
discuss The Environmental Thread - Earth Matters, so what's holding us back?

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Are you concerned about Climate Change?

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    We have bigger problems

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    God will save us


  • 5 votes
  • Ended 4 years ago
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420 friendlyTop Member
I believe everyone would agree on at least one point - planet Earth matters! For years, scholars and environmentalists have touted the idea - that the boundaries of life on our planet have been stretched to a breaking point by human activity. From a scientific perspective, the notion of climate change is no longer up for debate. Our species and life as it exists on planet Earth now depends on the choices we humans make. Each individual with a brain possesses the ability to contribute solutions to our common current dilemma, so what's holding us back?

Is it our lack of knowledge; a conflict of interest; the lack of will, and/or other priorities that define the human race? Do we possess the courage to take an initiative, to act upon our convictions and choose to help preserve the Blue planet? Have our environmental problems become too big for individuals to tackle that we must leave it for governments to handle?

Are we limited by our own self-interests, by the confines of our own box or bubble? Have we merely been caught up in our daily mundane existence, distracted by the media and current affairs, that we fail to consider the future? Is Climate Change simply a hoax? Is the human species destined to evolve or are we doomed to extinction?

Here is place to discuss any pertinent thoughts or ideas you may have on the subject. Every thought counts. Please be respectful.
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Atlantic Ocean Circulation Could Collapse by 2050, Scientists Warn​


"A major ocean current system in the Atlantic could be about to collapse as soon as 2025, concerning new peer-reviewed research suggests.

This is particularly concerning in light of the current heat extremes we're witnessing across the globe, including a massive departure from previous records in the Atlantic Ocean itself.

"Here we calculate when the early warning signs are significantly above the natural variations," write physicist Peter Ditlevsen and statistician Susanne Ditlevsen from the University of Copenhagen.

"Given the importance of the AMOC for the climate system, we ought not to ignore such clear indicators of an imminent collapse."

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is a large system of ocean currents that includes the well-known Gulf Stream and regulates the transfer of ocean heat from the tropics to the northern hemisphere.
As such, it impacts much of Earth's climate. It is considered one of the most important tipping elements in Earth's climate system, and has been slowing down since the mid-1900s."


This is the original research:

Warning of a forthcoming collapse of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation​

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  • CEFC China Energy Co. (CEFC), the Chinese energy firm that directed millions of dollars to Hunter Biden and his associates, also fully funded a non-governmental organization (NGO) that worked with the United Nations UN on issues pertaining to climate change and that its de facto leader used to engage in international corruption.
  • The CEFC NGO sponsored two UN programs that awarded funds annually to selected recipients whose work focused on climate change and “sustainable development,” according to archives of the CEFC NGO’s website.
  • Patrick Ho, the nominal leader of CEFC’s NGO, was convicted in 2018 for bribing a high-ranking Ugandan UN official for preferential treatment of CEFC in future Ugandan business dealings, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York.
Manufactured Climate Consensus Deemed False By Climate Scientist - 'The Time For Debate Has Ended'

Is there really a man-made global warming crisis? Although the urgency surrounding hundreds of international environment conferences could make such a question seem ridiculous, some leading scientists warn that the global warming panic is all a big scam.

For many years, the world seemed to have reached a climate consensus about the growing threat to the environment. With the support of an overwhelming majority of world-renowned scientists, various treaties have been borne.

The United Nations is leading the charge with this climate consensus, and its core message has been pretty clear. The environment is under human threat, and we have to "act now!"

But is that really true? Some top-level scientists have come out to refute these claims. One of them is Dr. John Clauser, a renowned physicist and Nobel Prize winner. He vehemently opposes the notion of a man-made climate crisis. In fact, he believes it's all a deliberate hoax.

The Nobel Laureate is strongly joined by the founder of the Weather Channel, John Coleman. The now-late veteran weatherman who has spent most of his life analyzing weather changes has something interesting to say. “Climate change is not happening; there is no significant man-made global warming now, there hasn’t been any in the past, and there is no reason to expect any in the future,” he declared.

The flames of dissenting statements such as these have always been doused by online fact-checkers. But these online information moderators have been unable to hide the smoke. The chorus of heretical views has gotten even louder in the past few years.

Just recently, another leading dissident voice joined the party. American climatologist Judith Curry is making her doubts known loud and clear. In over a hundred scientific papers, the Georgia Institute of Technology professor emerita has described the consensus as "manufactured." According to her, "the time for debate has ended."

She also had scathing criticisms of her colleagues in the science world. She has accused other scientists of deceptively fueling the man-made climate emergency for "fame and fortune."

Professor Curry has also bravely opened a can of worms concerning the science world. She has exposed what she described as a "climate change industry" where scientists have become puppets of politicians and moneybags.

No doubt, these are grave allegations. But they are allegations she has backed up with her own experiences. Professor Curry, who also claims to have been part of the industry, went on to narrate her experience.

She admitted to being recruited to fuel the climate hysteria. “I was adopted by the environmental advocacy groups and the alarmists, and I was treated like a rock star. Flown all over the place to meet with politicians. Like a good scientist, I investigated,” she said.

Professor Curry has been involved in years of research involving aspects such as atmospheric modeling, hurricanes, remote sensing, climate models, and lots more. She claims that her defection hasn't come without a price. Scientists who will not play ball will lose out on millions of dollars in grants as well as recognition. According to her, the "industry" only rewards scientists who are ready to raise the false alarm.

Every year, the UN, as well as other bodies, fork out billions of dollars to organize climate change conferences. Could these elaborate arrangements be built on lies and misconceptions being pushed by some secret puppeteers? It's up to you to decide.
"Dr. Clauser, known for his stance against climate change, diagnosed the current situation as not being a climate crisis and criticized the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for spreading misinformation. He stated, “I don’t believe there is a climate crisis” and expressed his belief that “key processes are exaggerated and misunderstood by approximately 200 times.” Dr. Clauser, who is recognized as a climate change skeptic, also became a member of the board of directors of the CO2 Coalition last month, an organization that argues that carbon dioxide emissions are beneficial to life on Earth.

Dr. Clauser received the Nobel Prize in Physics for experimentally elucidating the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, which forms the theoretical basis for quantum cryptography. He majored in physics at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and worked as a researcher at the University of California, Berkeley campus. As a keynote speaker at Quantum Korea 2023, he delivered a keynote lecture on the topic of quantum entanglement and also personally awarded prizes to students who won quantum-related competitions, expressing his enthusiasm."
Professor Curry has also bravely opened a can of worms concerning the science world. She has exposed what she described as a "climate change industry" where scientists have become puppets of politicians and moneybags.

Professor Curry also suggests that instead of doing nothing, we ought to minimize our impact on the environment, including reducing air and water pollution. She suggests we need to reduce our vulnerability to extreme weather patterns and update infrastructure with 21st century renewable technology. Is there a problem with that?

While politicians have finally embraced the long-standing Green Party platform, these mainstream parties also have a base on which to tool up the machinery of innovation.

How to Use AI to Talk to Whales—and Save Life on Earth​

With ecosystems in crisis, engineers and scientists are teaming up to decipher what animals are saying. Their hope: By truly listening to nature, humans will decide to protect it.

The idea of “decoding” animal communication is bold, maybe unbelievable, but a time of crisis calls for bold and unbelievable measures. Everywhere that humans are, which is everywhere, animals are vanishing. Wildlife populations across the planet have dropped an average of nearly 70 percent in the past 50 years, according to one estimate—and that’s just the portion of the crisis that scientists have measured. Thousands of species could disappear without humans knowing anything about them at all.

To decarbonize the economy and preserve ecosystems, we certainly don’t need to talk to animals. But the more we know about the lives of other creatures, the better we can care for those lives. And humans, being human, pay more attention to those who speak our language. The interaction that Earth Species wants to make possible, Fournet says, “helps a society that is disconnected from nature to reconnect with it.” The best technology gives humans a way to inhabit the world more fully. In that light, talking to animals could be its most natural application yet.

Last few years, was BTC mining and nowdays GPT

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Going to the thread's original question of 'Earth matters, so what's holding us back?':

Trolls are leaving their giant footprints in the Seattle area.

Danish storyteller and environmental artist Thomas Dambo has constructed four of his six pieces as part of the public exhibition, “Northwest Trolls: Way of the Bird King.”
  • Made from scrap wood and assembled with the help of volunteers, the trolls tell a tale of protecting nature and keeping waste out of landfills.
  • “There are so many people who want to be a part of a positive change,” said Dambo (above, with Jakob 2 Trees). “Make people happy, they come and help you.” Read our Q&A and see photos from Issaquah, Wash.
Bolding is mine.
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"As a scientist I'm Not allowed to tell the truth about climate change"

He says we could offset the affects of climate change by better management but he literally admits climate change plays a part:

"He gave examples of factors which are ignored, including a 'decline in deaths from weather and climate disasters over the last century'. In the case of wildfires, Brown says 'current research indicates that these changes in forest management practices could completely negate the detrimental impacts of climate change on wildfires'."

And decline in deaths is because we're just more advanced now. Better science, warning systems, ways to inform the public etc. This guy and people like Vivek like to bring that up as some type of argument that climate isn't playing a part. It's dishonest. And then Conservative Christians tend to be more fossil fuel friendly, may be a little biased.
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Matt Ridley is a science writer. I have 3 of his books myself....Genome, Viral and Francis Crick.
I thought I would look up his view on climate change. In this video he speaks about Carbon Dioxide.

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Matt Ridley is a science writer. I have 3 of his books myself....Genome, Viral and Francis Crick.
I thought I would look up his view on climate change. In this video he speaks about Carbon Dioxide.

The same Matt Ridley, who as chairman, collapsed the Northern Rock Bank driving UK into financial distress and costing British taxpayers over 37 Billion pounds? Not surprising he has tried to reboot his career as a science denialist...another aristocrat who talks alot but says nothing - zero plus zero is still zero. I would wager he's never even seen a polar bear in the wild, yet he's the science guy? Gimme a break, lol.

Ad Hominem​

(Attacking the person): This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution.
  1. Student: Hey, Professor Moore, we shouldn't have to read this book by Freud. Everyone knows he used cocaine.

Ad Hominem​

(Attacking the person): This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution.
  1. Student: Hey, Professor Moore, we shouldn't have to read this book by Freud. Everyone knows he used cocaine.
There are plenty of people out there taking apart his position, couple of examples below. It seems you tend to favor the opinion of those getting paid off by fossil fuel companies


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There are plenty of people out there taking apart his position, couple of examples below. It seems you tend to favor the opinion of those getting paid off by fossil fuel companies.

He's just one of many serial misinformers with their pro-fossil fuel agenda. Matt Ridley is on the Wall of Shame.

Here is a database collection of other individuals and organizations referenced to have helped delay and distract the public and from taking action to counter Climate Change...


Big Oil’s Real Agenda on Climate Change​

In the three years following the Paris Agreement, the five largest publicly-traded oil and gas majors (ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell, Chevron, BP and Total) invested over $1Bn of shareholder funds on misleading climate-related branding and lobbying. These efforts are in conflict with the goals of the global climate accord and designed to maintain the social and legal license to operate and expand fossil fuel operations.


However, many companies have embraced change and have exerted their influence to counter the misinformation and deep pockets of the petrolem industry. Rankings for the 500 companies and 250 industry associations covered in the LobbyMap database

India's New Delhi blanketed by toxic haze, world's most polluted city again​


India's capital New Delhi was wrapped in a thick layer of toxic haze on Friday and some schools were ordered closed as the air quality index (AQI) plummeted to the "severe" category.

New Delhi again topped a real-time list of the world's most polluted cities compiled by Swiss group IQAir, which put the Indian capital's AQI at 640 in the "hazardous" category on Friday, followed by 335 in the Pakistani city of Lahore.

Global Fossil Production Set to Blow Through 1.5°C Climate Limit, New Report Warns​


Red hot October almost guarantees 2023 will be the hottest year on record​

This October was the hottest on record globally, 1.7 degrees Celsius (3.1 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than the pre-industrial average for the month — and the fifth straight month with such a mark in what will now almost certainly be the warmest year ever recorded.

UN climate report: It’s now or never to limit global warming to 1.5°​

A new IPCC report – written by hundreds of leading scientists and agreed by 195 countries - noted that immediate and deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions are needed across all sectors if we are to preserve a livable climate.

Going to the thread's topic of "earth matters, so what's holding us back": 'If nature literally had a voice, would we treat her better?'

Talking to the Amazon thanks to AI: 'In six months we will have a conversation with an ecosystem'

What if nature literally has a voice, would we treat her better? With that in mind, Milan Meyberg founded Emissary of GAIA. Because what initially sounds abstract can quickly become reality thanks to the rapid developments in the field of AI. “I expect that in six months we will be able to have a conversation with an ecosystem.”

“Imagine if nature could represent itself in conversations about nature, how would that work?”, Meyberg begins. “That thought may be abstract. But the rise of AI language programs like ChatGPT makes this very possible. If you train a language program on data about an ecosystem, an AI can use that data to create a character with which we can have a conversation.”

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