cheese", anyone else who gets to the cash register afterwards is denied "ABCDEFG Frozen Macaroni and Cheese". You can get any other Mac-n-Cheese dinner, just not "ABCDEFG Frozen Macaroni and Cheese". So I am not too sure about freezing a name in a cart. It may not even be allowed. Not sure.

bluesman said:
....Further proof is in the fact that this year when I lost interest in those particular domains and let them expire, sure enough Kentech/Intercosmos snapped them right up.....

also = DIRECTNIC.com as well as others!

bluesman said:
Speaking of Solares, he's just the lawyer that the honchos have running the Louisiana storefront arm of Kentech/Intercosmos. The actual boss(es) are still hiding out in England where it's much safer. So if the cyberpoop hits the fan for them someday, Solares will take the hit for them, not the real Kentech bosses. So he's the media puppet with a target painted on his back - that why he gets paid the big bucks.

ha ha - yea - ok..... big bucks. I've got attorney friends who are going to look into his "credentials" and I've got friends in the media who will check him out too. IF that's his real name at all.

FRONT? yes. Thats already established. There's a front down there alright. If you read their blogs about how they [directnic] stayed online during one of the worst hurricanes known to the USA, you'll read that they had diesel fuel shipped in to keep their generators going and helicopters and all that. Where does a registrar get the money, let alone the ability to hire helicopters and tankers with diesel fuel to get into a city that was already under water and devastated? The fishy smell isnt just the high-water-levels down there.....

There is a LOT more to this than anyone can imagine.

bluesman said:
No, although it might appear that Kentech ran into payment trouble, they have no problem at all in that department (unfortunately) ........ they later cherry-pick through the names to see if they can turn a big enough buck with them. If not, they can afford to drop them.

I've read elsewhere that they've been investigated and convicted on credit card laundering - I have to try and locate the link now.

The amount of data I am unconvering on these losers is staggering. Its like the flood-gates have been opened. (or the levies broken - to put it into terms that DIRECTNIC knows first hand).

bluesman said:
... I registered a dot net version of it and then dropped it - Kentech swarmed right in and bought it!

Yep - its happened to me over 2 dozen times and not one of those names has sold for them. And I've read MANY people complaining about the same thing. Though it looks to be like a normal thing - someone else getting your name after you allow it to drop, its not normal in that its the same morons. And its also the method that those morons use - scanning the databases, somehow(insiders?) and getting access to the data before anyone else.

Lets not forget that Kenyatech = DIRECTNIC.com, a registrar with access to WHOIS data (searches, queries, expirations, etc) and so that these methods of getting to the names may be as simple as we all just breath in and out without thinking.

Question is - how can we shut them down!
DomainPump said:
...I am not too sure about freezing a name in a cart. It may not even be allowed. Not sure.

My description that the name "freezes" in the cart would admitedly not always be the case unless in the example you and your competition were both starting around the same time and both were buying the same small amount of a few domain names. That's when the "first come, first served" rule is in effect. If you'd already put the name in your cart before he did, although you both completed buying the few names around the same time, you'd be the "winner."

The same goes for "domain monitoring," wherein you see that a domain is up for grabs, and order your registrar to "grab" it for you. Yet you later find out that you didn't get the name because some other guy had also ordered his registrar to "grab" the same name, and his registrar was quicker to the punch than your registrar. So there it was "first come, first served" again, only that time you weren't the winner.

But scum like the Kentech Kruds don't like the good ol' American "first come, first served" rule, obviously - so they've done everything in their power to eliminate it. Whether it's bribing workers at registrar companies, bribing bosses at registrar companies, buying entire registrar companies, bribing Whois and their officers - you name it - they do whatever it takes to see that domain name first and grab it, before any average "civiilian" out there even has a CHANCE!

I have to say that the Kentech Kruds (Cougars?) would have made a heck of a football team - for one thing, they'd always have every kick blocked before it even got off the ground!
bluesman said:
I won't exactly call the Kentechers (and their "work force") a bunch of terrorists at this point (due to legal reasons) but I do have to agree with the following evidence:

1) Solares is not an American name. Could be "Arab."

2) The actual boss of Kentech also does not have an American name. Sounds VERY "Arab."

3) Solares and his people work in Lousiana, which is a shithole (even before the hurricane), but to an "Arab" with few other frames of reference, it might seem like a paradise.

4) No average American businessman, even a sneaky domain name hustler, would ever go up against huge American companies like major drug-making businesses and trademark law firms, like Kentech has (see their WIPO decisions on those, which they lost) - but an arrogant, no-respect-having "Arab" might indeed do so.

5) The upshot of their domain-grabbing activities is obviously not merely to hold for ransom some domain names, since after their legal fees are paid from cases of people fighting them, their profit margin, while healthy now, is already shrinking because they're running out of valuable domains, and will result in taking a big bite out of their bottom line in the near future. Therefore their more pressing desire must be for the hoped-for side-effect of their massive domain dealings - that of disrupting, "Arab" style, the otherwise comparatively calm ebb and flow of the internet, largely based in America.

6) That very same (false) concept that bringing down the internet will bring down America, is the same (false) concept the "Arabs" also had in 2001 when they hit the World Trade Center, thinking that destruction in New York would bring down America.


(DISCLAIMER: When I use the term "Arabs," it is meant only as an easy cliched reference to those of radical Middle Eastern extraction who are America-hating terrorists, those who believe that all Americans are the "white devil." It is NOT meant to insult the many thousands of fine, upstanding people of Middle Eastern extraction who do not hate America.)

Well, we're all supposed to keep our eyes open - right? We're all supposed to tell authorities when we see something out of place - right?

Well, thats what we're doing. I agree, they arent terrorists until proven. Personally, I'd like to prove it true OR false before they prove it to be true. I dont want to wake up one day to find out Rome or Hamburg or St. Louis or Carracas - wherever, were blown to bits by a small nuke and the names of the folks that we're toying with here are associated with it!! Paranoid? Maybe... But better off being paranoid than not. I dont trust anyone these days. And thats sad, I know.

So - They're not just in LA anymore. They've moving into Clearwater FL from a post I read on one of those losers' live journal sites. They're gonna go anywhere they can to keep their operation afloat and they'll change names, identities, looks - whatever it takes. Dont want to call them terrorists? I agree, they arent until proven. We'll just call them suspects now.

We have (and they have through their own actions, and judgements against them) already established that they are thieves and run some sort of underground domain hikacking and reselling scheme. A lot of their sites lead us back to this person in the U.K. who seems to be of Arab descent.

I, for one, am positive that their is a link between the U.K. person and the Solares person in New Orleans. IF thats his name and IF he's still there.

I've got to do some real work for a while but I will continue to post what I know here and point to links of other information that I find as well.
bluesman said:
I won't exactly call the Kentechers (and their "work force") a bunch of terrorists at this point (due to legal reasons) but I do have to agree with the following evidence:


read some search results... :) There some 'noise' results in there but there's enough meat in those results to build a large cow from scratch.




there's so much more
My Kenyatech experience

Just to throw another log on the fire.

On Nov. 9th I registered the .com and .org of a very obscure name.
On Nov. 22nd, I thought I would grab the .net as well but to my surprise it had been registered on Nov. 19th by Kenyatech.

I found another forum about the Sigmund Solares link, DirectNic and all of that and the suggestion was made to avoid giving any traffic to the name so I did not search the Kenyatech site for the name.

In the meantime, to check out Kenyatech, I made an offer for $100 for a domain name they were advertising. I got an email back telling me to make a "substantially higher" offer. It was clear these guys are into extortion.

To my surprise, I checked "one last time" with my registrar for the name that I had wanted on November 25th and found the name was now available again and I grabbed it. What a roller coaster.

As far as Kenyatech, what a deceitful group. They grab/temporarily hold names at what must be basically no cost (Otherwise how could they afford to do it). The suggestion that this is done with a stolen/invalid credit card is an interesting one. Once they have the name, the have some algorithm for assessing value and whether to hold on to the name and put it up for sale.

Has anyone heard back from their registrar's about this? I can't believe outfits like Verisign and GoDaddy haven't put some interest into figuring this out. Any legit company would have to cringe at the thought of being shut down by federal regulators for this type of practice. I wonder if the Attorney General of Louisiana would go after them.

I can't believe the plethora of information you have here about Sigmund.

I run www.rederon.net and am working on a class action lawsuit against Mr. Solares. Those of you who have been screwed over by these crooks should sign up for the lawsuit.
You are not alone. Thanks for providing more information! These people are going to be stopped.

Be careful with your site - they've been hijacking and hacking sites that are posting info against them. So they are aware of all the talk now. Serves them right if they thought they'd simply get away with it.

I wouldnt give them a DIME.

Read this and if anyone isnt angry now, maybe this will change your views:

and I found a thread here:

So there's a lot of people out there who are getting quite angry with those folks down in New Orleans. They may be hoping that the storm destroyed their datacenter after we're all done with them!

Rederon said:
I can't believe the plethora of information you have here about Sigmund.

I run www.rederon.net and am working on a class action lawsuit against Mr. Solares. Those of you who have been screwed over by these crooks should sign up for the lawsuit.

I cant believe that he's an actual attorney. He's right there, listed on the Lousiana State Bar! Unless its a coincdence and its the same name as someone else. But with a name like that - it has to be him.

I am trying to find anything pertaining to complaints against his cases and handlings. Should all be public info.

This guy must have been absent the day the brains were being given out. I mean, really - an attorney involved in all of this? Ga!
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HC said:
Just to throw another log on the fire....

Has anyone heard back from their registrar's about this? I can't believe outfits like Verisign and GoDaddy haven't put some interest into figuring this out. Any legit company would have to cringe at the thought of being shut down by federal regulators for this type of practice. I wonder if the Attorney General of Louisiana would go after them.

I have sent GoDaddy.com's abuse department a huge email - with tons of links and evidence similar to your post. I did that 2 weeks ago and still havent heard back. They're probably digesting it all. The customer service folks didnt have a clue as to what I was talking about.

I think the Attorney General of my state (they'll pass it over to LA if necessary), the IRS, the local and regional media outlets as well a trade magazines, online (such as this), other registrars, and ICANN are some of the places I am preparing letters for myself.

The ringleader, Sigmund Solares, is listed on the Louisiana State Bar's web site as an attorney. How many other folks in the New Orleans area have that name? Maybe complaints to that bar association are in order as well.

I agree, there is no way that these guys are operating within the scope of a legal business and any other business would normally be quite worried that they'd be shut down and fast.

Their arrogance might tell us a few things:
1) they potentially have ties/connections into organizations which they feel may protect them
2) they're just plain old stupid and dont give a damn what they're doing.
3) they've already been caught and will be fined or closed down soon and like the dog that is getting sent outside because he crapped on the carpet - why not jump on the counter and take that raw steak waiting be thrown in the oven on your way out the door.

The crazy thing is, DIRECTNIC is a large registrar which has over 1 million domains to its plus-side. I bet a great deal of those folks had no clue who they were sending their money to. I read a LOT of threads where people couldnt transfer out of there or had issues with their expiring names suddenly showing up on one of DIRECTNIC's alias web sites.

If you have any other ideas - post them here!
Rederon said:
I'm not worried about them hijacking my site. Doing that would create criminal charges that I would be more than happy to bring against them.

Oh and want to know how Sigmund Solares gets away with his obvious Violations to ICANN Regulations?

Check this out.


I wish the Hurricane destroyed their little operation. Maybe next year!!! Until then, off to the media with my evidence. :)

Rederon said:

Did you read that link??

"Thanks for the nomination, Ross. I accept the nomination to run for the
Budget Committee.

My statement:

I am the Chief Executuve Officer and part owner of Intercosmos Media Group,
Inc., dba directNIC.com. If elected to this position I will put forth the
effort required to perform an excellent job fulfilling the duties of the
position. Whether I am elected or not, I plan to participate more in the

My disclosure:

I do not have any ownership in any registry and I have not provided any
consulting, management or other services to any registry. The same is true
for Intercosmos Media Group, Inc. We do not have access to any "Registry
sensitive information." I do not have ownership in any registrar other than
Intercosmos. There is no conflict of interest for me to disclose. If at any
time, any of you have questions about any potential or perceived conflicts,
please do not hesitate to come to me.


Sigmund J. Solares, J.D., M.B.A.
Chief Executive Officer
Intercosmos Media Group, Inc."

HE LIED! What a f-ing liar! We'll its no wonder that some of the largest crap of the USA congregates down in New Orleans. Its attracted another piece of sh-t.
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