
What's going on with Epik and Rob Monster?

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I'm catching the tail end of this, seems to be some kind of controversy...

Must be something odd to evoke this type of a response from one of our members.

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
So, @oldtimer, let's do that.

The bookburners at YouTube removed this video early this morning:

I don't know what prompted the takedown, the video was published way back on August 16, and was taken down earlier today after my reasonable Gab poll:

So, here we have a real test case. The Gab poll overwhelmingly says the content is not in any way hateful. I agree. The presenter actually has a loving tone.

For the folks that envision and Internet Bill of Rights, would this video been allowed to stay online. I say yes.
There is no hate in that video.
God loves all his children.

It' not what you are it’s what you do that might be considered wrong.

People who struggle with their gender identity must be helped and guided spiritually like any other person who has to deal with a serious issue in their life. In my opinion unless one’s born gender is causing any medical problems for a person it is best not to take a risk with making major changes in one's body that could result in physical complications or bring about unforeseen emotional and personality imbalances. The way that I see it instead of changing a person to adjust to the expectations of the society we need to change the society to accept everyone for whom they are and not to put undue pressure on anyone that doesn’t fit the mold. If the society at large is lust driven and encourages a life that is centered on earthly pleasures then in my opinion it is wrong for someone to change their gender in the pursuit of those false and misguided ideals as eventually we as the human race need to evolve out of our current primitive state of mind and rise to a higher level of existence that is free from lust, hate, jealousy, inequality, and many of the other bad characteristics that currently control our lives. IMO

Everyone is entitled to express their opinion so as far as Free Speech is concerned I don’t see any issues with hearing what is being said, but one problem that I see is that it only shows one side's perspective of the situation. I don’t agree with their assertion that those who are struggling with gender identity are suffering from a delusion as in certain cases people do need medical intervention to improve their quality of life, but if they do decide that they want to go through with certain medical procedures it is very important that they are not wanting to do this for the wrong reasons and that their decision has the support of a knowledgeable and unbiased medical professional. IMO
Everyone is entitled to express their opinion so as far as Free Speech is concerned I don’t see any issues with hearing what is being said, but one problem that I see is that it only shows one side's perspective of the situation. I don’t agree with their assertion that those who are struggling with gender identity are suffering from a delusion as in certain cases people do need medical intervention to improve their quality of life, but if they do decide that they want to go through with certain medical procedures it is very important that they are not wanting to do this for the wrong reasons and that their decision has the support of a knowledgeable and unbiased medical professional. IMO

All fair but what we are talking about here is a case where someone with a functioning set of organs/tissues voluntarily seeks to have it removed. In other words, these are not gangrene or cancerous tissues.

The video draws a very helpful parallel in suggesting that no humane doctor would allow to chop off your non-diseased limb. However, in 2019, if you decide you want to chop off your penis, that's A-OK.

I believe the reason why this video had to be taken down is because it makes a a remarkably effective mockery of people who willfully cooperate in dismemberment.
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As with many other issues those who are on opposing sides want to take things to the extremes, but although changing one's gender should not be taken lightly and should not be encouraged as the norm, but to say that all trans gender people are categorically suffering from delusion is wrong, the same as saying all those who are struggling with cancer are just imagining it and just need psychological help. Perhaps instead of censoring one side's point of view it should be followed by a rebuttal from the other side. IMO
As with many other issues those who are on opposing sides want to take things to the extremes, but although changing one's gender should not be taken lightly and should not be encouraged as the norm, but to say that all trans gender people are categorically suffering from delusion is wrong, the same as saying all those who are struggling with cancer are just imagining it and just need psychological help. Perhaps instead of censoring one side's point of view it should be followed by a rebuttal from the other side. IMO
Understood. Although, having the view that body dismembermant and mutilation is delusional psychosis does not constitute hate. It is not hate to call it delusional. Just as having the opposite view is not hate.

Somehow, the word "hate" is only injected into those that have the view that consider it delusional. This is unfair and an example of the double standards that exist so prevalent in today's society.
Are we back in highschool again, Stop the fighting you all, we are trying to discuss some important issues here.
You’re part of the problem tho, that’s a hypocritical post. The other thread you mentioned sensitive, this one you just said people who are different needed to be guided spiritually. Kids have literally killed themselves over this because their overly religious parents. Taking shots under the guise of religion, we love everybody.
Understood. Although, having the view that body dismembermant and mutilation is delusional psychosis does not constitute hate. It is not hate to call it delusional. Just as having the opposite view is not hate.

Somehow, the word "hate" is only injected into those that have the view that consider it delusional. This is unfair and an example of the double standards that exist so prevalent in today's society.
Christians glorify mutilation, what do you think getting nailed on the cross is, then eating bread signifying eating Christ
Christians glorify mutilation, what do you think getting nailed on the cross is, then eating bread signifying eating Christ
Is your view hateful or do you just disagree? There is a difference between hate and disagreement. That's my point.

There can be disagreement without hate. (At least there used to be.)
You’re part of the problem tho, that’s a hypocritical post. The other thread you mentioned sensitive, this one you just said people who are different needed to be guided spiritually. Kids have literally killed themselves over this because their overly religious parents. Taking shots under the guise of religion, we love everybody.

I am sensitive towards trans gender people, I am not the problem here, the problem are those who want to go to the extremes, just like with the issue of Abortion I understand that in some cases it might be medically necessary and I am sensitive to women's health, but I don't think that Abortion should be encouraged as the norm.
I am sensitive towards trans gender people

Its probably important to note that most of those that believe transgenderism is a form of delusional psychosis are sensitive and compassionate. They are not hateful.
Its probably important to note that most of those that believe transgenderism is a form of delusional psychosis are sensitive and compassionate. They are not hateful.
This is more using religion as a cover for hate. Saying somebody is delusional, has a psychosis is not nice. Also none of your business.
This is more using religion as a cover for hate. Saying somebody is delusional, has a psychosis is not nice. Also none of your business.
Reality is not always nice, but at the same time, it is also not hate. Please don't hate me for disagreeing with you, as I don't hate you for disagreeing with me.
Wow. This is for real? That video was actually REMOVED from Youtube??

So. To put stuff in layman's perspective, as that is what I am, basically:

YouTube is censoring:

- Videos NOT supporting chopping out genitalia in exchange for another genitalia
- Videos THAT AIM TO HELP these poor people who have convinced themselves they are in the wrong body

and all because the upper echelons of YouTube has been infiltrated by people with this kind of mindset:
This is more using religion as a cover for hate. Saying somebody is delusional, has a psychosis is not nice. Also none of your business.
and are making it a basis for censorship. Ok. YouTube is a private organization, it is our choice to use it or not. I can effectively ban my kids from using it now.

To me, the layman, the preceding quote was someone's opinion. Fine and dandy. But it seems, and have been noticing this creep up on all of us over the last 15 years, this opinion is being implemented into our LAWS. We've all been so busy working, raising families, LIVING, that in the meantime all the internet trolls and self-interest groups have somehow convinced our politicians and lawmakers that they somehow represent the rest of us. THEY DO NOT.

We are NOT OK with this weirdo gender-identity crap.
We are NOT OK with chopping off sexual organs in exchange for another.
We are NOT OK with schools implementing deviant views to our children.
We are NOT OK with companies and people getting forced out their jobs and livelihood because they hold sacred, traditional views.
We are NOT OK with personal convictions getting branded as hate, as a basis for censorship.
We are NOT OK with our personal convictions being branded as love, as a basis for censorship.

We ARE OK with your opinion on all this, just as we expect you to BE OK with our opinion on this.
We ARE OK with our right as humans to love and hate as we please .

I may hate getting bitten by mosquitos, standing in line, waiting for the bus, and someone's opinion on whatever. So what?

I may love getting bitten by mosquitos, standing in line, waiting for the bus, and someone's opinion on whatever. So what?

When corporations start using this love and hate stuff as a line in the sand as to what to ban and not to ban, it is not long before our lawmakers start using it as basis on fining people and arresting them. The world's been asleep at the wheel, and we're facing a head-on collision with forces that have no place being on the road.

And we gave them a license to drive.
Wow. This is for real? That video was actually REMOVED from Youtube??

So. To put stuff in layman's perspective, as that is what I am, basically:

YouTube is censoring:

- Videos NOT supporting chopping out genitalia in exchange for another genitalia
- Videos THAT AIM TO HELP these poor people who have convinced themselves they are in the wrong body

and all because the upper echelons of YouTube has been infiltrated by people with this kind of mindset:

and are making it a basis for censorship. Ok. YouTube is a private organization, it is our choice to use it or not. I can effectively ban my kids from using it now.

To me, the layman, the preceding quote was someone's opinion. Fine and dandy. But it seems, and have been noticing this creep up on all of us over the last 15 years, this opinion is being implemented into our LAWS. We've all been so busy working, raising families, LIVING, that in the meantime all the internet trolls and self-interest groups have somehow convinced our politicians and lawmakers that they somehow represent the rest of us. THEY DO NOT.

We are NOT OK with this weirdo gender-identity crap.
We are NOT OK with chopping off sexual organs in exchange for another.
We are NOT OK with schools implementing deviant views to our children.
We are NOT OK with companies and people getting forced out their jobs and livelihood because they hold sacred, traditional views.
We are NOT OK with personal convictions getting branded as hate, as a basis for censorship.
We are NOT OK with our personal convictions being branded as love, as a basis for censorship.

We ARE OK with your opinion on all this, just as we expect you to BE OK with our opinion on this.
We ARE OK with our right as humans to love and hate as we please .

I may hate getting bitten by mosquitos, standing in line, waiting for the bus, and someone's opinion on whatever. So what?

I may love getting bitten by mosquitos, standing in line, waiting for the bus, and someone's opinion on whatever. So what?

When corporations start using this love and hate stuff as a line in the sand as to what to ban and not to ban, it is not long before our lawmakers start using it as basis on fining people and arresting them. The world's been asleep at the wheel, and we're facing a head-on collision with forces that have no place being on the road.

And we gave them a license to drive.

My only regret is that there is not a "Hallelujah" button. "Thanks" is not enough!
Wow. This is for real? That video was actually REMOVED from Youtube??

So. To put stuff in layman's perspective, as that is what I am, basically:

YouTube is censoring:

- Videos NOT supporting chopping out genitalia in exchange for another genitalia
- Videos THAT AIM TO HELP these poor people who have convinced themselves they are in the wrong body

and all because the upper echelons of YouTube has been infiltrated by people with this kind of mindset:

and are making it a basis for censorship. Ok. YouTube is a private organization, it is our choice to use it or not. I can effectively ban my kids from using it now.

To me, the layman, the preceding quote was someone's opinion. Fine and dandy. But it seems, and have been noticing this creep up on all of us over the last 15 years, this opinion is being implemented into our LAWS. We've all been so busy working, raising families, LIVING, that in the meantime all the internet trolls and self-interest groups have somehow convinced our politicians and lawmakers that they somehow represent the rest of us. THEY DO NOT.

We are NOT OK with this weirdo gender-identity crap.
We are NOT OK with chopping off sexual organs in exchange for another.
We are NOT OK with schools implementing deviant views to our children.
We are NOT OK with companies and people getting forced out their jobs and livelihood because they hold sacred, traditional views.
We are NOT OK with personal convictions getting branded as hate, as a basis for censorship.
We are NOT OK with our personal convictions being branded as love, as a basis for censorship.

We ARE OK with your opinion on all this, just as we expect you to BE OK with our opinion on this.
We ARE OK with our right as humans to love and hate as we please .

I may hate getting bitten by mosquitos, standing in line, waiting for the bus, and someone's opinion on whatever. So what?

I may love getting bitten by mosquitos, standing in line, waiting for the bus, and someone's opinion on whatever. So what?

When corporations start using this love and hate stuff as a line in the sand as to what to ban and not to ban, it is not long before our lawmakers start using it as basis on fining people and arresting them. The world's been asleep at the wheel, and we're facing a head-on collision with forces that have no place being on the road.

And we gave them a license to drive.

I don’t blame you for becoming frustrated with all that seems to be going wrong around us, but we can’t point fingers at just one group of people and close our eyes on what’s going on with everyone else (drugs, addiction, abortion, abuse, promiscuity, slavery, torture, and war just to name a few). Everyone is guilty in one way or another and the only way out of this mess is to create some kind of movement and awareness to save all humanity without leaving anyone behind. The bad thing about Hate is that it will divide people even further and will make it harder to convince people that you want what’s good for them. If Hate were to fix anything, then why is everything getting worse. We need to replace Hate with compassion and we need to use logic to find the right path forward. IMO
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Quick question, does anyone know how long is the time allowed for editing your post, I thought it was only 30 minutes from when the comment was posted, but it let me fix a misspelling in my post above just now after 45 minutes. Is the time limit different for different threads or has it been increased .

PS: I just noticed that it's giving me the edit option even on the posts that I made yesterday, I kind of liked it when it removed the edit option after 30 minutes, I don't want my posts here to just be open ended like this as I don't want anyone to be able to put words in my mouth later that I hadn't said.

I think my right of Free Speech has been tampered with, I ain't saying nothing more here until this is fixed.
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Is this meme too edgy to be called Free Speech?


I am pro 2A, by the way.
I think my right of Free Speech has been tampered with, I ain't saying nothing more here until this is fixed.
I don't think it's been tampered with, its just giving you the option to retract or add to your post, during a longer time frame. Free Speech should allow an ability to voice a change of mind or stance on a subject.

I believe certain threads have different time frames for allowing an edit, as well as account levels/status. Probably wise to have a longer editing allowance period for a thread like this one, anyways.
I don't think it's been tampered with, its just giving you the option to retract or add to your post, during a longer time frame. Free Speech should allow an ability to voice a change of mind or stance on a subject.

I believe certain threads have different time frames for allowing an edit, as well as account levels/status. Probably wise to have a longer editing allowance period for a thread like this one, anyways.

So what is the time limit for this thread, because my post from yesterday still has the option to edit, this is the first time that I have noticed this. (even the post I made on monday still has the option to edit, I don't like this at all, I want my comments to be locked after 30 minutes like the way it has always been).

PS: see my post # 2320 on page 93 and you see what I mean, I added a test edit line to it just now. (that's a post I made last Saturday, that's almost a week ago)
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There's been recent system changes/upgrades, so it could be a bug, or part of the change. Maybe head over to

and open a thread about it, a moderator or support will have an answer. I myself don't know, old timer. Good pick up, though.

Are you or anyone else here experiencing the same edit time limit changes or is it only happening to me.

By the way most of the editing that I do is to fix any misspellings, I rarely ever change any of the actual content of my posts. I always think seriously about what I say and perhaps that's why I am sometimes a little slow in responding.

@Rob Monster , what do you think is going on here.
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Contacted @Eric Lyon at NamePros and he said that this is normal for some members to be able to have a longer time limit for editing their posts on certain threads.

PS: Thanks for the quick response Eric, NamePros is getting more exiting and interesting by the day, you all keep up the good work :)
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quote starts: ..

A US presidential candidate has come out in support of amending the law to make domain name companies liable when customers use their services to incite violence.

Beto O’Rourke, a former member of Congress, stated last weekthat he wants to amend the Communications Decency Act to hold providers of “domain name servers” liable “where they are found to knowingly promote content that incites violence”.

He’s believed to be the first among the swarm of 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls to lay out a plan to combat online hate speech.

The proposed amendments to Section 230 of the CDA are part of a sweeping package of reforms O’Rourke is proposing in order to tackle gun violence and domestic terrorism in the US.

He comes from El Paso, Texas, which was the target of a race-based terrorist attack a couple of weeks ago.

... quote ends
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