
status-resolved Deplorable Domains Thread (Deleted Content / Behaviour and Moderation Issues)

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Arif M, NameCult.com TheDomainSocial.comTop Member
@bmugford @hawkeye @Eric Lyon @NamePros @Support Team (c/c @ThatNameGuy)

Not to be left out .. I received the email as well (referred to here if not deleted) ..

Note: I don't see the point of posting his email. It was basically him rudely asking to leave him alone .. followed by a copy of what he wrote to @Eric Lyon. I'll only state that in the first paragraph there was the very untrue and misleading sentence "I start a legitimate thread about why just 1-2% of domains are sold annually and state my reasons and these members attack me????" .. with the part in red being factually incorrect as discussed in depth below. The rest of the email is between Eric and him and I'll let either of them post the rest if they chose to do so.

The irony is that he talks about me (and @bmugford + @hawkeye) attacking him .. when in fact he's the one who initiated and continued to attack the community and then myself and others:

I would like to hear from some of the so called professionals in the business. Thanks,
His original blanket insult to a large number of domainers in the NamePros community

"Hoarders and Scalpers"
He then also goes on to continuously support Verisign's statement that domainers are "Hoarders and Scalpers" .. but he never actually gives any reasoning or justification to how it was even relevant or in-context (while I challenged and debated his empty and completely pointless statement). Here he's viciously attacking every single domainer at NamePros saying that he agrees that we are "Hoarders and Scalpers": .. without even having the basic decency to argue or justify his blind support for Verisign's moronic attack on all of us as an industry!

i simply don't believe you:xf.rolleyes:
His insinuating that I'm a liar by my saying there are domainers who sell over 2% a year. But later in the thread he's fine with another domainer claiming he sells 8% (.. and then even further goes on to say 20% is possible). So this makes for a combination of hypocrisy, and his flat out lying simply to make the false claim that I am lying!

and this is all you can come up with???
His belittling my response when I actually included logical arguments and facts .. while at the same time he gave absolutely ZERO up to that point (and significantly thereafter)

You probably identify it as being crap, but I beg to differ.
His consistently putting completely fictitious words in my mouth that I never said in order to make me look bad.
(This repeated belittling stragegy of his is SIGNIFICANTLY worse than calling me MonkeyPoop and MUST be addressed by @NamePros and @Support Team ).

Assuming you know what rebranding is and how popular it's become, why wouldn't you own this name for $8.50 Ategy?
Again ... completely misrepresenting me ...
I'll tell you why you wouldn't...because you wouldn't know what to do with it if you owned it.
... With the sole purpose of attacking me!

your acting must have been a little crappy too
Personal attack on @hawkeye

I think you and Snoopy have led a pretty sheltered life, so I can understand your naivety:xf.frown:
Completely unfounded and uninformed personal assumption just for the sake of another personal attack (and possibly my dog? lol)

I've spent a little time reviewing your blog, Franks F1lter.com (now there's a crappy name:xf.rolleyes:), Hawkeyes portfolio at Name Innovations and Brads Data Cube Marketplace, and I must say, I'm not impressed:xf.frown: I'd share some constructive criticism with each of you, but none of you could afford me.
Again .. more completely unfounded off-topic personal attacks !!! How is he the victim here ???
It boggles my mind how this behaviour was allowed through the restricted moderation process.
@NamePros and @Support Team .. you need to review what led to all these moderation failures.

Wow...when you get going you can't stop...i didn't read your entire post because it's simply way to long. What you said is simply fake news totally made up by you.
His calling my usage of facts, math and logic "fake news" when he himself admitted he didn't even read it all! As strange as it might seem .. this is where I lose any respect for anyone I'm debating ... he seems to think he can discredit my logical conclusions and deductions by being like a Ostrich and putting his head in the ground to ignore logic, facts and math!

Again Ategy....i don't have the time nor do I really care to read all your BS.
Again .. more personal attacks based on assumptions and not even reading the facts/counterpoints being given to him. Incredibly unprofessional. If someone can't handle being destroyed in an open debate, then lashing out and personally attacking others in response only goes to show how childish and immature they are. If you can't say anything constructive .. then say nothing.

Trust me MonkeyPoop when I say, "only" so called domainers will ever find your blog.
I honestly don't care what he calls me .. nor if he goes completely off-topic to insult my blog ... but when he goes crying to @Eric Lyon @NamePros or the @Support Team about being personally attacked when HE is the one who has personally attacked me .. well that's a bit too much hypocrisy to take.

My posts indeed might seem to be destroying him .. but I was actually attacking the content of what he's saying because he's flat out wrong on the subject and he can't seem to handle my excessive use of math, logic, facts and common-sense that continues to shred his arguments to bits. Keep in mind the main reasoning of my posting is to counter his spreading of erroneous and misguided so-called information. If his gibberish and nonsensical posts were not so dangerous for newcomers, it would be significantly easier to ignore .. but since so few members seem to have bothered to step up to the plate to fight ignorance .. I did what I felt needed to be done!

Wow MonkeyPoop...
More personal insults. I meant what I said in the post. @NamePros staff / @Support Team allowed his post to go through and to tarnish my reputation ... since the damage is done .. please do as I since requested and put back ALL the related posts so that at least in the future the community can see @ThatNameGuy for his true colours, and not be tricked into believing his nonsense, nor into blindly allowing his twisted self-glorification to make him seem like he has more knowledge or authority in the world of domains than he actually has in reality. MORE IMPORTANTLY .. I want all that information restored so that there is proof that each time he accuses me of attacking him, that in fact there is proof and a record that I am actually only challenging his concepts and point-of-view when I disagree with them (the whole point of a forum)

At the same time I also ask that you put back my replies to his calling me and @bmugford "Clueless" .. another attack by him that was left for a year and a half now. In the same thread I'm pretty sure he also made accusations against @creataweb and @Harrington.
Like Ateguy, you sir are CLUELESS:xf.frown:
Please put back my replies:
As well as his own, again, so his true colours can be seen.

i simply don't believe you:xf.rolleyes:
What you said is simply fake news totally made up by you.
Finally, i haven't said that you're wrong
So were you wrong when you posted that? Or simply lying in order to try to make me look bad? Either way it truly shows your complete and total lack of credibility.
All he does is trash people and attack them personally .. without even bothering to write anything relevant on topic. Then after attacking people but being proven wrong with math, logic, facts and common-sense .. he then backtracks and subtly changes his perceived perspective and point-of-view. It's total hypocrisy!

But at the end of the day there isn't anything wrong with that other than the fact that by continuously posting garbage and changing his mind .. while only replying with self-glorification and self-promotion .. a clear-as-daylight pattern has emerged in which he starts topics with ZERO genuine interest in actually being constructive nor informative nor helpful .. it's pure selfishness! Again though.. we all promote ourselves to some degree .. but at least the rest of us try to be productive and contribute to the community!

But when all of that is combined with these continued personal attacks .. while at the same time crying all over that he is the victim .. it's extreme poor taste, a colossal lack of class and the misinformation he spreads just for the sake posting (which in turn is for the sake of self-promotion) is actually dangerous to the community if people like myself and some of the others don't challenge and debate the nonesense!

Again .. I'm not sure why @NamePros staff deleted my own posts, when I was simply defending personal attacks and blind discrediting against me that was originally ALLOWED by @NamePros @Support Team who approved his supposedly restricted and moderated posting abilities.

In MY post that NP staff deleted for some reason , I show how colossally non-community minded he has been just within the one thread .. can someone at @NamePros or @Support Team please let me know how the following constitutes as profession or objective in any way? I mean .. he starts a topic for the sole purpose of self-promotion and belittling/attacking the community .. all while posting ZERO relevant content until SIGNIFICANTLY later on after posting all kinds of off-topic non-related gibberish and garbage (see box below)!
QUOTE=Ategy.com, post: 7298917

ThatNameGuy : Trust me MonkeyPoop when I say ...

LMAO .. I find it hilarious that when the @NamePros @Support Team moderated your post they allowed you to call me MonkeyPoop .. lol .. coming from you I'll actually take that as a compliment!
(Moderation Team: Please do not remove it .. lol)

ThatNameGuy : I've done a lot of research...

Please please PLEASE share with us the specifics of this research!?

ThatNameGuy said: However, when I point out to you multiple reasons why 98% of registered domains aren't sold each year, you want to shoot the messenger:xf.eek:
LMAO ... please please quote me where you said anything of significance at all. You've only talked empty statements right from the start of this thread!

ThatNameGuy: " Are they just deplorable domains, or are there other reasons? I have my own suspicions, but I would like to hear from some of the so called professionals in the business."
Nope .. zero reasons here.

ThatNameGuy: "Now as for Verisigns comments that domainers in general are "Hoarders and Scalpers" and "Flipping domain names or warehousing them to create scarcity adds nothing to the industry and merely allows those engaged in this questionable practice to enrich themselves at the expense of consumers and businesses." has everything to do with why 98% of domains remain unsold every year?"
Are you talking about this total and complete gibberish? lol .. First of all it's just ONE thing and not MULTIPLE. But in your paragraph not only do you make zero sense, but you make zero statements and draw no on-topic conclusions. Effectively you're saying because we as domainers are apparently hoarders and scalpers that has to do with why we sell such a low percentage of domain a year! lol .. Total logic meltdown there. What do you even mean? Clearly you didn't express yourself properly, because what you are saying is that if we'd have fewer domains we'd sell more! lol .. Take time to actually express yourself in tangible logical thoughts instead of spending all your time and focus on self-promotion and insults!

ThatNameGuy : I appreciate our banter because it makes me a better/smarter business guy, and it's good for newbies to hear from all sides:xf.wink: regardless of where or from who they hear it.
Do you even see how you portray yourself? You think you've helped or added anything constructive to newcommers at all? Not only have you said absolutely ZERO of constructive value in any way .. all you've done is insult and self-promote and feed your own ego.

ThatNameGuy: I would like to hear from some of the so called professionals
ThatNameGuy: If you want any credibility with me or any of the other NP members I think an explanation is in order. [After I actually gave you an explanation .. lol]
ThatNameGuy: I've been involved in many different businesses since I started my first business in 1968 a little over 50 years ago, and I've started, operated and yes NAMED over 20 businesses since. Ategy, I didn't change my Avitar on NP to "That Name Guy" and my personalized Virginia license plate to "Name Guy" because I haven't a clue as to what I'm doing.
ThatNameGuy: Not only did I not know this industry existed as it does before I became involved two years ago, but many of my business peers and friends still don't understand it. I'm still here because I didn't listen to the so called pros for they surely did their best to discredit me and run me off.
ThatNameGuy: As for my naming ability, I'll match my skills to yours any day of the week.
ThatNameGuy: It's taken a while, but I've finally attracted a technical partner who is a strong compliment to my brand and domain skills.
ThatNameGuy: Ategy, I reg'd three new names today all of which I'd be proud to use for a business I started.
ThatNameGuy: However, you will see portfolios of "Incredible" domains like IncedibleVegas and IncredibleBreasts, and "Brandable" domains like BrandWik and CanDoBrands, and Realty/Homes domains like CheesecakeRealty and Sonoma.homes.
ThatNameGuy: Ateguy, i'm sure you haven't a clue why I hand reg'd CheesecakeRealty similar to why you don't have a clue as to why; ElephantInsurance or even a name like Amazon. And you probably haven't a clue as to why I hand reg'd names like SavorGreen.org, SavortheGrape or SavorSports, but then again I wouldn't expect you to [I think I actually prefer you calling me MonkeyPoop than Ateguy .. lol]
ThatNameGuy: ...and this is all you can come up with???
ThatNameGuy: I noticed you've never commented on Verisigns analysis that domainers as a whole are typically "hoarders and squatters" Case in point, I just registered the name ArkBrands.com, and while it's not a NameGuy original, it's a decent name just the same.
ThatNameGuy: You probably identify it as being crap, but I beg to differ.
ThatNameGuy: Do you know what an "Ark" is Ategy?, and I'm not talking in just a Biblical sense. I plan to start a portfolio of "Ark" domains starting with ArkWeather.com (registered continually for 11 years)....ever hear of AccuWeather Ategy?
ThatNameGuy: I noticed your gig is called NameCult.com and not DomainCult.com. Was that on purpose, or weren't you able to buy DomainCult at Sedo?
ThatNameGuy: You, like me seem to have an answer for everything
ThatNameGuy: Finally, advice I was given 18 months ago was not to register so many domains because the renewals would kill me? Well, the renewals haven't killed me, i wonder why? I must say, it's been quite a learning experience, and doing domains my way has proven successful and this is just the beginning:xf.wink:
ThatNameGuy: Trust me MonkeyPoop
ThatNameGuy: "only" so called domainers will ever find your blog.

ThatNameGuy constructive relevant content: 0%
ThatNameGuy nonsense gibberish: 10%
ThatNameGuy self-promotion, ego-booting and insults: 90%

It should be noted that all the garbage he wrote, the content in red is from the first page alone of the discussion .. there was plenty more afterwards.

This is seriously entertaining discussion, I made my popcorn, and looking for more :)
All this and he's making @lolwarrior fat! Or maybe @lolwarrior is more "entertained" by the fact I continue to prove @ThatNameGuy wrong time and time again with magical powers known as Math, Logic, Facts and Common Sense ??? (If that's the case, then I'm sorry @lolwarrior for the countless pounds of popcorn you've put on during this thread!)

In all seriousness .. I started part of this before the thread was edited.

It bothers me tremendously that the thread has since been edited.

I can't for the life of me understand why ANY of @ThatNameGuy's posts were allowed (including the very first post) .. then actually @NamePros allows him to call me Monkey Poop .. but then since the damage is done and I feel that leaving those comments will at least go to serve the community by showing @ThatNameGuy's true colours .. after asking that those attacks on me actually stay, only then are they erased!
How were they and all the other attacks as well as unprofessional and off-topic self-promotion actually moderated and considered "professional" in any way? There was a delay between each time he posted and when it actually showed up .. so somebody at NamePros pro-actively allowed each and every one of his posts!

With @ThatNameGuy I'm only frustrated in that he's a danger to others with his misinformation and over-inflated implyings of self-importance and authority in the industry .. as well as a danger to himself. It also bothers me that he talks such nonsense and then never answers direct questions nor addresses most of the challenges within the discussions/debates. It's extremely childish ... but what bothers me more is my taking my personal time to discredit the mostly flat out wrong information with Math, Logic and Facts .. only to have my posts deleted!

I've put in a large amount of time, energy into NamePros while always helping as many people as I can (including @ThatNameGuy / @Bulloney) .. but at this point I'm extremely disappointed ...

Open message to @ThatNameGuy .. seriously ... if you go look back at all my original messages to you (including at least one rather long PM), you'll find that although I most definitely kept telling you I didn't think your tactics were good ones, I not only never attacked you .. but I spent a significant amount of time and energy trying to get through to you. It's completely your choice to continue to think I'm wrong despite what (I consider to be) extremely strong logical arguments. But your then somehow twisting everything I said into being a personal attack on your was both completely wrong and unfounded.

Beyond that however .. you should know that most of us see your continued self-promotion and self-glorification as you trying to use these things to impose your authority and make people think that your opinions are more founded than anybody else ... all while almost never actually defending your point-of-view and position in debates with actual facts, math and logic.

PLEASE STOP name-dropping everyone you've exchanged a phone call or an email or two with, only to make it seem like they would agree with you or imply that they think you are some sort of authority in the industry. ONLY do so when you have actually conducted real tangible business together.
[ @NamePros and @Support Team .. this needs to be an ACTUAL requirement of restricted accounts as it is continuously being used in an extremely inappropriate and unprofessional way ]

Seriously ... in this discussion you went from calling me a liar for claiming there are domainers who sell over 2% of their inventory per year .. to not even questioning @Josytal's statement he makes 8%! If that was me, saying over 2% is a lie, then getting all cosy with the person who says 8% .. what would you say? How can we not label you a hypocrite with nothing but ulterior motives .. particularly when you ignore almost all on-topic questions and almost never stay on topic only to randomly discuss your random domains for the sole purpose of boosting yourself up completely off-topic?

If NamePros by some miracle allow you to stay .. then I plead with you to actually LISTEN to people .. answer people's questions when they challenge you.

The internet can be a very challenging place when it comes to communication .. I also ask that you actually take the time to re-read what people say (specifically those who you have never connected with), and always assume the person has good intentions. Re-read and ask yourself .. did that people actually attack me .. or did maybe a missing comma or typo potentially change the meaning or perceived intentions? Or maybe the person doesn't have a strong command of English and used seemingly less-than friendly words? You seem to think the whole domaining world is against you ... and right now it's mostly true based on all of the above and more .. but most people most certainly did not start that way. I personally had nothing but the best of intentions until you started getting snarky with me and called me "CLUELESS" (in all caps no less) last year. Even since I honestly didn't really care about you personally (I don't have time for personal vendettas), and my continued debates and challenges against you was because most of what you post I STRONGLY disagree with when related to domaining .. and I'm not OK letting what I personally think are bad advice, information and strategies being left out in the open unchallenged.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: .. when you're talking about all your grandiose business plans .. NEVER direct those discussions in a way that newcomers can confuse them as domaining strategies. I've said it a million times .. and want it to be EXTREMELY CLEAR to everyone (particularly the @NamePros @Support Team), that while you most certainly are allowed to have business development dreams and fantasies .. the domain buying strategies you continue to self-promote for that sort of thing is incredibly dangerous to any new domainer who doesn't realise they would also need significant business development skills and lots of contacts to ever see a dime from such an otherwise horrible domain acquisition strategy.

(Although I don't see much in realistic possibilities of your far fetched business ideas, given your tenacity, inability to understand the word no or to even see adversity standing right in front of you .. lol, you'll hopefully get one of them to work one day .. but I want it to be crystal clear that it will in NO WAY be as a result of your domaining strategies, but more because of your business development strategies ... feel free to continue to confuse the two very separate strategies in your head .. but if you do so in the domain corners of the forum, I and hopefully others will continue to vigorously challenge you)

In the end .. when you post with what I see as clearly dangerous strategies .. while also directly insulting myself .. my domaining peers .. and virtually the entire NamePros community ... I will always step in to correct what I think is wrong or dangerous information ... I will drop as many logic-bombs as it takes and debate you into the ground!

Four of the most appropriate responses to someone making a logical argument against you are:
1- Say nothing.
2- Thank the person for showing you an logical argument that changed your mind
3- Apologise or say you were wrong (it's not the end of the world .. maybe you just rushed to judgement .. or had bad data .. or didn't see a point of view .. all of those things are the reasons for having open debates/discussions)
4- Don't agree with them .. but counter their points with CONTEXTUAL and RELEVANT facts, data, logic and math. I have ZERO issues with people telling me I am wrong .. as long as they can actually prove to me why or at least come up with a constructive argument as to why they don't agree. Not every debate needs a winner .. and sometimes what is good for one person isn't for another .. but make just make sure such a conclusion is reached logically.

I think it's safe to say this whole thing has wasted everybody's time and energy .. I personally hate not liking people .. as long as @NamePros / @Support Team undelete my posts (and contextually related ones), I'm considering the conflictual aspects of this "issue" closed. @NamePros and the @Support Team most definitely need to take further action if not at the very least creating better rules/guidelines for restricted accounts and for what is considered "professional" posting in general (for everyone regardless of account status)

That being said .. I am more than open to continue the debate/discussion as long as anyone is objective, answers question directed to them, and stays relatively on-topic. Even a little self-promotion is fine .. particularly when on context .. but @ThatNameGuy .. seriously and sincerely look at the long red section in the "box" above .. and please understand how most community members find that to be significantly over the line in terms of attacks and self-glorification/promotion .. while conversely there being no actual tangible on-topic constructive counter-arguments.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Mister Bulloney is now sending me harassing emails to my personal email account with derogatory language and threatening me to spread my web addresses to others without my permission. @NamePros @Support Team @Eric Lyon, this trolling by him, an eternal on Restricted basis member, is getting out of hand and needs to be dealt with 'action' once and for all!!! Unless this and him is the type of people wanted in this forum. Sad if so.

Yesterday, I cleaned up the thread and posted the following:
This thread has been partially cleaned and more posts may be removed.

If members continue to attack, harass, or antagonize one another further, infractions will follow equally and swiftly.

Please keep the thread on-topic from here on out and play nice. If you feel a post contains a rule violation, please use the report feature and do not engage the post with further rule violations.


Infractions were issued to members that were in clear violation of the rules in that thread.

The off-topic posts continued today and the thread was closed:
More off-topic comments removed / thread closed / Multiple members appear to not be able to follow the rules in this thread, which seems to be instigating hostility, personal attacks, and antagonistic behavior.

It's unfortunate that members don't get along, however, resorting to personal attacks is not acceptable.

Please read: Expectations for respect and constructiveness

If you come across a post that violates a rule, please use the report feature and do NOT engage them in the thread. This will result in a rule violation in most cases, where a heated debate turns into an attack vector.

It's my hopes that you can all avoid each other for a while until you all cool down a bit from the incident.

This matter has taken several hours of research and moderation, in which could have been used for more important/urgent matters that need our attention.

If you don't get along with another member, just avoid quoting, referencing, or reply to them.

If it helps, you can add a member to your ignore list here: https://www.namepros.com/account/ignored

I'm now marking this matter resolved.

Please use the report feature in the future so a moderator can investigate further and get more involved.


Eric Lyon
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