
.mobi 3GSM & Ronan Cremin of Mobi and more

Spaceship Spaceship

Read at your pleasure, and enjoy, cant wait for March when news of new.mobi, weather.mobi,sports.mobi and ringtones.mobi is announced,
Pls do post any 3gsm .mobi speaches or articles, i have some, will try to dig them up , at some point,



At this morning's keynote session at the 3GSM World Congress in Barcelona, a number of top entertainment executives

voiced their concerns about the industry and challenged the wireless ecosystem of carriers, handset makers and others to

join forces to streamline the mobile content purchase.

<<and more news links, very useful stuff, see above link>>
Dot Mobi Domain Names Are Selling For Big Bucks
February 7th, 2007

list of big sales so far




Posted on: Friday, 16 February 2007, 06:00 CST

Dotmobi Plans Certification and Unveils Directory

MTLD Ltd, the company that operates the .mobi top-level domain, will next month unveil a certification program for all

mobile sites that will be free to join and not restricted to buyers of .mobi sites.

"It will serve as a trust mark and further enable the development of the mobile internet community," said Alexa Raad,

MTLD's VP of marketing and business development. The Dublin, Ireland-based company, which is better known as Dotmobi,

this week announced plans for a directory of mobile sites with information about their content, again not restricted to

.mobi sites.

"There is scant information about mobile content," said Raad. "Though some of the big search engines are rumored to have

carried out research of their own, they haven't shared it." She said that although .mobi sites number only 380 to date,

there are currently some 200,000 mobile sites, which she said compares with around 90 million domain names on fixed lines. That disparity also explains why there is an ample supply of reports on quality, usability, and ease of access

for the fixed-line internet, with companies like Keynote and Gomez specializing in this area.

The idea is to publish information specifically on mobile sites. "We estimate that around 35% to 38% of sites have good, multilayered content rather than just operating as parking sites," said Raad.

She said Dotmobi has yet to decide whether or not to charge companies to have their site listed in the directory, or publish it for free with a view to fomenting overall growth of the market. She said the company currently uses the money from .mobi registration fees "to pour back into the development of the community."

These initiatives join others from Dotmobi designed to stimulate the development of the mobile internet. There is a site called ready.mobi where a non-mobile site can be gauged on a scale of 1 to 5 for its "mobile-readiness" which takes into

account how long downloads take and how much they cost.

site.mobi offers free site creation with templates and uploads, and a developer forum called dev.mobi, with information about creating more complex sites to run across different OSes, handsets and browsers, plus open source tools.

Source: Datamonitor

Tue, 13 Feb 2007 14:58:59 GMT

“The dotMobi set of tools for mobile content creation is a key component in securing a user friendly Internet experience

using mobile phones. We will incorporate the dev.mobi offering within our Ericsson Mobility World Developer Program

offering as a further vehicle to bring enriched services to mobile users” said Jörgen Odgaard, head of the Ericsson

Mobility World Developer Program.


February 16, 2007

'Emerging markets will split mobile'
By Jo Best,, ZDNet Asia,

The head of Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) has predicted there will be more than five billion mobile phone subscriptions

by 2015, with the majority coming from emerging markets--and the uptake will fragment the world of mobility.

Speaking today at the 3GSM World Congress in Barcelona, Simon Beresford-Wylie, CEO designate of NSN, said that of the

next two and a half billion new users expected to be added within the next decade, 90 percent to 95 percent will be in

the developing world--and they won't necessarily be on GSM or CDMA and its successors.

He said: "We see the market will move in different directions... It's a global reality here--different markets are

moving at different rhythms."

As a result of the emerging markets' adoption of mobility, the telephony landscape will no longer be dominated by just

two standards.

In the Bric countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China), where 645 million subscribers are predicted to be added by 2010,



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Dot-mobi directory coming soon
Cataloguing the mobile web...

By Tim Ferguson

Published: Wednesday 14 February 2007

A directory of online mobile content is to be launched this year by dotMobi, the organisation behind the new mobile-

specific dot-mobi domain name.

Part of dotMobi's efforts to drive mobile content, the directory will allow users to search for and use mobile content

from across the web - including dot-com and WAP sites as well as dot-mobi sites.

The directory will hold information about mobile content such as domain name, owner (including address and contact …

3GSM: DotMobi strengthens mobile web with new products
Posted by Maggie Holland at 8:14AM, Monday 12th February 2007
3GSM World Congress kicks off in Barcelona today, so IT PRO spoke to dotMobi's chief executive Neil Edwards to get a

flavour of what lies ahead for the mobile internet.

DotMobi plans to use this week's 3GSM conference in Barcelona to prove that it is more than just a domain registry by

announcing a set of tools and certification standards to ease mobile website creation.

From today, a brand new programme called Go Mobile! will be made available to domain registrars and resellers so that

they can help their customers to build mobile sites more easily and speedily by making free use of a customised version

of Akmin Technologies' dotMobi-compliant MobiSiteGalore.

It will initially be available in English, with plans to offer the tool in Chinese and other European languages in the

near future.

DotMobi also plans to launch a directory search service this summer that will further broaden its portfolio and help add

to the popularity of the mobile internet.

There are three phases to dotMobi's evolution, according to Neil Edwards, the company's chief executive.

The first was the introduction of the domain, the second was to get initial sites and content up and running and the

third will be the introduction of new products and services aimed at ramping up website quality and volume further.

"We're not just a domain company. We obviously launched the domain first and now what is happening is we're rolling out

other services and products that have been in development for the last year and a half," said Edwards.

"We will be rolling out a series of products in the next year that will allow developers to build mobile sites cost

efficiently and easily that will work on any network or phone in the world. We're starting to roll these products out

now and will be making a dev.mobi announcement at 3GSM."

Since the availability of the .mobi suffix last year, the domain guardian has seen demand for site names soar.

To date it boasts 130 partners worldwide and 375,000 registered names and this figure looks set to rise rapidly,

according to Edwards.

"We're ahead of plan and content is coming along behind all of the names," he said.

"We're signing up one thousand customers a day at the moment and hope to have one million customers by the end of the


To increase the proliferation of mobile sites and assure quality content, dotMobi has launched a premium names

application process for four domain names: news.mobi, ringtones.mobi, sports.mobi and weather.mobi.

It is currently in the request for proposal (RFP) phase and is accepting applications until February 16.

"We are testing the market to find a way to allocate names as rather than giving a domain to someone who comes along

with the most money, we want to give it to the people who also build content around that name," said Edwards.

Cabbies.mobi and pistoff.mobi are just two examples of such sites that have recently gone live.

Despite dotMobi's pioneering approach it is aware that it will take more than the efforts of one player for internet-on

-the-move to reach its full potential.

Edwards said: "We don't think we're the only solution for the mobile web as we're only one of several initiatives and I

think it's going to be 2008 when things really take off. It's indicative of the fact that people want to use the

internet on their phones. I know I do all the time and I'm not that extraordinary."


3GSM 2007: dotMobi builds mobile content directory
dotMobi, the company who oversees the .mobi top-level domain suffix designed specifically for mobile phones, is

embarking upon the launch of a range of directories that will be publicly available from the second half of 2007.

The dotMobi database is a catalogue of all mobile content available on the Internet today and is quality-rated by

location, category, relevance and suitability to download content easily on a mobile phone.

The directory won't just contain .mobi sites, though these are designed and optimised specifically for mobile handsets,

but also country specific, .com, WAP, and other mobile-friendly content. It claims it will be the most accurate and in-

depth mobile content database in the world.

The directory will be made available to mobile operators and search companies to provide branded services to their

customers based upon it. dotMobi will also be offering a research service for information professionals and researchers

to monitor mobile Internet trends.

"We have already started delivering on access to the database at the 3GSM World Congress in Barcelona with our dotMobi

Research Note on GSM Association members, which shows one of the first-ever reports on how 'mobile-ready' the operator

community may or may not be. Data-services related to mobile content is naturally the next step for dotMobi after

launching the mobile content standards and developer tools," said Neil Edwards, CEO of dotMobi.

Came straight to this page? Visit www.TechDigest.tv for all the latest news.



February 13, 2007
Discounted book offer from futuretext for 3GSM ..
I used to carry books to conferences - and that was a pain! So, now we have simply decided to give discounts when major

events are on and our authors are speaking. So, see the main futuretext site for a deal where you can get 50% off Mobile

strategies if you buy Mobile Web 2.0

Posted by ajit at 5:44 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

.mobi : Darwin Rules on the Mobile Web
Editor's note from Ajit: In November last year, I was invited to attend a W3C meeting in Paris relating to the Mobile

Web. In that session, I heard a presentation by Ronan Cremin of mtld (the company behind the .mobi initiative). .mobi

has had a lot of bad press. So, my view of .mobi then was 'neutral' i.e. buy a dot mobi domain for defensive reasons.

However, Ronan's presentation made me realise that .mobi is more than the domain name. In other words, a 'money

grabbing' way to do this would be to sell the domains only and nothing else. However, even if you don’t agree with the

business model, I think we have to agree that .mobi has made some efforts to provide an ecosystem - especially in view

of some of their documents like the Switch on guides

So, my take on .mobi is
a) They follow w3c standards
b) They are doing more than merely selling domain names
c) Some form of consistency is good for the industry
d) I have a lot of respect for some of the technical people involved with it : for instance Jo Rabin
e) It helps the Mobile Web(which is a good thing in my view)
f) I am neutral to the business model. I.e. taking a pragmatic approach, if mTld makes money from selling domain name -

but also helps the industry - that’s OK by me.

My criticism, if any is: its focussed on the lowest common denominator(and that is to be expected of any standard). My

real interest lies in the other end of the spectrum(for instance browsers running full Web standards).

In Paris, I told Ronan that I would blog about .mobi from a neutral perspective i.e. discussing .mobi from a holistic

perspective and not just the domains.

A few weeks ago, when I asked for guest bloggers, James Pearce, CTO of mtld, offered to write something about .mobi. So,

considering I was going to blog about it anyway, here is an article from James.


James Pearce
CTO .mobi

I was recently asked what I thought were going to be the major mobile web applications of the future. I could have been

brave. I could have been visionary. I could have rattled off some old cliches.

But instead I said "I don't know".

And I'm proud that I don't know.

Here's why.

It must be almost 10 years since people started talking about 'killer applications' (and about 9 years since they

stopped again). Then for a while it was 'killer baskets' - with the realisation that, in a sort of early form of 'long

tail' thinking, people might actually want to do more than one thing. Then the web and mobile web markets went into

free-fall for a while. And presumably people were busy looking for 'killer job security'.

But me? I believe in 'killer ecologies'. It is more important that we get the environment right for the healthy,

stimulated development of the mobile web, than that we naively try to predict who the winners of the future will be, and

give them some sort of false, pre-emptive credence.

The best successes are often the things you didn't predict or that didn't fit the obvious predictions.

"Anything But Stocks News Or Weather" as I used to say.

(I can also imagine, in the mid-90s, the strategy teams within hallowed 'walled garden' internet service providers

trying to guess and promote what the next big thing on the web was supposed to be. Think they guessed auctions?

Bookstores? Blogging? Social networking? Video sharing? I doubt it.)

So where does Darwin come into this?

Well, I'm no biology graduate. But no-one can doubt that the principles of evolution and the survival-of-the-fittest

have served the animal and plant kingdoms extremely well. Add water, oxygen and food. Wait a million years. Bio-

diversity flourishes. Different species compete.
Those which are best suited to their environment succeed. Those which are not do not. There's (probably!) no intelligent


And nor should there be on the mobile web. Why can't similar principles shape the way that content providers (as

potential 'killer species') evolve? Of course, I'd rather not wait a million years ;). But I firmly believe that the

most important thing right now is the metaphorical
water, oxygen and food to catalyse our ecology into life.

What might this mean practically?

Well, many miles of blogs have been written about the emergence of flat rate data tariffs, and the crumbling of

operator's walled gardens. Perhaps that's the oxygen we require. Nothing but highly specialised lifeforms can survive in

sulphur dioxide!

Water? Perhaps that's a constant stream of tools, technologies, platforms, assistance, and community support that the

developers of content and services require to be able to compete effectively. On the web, the technical barriers to

entry were, and are, low. We need to
ensure it is just as easy for folks to get to compete on the mobile web too - even if that comes at the expense of

'mobile specialists' who benefit from sustaining the mystique.

(This is where we, the dotmobi company are putting a lot of effort. As well as providing mobile-centric domains, we are

trying to democratise the process of building applications for the mobile web, making it easy for developers to find

training, advice, and tools - such as
http://dev.mobi and http://ready.mobi - to do so).

And food? Well, I strongly believe in the two important economic lubricants for the mobile web: advertising and payment.

Just as food does in a Darwinian ecology, these both motivate content providers to get involved in the race for life,

and then sustain them once they have
become a successful part of the (ahem) circle of life.

Most of all I believe that no-one can play god on the mobile web. Not operators, not content aggregators, not device

manufacturers. Especially not the dotMobi company :)

But I truly hope that, if we all realise that we have responsibilities to provide water, oxygen and food, we will be

able to stimulate a 'killer ecology' that accelerates towards becoming self-sustaining and rich in bio-diversity.

That's important. Because the more developers and content providers we can introduce into the complex biological

equation, the more that the natural selection of market forces takes effect, and the better the best-evolved of the

species will become.

And that's only going to result in more and more innovative, exciting - and unpredictable (think duck-billed platypus!)

applications that genuinely drive interest and usage of the medium.

After all, that's what users want. That's what all of us in the industry want. And of course, that's what Darwin would

have wanted.



"Useful" .mobi site finally found

Adult chatting up game for mobile geeks

By Tony Dennis in Barcelona: Wednesday 14 February 2007, 10:37

QUITE TYPICALLY IT'S taken an adult application to make creating a .mobi based site – worthwhile. Point your handset at

the site and you should be able to watch the video with no problems, if you must.
Fanerotica is the creation of a Czech mobile house, Wirenode. The game is intended to illustrate how the company can

build a rich featured application which will work on just about every current mobile phone.

Fanerotica is definitely one only for mobile geeks. Players have to chat up a lady by trying out their best lines. The

more successful you are, the more of her togs she takes off.

For operators who dare to offer Fanerotica, Wirenode has created a number of discreet payment methods.

After all, you wouldn't want the word 'Fanerotica' to show up on your monthly bill, would you? µ

useful info:


Strasbourg (France), 22nd February 2007, Domain names and intellectual property

The European Business and Intellectual Property Institute (Institut Européen Entreprise et Propriété Intellectuelle

(IEEPI)) is organising a one-day training session on domains names and intellectual property to be held in Strasbourg on

22nd February 2007.

The aim of this training is to explain the rights and limits attached to domain names and give guidance on possible strategies for the management of a domain names portfolio.


Moniker Brings Multi-Million Dollar Domain Name Auction Back to Las Vegas at T.R.A.F.F.I.C West

Conference attendees will be allowed to place bids while at the Live Auction on such valuable domain names including:

FreshFood.com Pizza.mobi
Ethanol.com Privacy.com
Greeting.com RealEstate.mobi
Minnesota.org Reunite.com
MoviePreviews.com Singles.mobi
OnlineVideos.com Sopranos.com

The fee is 500 Euros.

Published: Wednesday 14 February 2007

It is fitting that in this week of the annual 3GSM World Congress a major mobile network operator has chosen to announce

lower data-roaming rates.

T-Mobile is halving its prices. But looking more broadly, one thing is clear - more needs to be done.


Published: Wednesday 14 February 2007

Following deals with eBay, Google and MySpace, Vodafone has something to shout about with other buddies - this time,

it's signed deals with Microsoft and Yahoo!.

Vodafone CMO Frank Rövekamp told delegates at the 3GSM World Congress in Barcelona: "We are planning a whole range of

products co-developed with Microsoft and later Yahoo!."

The news came as Vodafone announced an agreement to offer a joint instant messaging service with the pair.

IM users will soon be able to use one application, co-branded with Vodafone and either Windows Live! or Yahoo!, to

access instant messaging over both PC and mobile, with functionality including shared address book and presence


<<read full article in above link pls>>


read blog

Wei Wei, China's star singer, just announced to the world the release of her music to be on weiwei.mobi . They are expecting 1 billion music downloads by mobile by 2008 !!!!!!!!!


MadDogs dot MOBI Web Site for Cell Phones
Want to see the latest new and events then log onto our new dot MOBI web site on your Cell Phone.


Not Sure How to Get on Our New dot MOBI web site?

1. First of all check to see that your phone has a WAP/WEB/Internet Browser.
<Read full article in link pls>

dot MOBI Web Design by SA247.COM


pls post comments on here:


Meteor has launched a fresh attack on rivals Vodafone (LSE: VOD.L - news) and O2 with its new Meteor Mobile E-mail service. The service allows business customers to send and receive unlimited



Dot Mobi - Tougher To See Than Search Marketing Standard

While your scepticism is justified - in terms of whether dotMobi will shake the handset users' experience - I think

there are some real positives to dotMobi. This is not a boutique TLD like many other TLDs that were released last 5

years. This has a serious rationale behind its introduction. And when one considers that there are four times the number

of mobile phones as PCs, one realises it is worth the effort to try out a TLD that can at least theoretically improve access to online content for mobiles significantly…:


online dot mobi training



watch the video on the right hand side



Vodafone CEO: Mobile must move it or lose it
And the lowdown on India

By Jo Best

Published: Tuesday 13 February 2007

Speaking today at the 3GSM World Congress in Barcelona, Vodafone CEO Arun Sarin warned operators to move more quickly or

find themselves nudged out of their own industry by new entrants.

He said: "We have to be faster in execution. As an industry it takes a long time to get things done... we need to move faster or others will eat our lunch."

developing 3G technology - or risk WiMax players cutting in on traditional mobile territory.

"We've gradually been moving our business to where the growth is and India represents a fabulous opportunity for us."

Irish firm offers mobile booking service Monday February 12, 04:03 PM


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