I am Confused...Please help! Can Hosting Sites Transfer A Site For You?



Established Member
Okay here is my problem:
I am wanting to build out my domains into sites, generate revenue, and then sell at a better price.
Therefore, I need to find a good hosting service first, and foremost..The one I have now is great on support, and I have been with them for years, but I am going to change as they are outdated, and are extremely costly, and they keep upping the prices on me every year.
Anyhow, I had called one Hosting site, and asked them, if I could keep my domains on Godaddy, and still Host with them, they said yes..Al I would need to do is change Nameservers...Great!
Then I asked them, "If I want to sell my site, how would that work?" They told me that I would just change the name server and they would do the transfer. (Perhaps they or I misunderstood somehow?)
Then I saw a thread in which stated that one would have to save files into a zip format, etc.. etc.. etc..
So now I am confused...
I feel like I missed something here... Can a hosting site transfer your entire site to someone else, by simply having me change the nameservers in my Godaddy account, or would I have to go through all kinds of crazy backups, and download all kinds of zip files, etc.. etc.???
I would like to be able to just focus on first figuring out which hosting company I'm going to go with, then learning how to go from learning HTML to WP, (with the tutorials I have found) figure out what plug-ins go, and don't go with one another, writing quality content, promoting all my sites, selling them, and investing more, building out more, and selling...Rinse, repeat, basically without having to do all this other techie stuff when a site sells...
I really do want to have all of this figured out before I go with any hosting company, and start building out my sites....Please help! Thanks in advance to all who contribute!
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First if you sell the domain, you will have to push or transfer the domain to the new domain owner account ..not changing the DNS. for the site content its very easy trough cpanel, you will have only to generate a full cpanel backup "in only 1 click" without to have any knowledge and send to the buyer a download link.

Between I own a hosting company from 2006 and Usually any hosting company can help you to generate the full cpanel .backup

Hop this can help you.
If you want to go extremely cheap, pay for what you use and drop the resource hogging cPanel.

Amazon EC2 micro is free for 750 hours a month. It takes 3 lines of code (and some bash editing for the IP) to install VestaCP (free) to manage domains.

After you learn the ropes, expand your horizon and gradually pay more, but only pay for what you use and not for what you are never going to use (1 TB space, etc.).

I don't know what your budget is, but it's fairly cheap.

You can sell a website and retain ownership of the domain by pointing the name servers to the new host, but I don't think the buyer would appreciate it that much. With SSH access, an experienced user would be able to copy straight over. Otherwise as stated above, you will need to make a backup (~100MB), place it in your public_html folder, have them download it, then upload it in their cPanel as stated above. Some configurations may need to be changed as it's on a new server.

Learn something new! :)

Edit: With a cPanel backup, email and email accounts are included. Ensure removing sensitive emails (used for logins and change them) as well as purging your mail for privacy.
If you want to go extremely cheap, pay for what you use and drop the resource hogging cPanel.

Amazon EC2 micro is free for 750 hours a month. It takes 3 lines of code (and some bash editing for the IP) to install VestaCP (free) to manage domains.

After you learn the ropes, expand your horizon and gradually pay more, but only pay for what you use and not for what you are never going to use (1 TB space, etc.).

I don't know what your budget is, but it's fairly cheap.

You can sell a website and retain ownership of the domain by pointing the name servers to the new host, but I don't think the buyer would appreciate it that much. With SSH access, an experienced user would be able to copy straight over. Otherwise as stated above, you will need to make a backup (~100MB), place it in your public_html folder, have them download it, then upload it in their cPanel as stated above. Some configurations may need to be changed as it's on a new server.

Learn something new! :)

Edit: With a cPanel backup, email and email accounts are included. Ensure removing sensitive emails (used for logins and change them) as well as purging your mail for privacy.

LOL..That sounds so confusing, I feel like you're speaking chinese to me...(BTW, I don't know how to speak Chinese)
First if you sell the domain, you will have to push or transfer the domain to the new domain owner account ..not changing the DNS. for the site content its very easy trough cpanel, you will have only to generate a full cpanel backup "in only 1 click" without to have any knowledge and send to the buyer a download link.

Between I own a hosting company from 2006 and Usually any hosting company can help you to generate the full cpanel .backup

Hop this can help you.

I have never done a cpanel backup, but it does sound a lot easier than everything David just said...I do want the domain to go with it...So like you said, just push the domain, don't change the nameservers?, then once the site sells with the domain, just generate a full cpanel back up...Good to know that any hosting company will help me with that, and perhaps even tell me how to do it for future walking me through it step by step.
What hosting company do you own? Just curious....
Also, can I do this with a WP site using cPanel?
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What hosting company do you own? Just curious....
Also, can I do this with a WP site using cPanel?

Graficonet.net.. And yes, you can do it with WP through cPanel...

I have quite the equipment of my own. :)

You will first push the domain and let them change the name servers to their hosting account.

As you still have the account on your server/account, you can use your dedicated IP address (https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:2083/~username).

Once logged into cPanel, you will see an area called "Files". Go to the "Backup Wizard" and click "Backup". Next (remembering my comment about emails), complete a "Full Backup".

There are many ways you can do this and quite possibly the easiest is to toss it on their account. If they give you the username and password to either an FTP account or their main account, you can place the backup on their server by means of a backup destination of a Remote FTP Server.

If you can't get a remote backup to work, the next best thing would to create a full backup in your home directory (/home/username). You can set it to email you when it's done, but not really necessary as it takes minutes to complete a small site.

Take a coffee break and come back.

Then go to Files -> Backup Wizard -> Backup -> Full Backup. You should either see one of two things. An orange icon (I believe) with "in progress" next to it (repeat from the Files step in a couple minutes) or a green check box icon next to a file named something similar to "backup-(Month).(Day).(Year)_(Hour)-(Minute)-(Second)_(Username).tar.gz" as a link.

By clicking this, it will download the backup. You can upload it somewhere for them to download (as it'll be too large to email) or depending on your FTP software, login to FTP using your IP, username and password it should take you to your /home/username directory. You will see this file. Simply drop it into your public_html folder and then give them the http://IP/~username/backup-(Month).(Day).(Year)_(Hour)-(Minute)-(Second)_(Username).tar.gz link. They can then download it as it'll be accessible to the web.

For them to restore it after they have the file, it's quite simple on their end. Have them contact their host (or if they have a dedicated solution they can do this themselves), put in a support ticket to restore the full backup after they have uploaded it to their server.

Otherwise, you will need to do Partial Backups of the Home Directory and MySQL Databases (I wouldn't recommend an email backup unless vital to the site) in which they can restore on their own via Files -> Backup Wizard -> Restore.

I hope this tutorial helps. If you have anything else or are confused about something, please let me know and I'll try to answer it to the best of my knowledge.
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I hope this tutorial helps. If you have anything else or are confused about something, please let me know and I'll try to answer it to the best of my knowledge.

Wow, what a great and full reply. That was an amazing help - thanks.
I have quite the equipment of my own. :)

You will first push the domain and let them change the name servers to their hosting account.

As you still have the account on your server/account, you can use your dedicated IP address (https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:2083/~username).

Once logged into cPanel, you will see an area called "Files". Go to the "Backup Wizard" and click "Backup". Next (remembering my comment about emails), complete a "Full Backup".

There are many ways you can do this and quite possibly the easiest is to toss it on their account. If they give you the username and password to either an FTP account or their main account, you can place the backup on their server by means of a backup destination of a Remote FTP Server.

If you can't get a remote backup to work, the next best thing would to create a full backup in your home directory (/home/username). You can set it to email you when it's done, but not really necessary as it takes minutes to complete a small site.

Take a coffee break and come back.

Then go to Files -> Backup Wizard -> Backup -> Full Backup. You should either see one of two things. An orange icon (I believe) with "in progress" next to it (repeat from the Files step in a couple minutes) or a green check box icon next to a file named something similar to "backup-(Month).(Day).(Year)_(Hour)-(Minute)-(Second)_(Username).tar.gz" as a link.

By clicking this, it will download the backup. You can upload it somewhere for them to download (as it'll be too large to email) or depending on your FTP software, login to FTP using your IP, username and password it should take you to your /home/username directory. You will see this file. Simply drop it into your public_html folder and then give them the http://IP/~username/backup-(Month).(Day).(Year)_(Hour)-(Minute)-(Second)_(Username).tar.gz link. They can then download it as it'll be accessible to the web.

For them to restore it after they have the file, it's quite simple on their end. Have them contact their host (or if they have a dedicated solution they can do this themselves), put in a support ticket to restore the full backup after they have uploaded it to their server.

Otherwise, you will need to do Partial Backups of the Home Directory and MySQL Databases (I wouldn't recommend an email backup unless vital to the site) in which they can restore on their own via Files -> Backup Wizard -> Restore.

I hope this tutorial helps. If you have anything else or are confused about something, please let me know and I'll try to answer it to the best of my knowledge.

It does help a little, but also seems like a lot of work..Was kind of hoping for a quick n easy way of doing it, as my main focus is on so many other things. I'll just say, to do all of what you just said on top of learning WP, I will wanting some big money for all of my domains...lol..Otherwise I will just build them out, promote the hell out of them, and generate ongoing revenue...
I feel like after learning to do all of this I would be able to be a genius with computers...
I think you should do a video tutorial on it..Not expecting you to, but I do learn a lot easier that way...I will have to copy and paste all this.
Can't I just download the cPanel, and give the files over? That would be much easier I think, too...
Anyhow, it is still a bit confusing as I've never done any of this, but when I get ready to, I guess I will come back to this post and follow it step by step, and if I have any questions after that, I will be sure to let you know.
It Is A LOT for me to take in...Like when you use words like FTP, and mySQL, I really don'/t have a clue what you're talking about...
FTP, and mySQL, I really don'/t have a clue what you're talking about...

The best way to think of FTP, is as the way you upload your files to a server, so that a site will display. As for MySQL, it's simply a database where loads of info is stored.

.Or is everything David said on top of it?

David's response is much better than mine, but if you take things step by step, rather than look at the process as a whole (and be apprehensive about it), then you'll be surprised by how much knowledge you'll take on board really quickly.

I have cPanel myself, and if you ever have any questions about anything that seems mystifying, then please feel free to get in touch via pm - I think the main thing for you right now is to see cPanel, and for that you will need to decide upon hosting.


Backing up files isn't hard through cPanel, in fact it's pretty much just a couple of clicks!
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Hang on a sec... I'll grab a quick screenshot of cPanel so you can see how easy and user friendly it is!


Ok, hopefully this will come through ok... I've just taken a screenshot of cPanel - it's really user friendly, with lots of icons (that explain everything you need is very simple terms). No coding knowledge whatsoever is needed to operate cPanel... sooo, whatever it is that you want or need to do, there will likely be a button for it on cPanel that you just click and follow the simple process... or else it just does it for you automatically.

Eek, it won't let me upload a photo here unless I host it somewhere first - no worries, it's real simple 'though - I promise!
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wow,this is a very impacting thread i love/learn from the comments.
@Gatekeeper ftp means;file transfer protocol,its a standard internet protocol for transmitting files btw computers on the internet,it is use to tranfer webpage from the creator to the computer that acts as their server(host) for everyone on the internet.u will need to install the ftp client software on ur pc,if u use windows you can google for filezilla

after installing u need to master it,its about 1h or so then you can be able to use it to;publish and maintain sites,
share files with others,
upload and download of images,document,movie,music,
backup local and remote files
That is good to know it's probably a lot easier than I am making it out to be! Thank you both so much for your replies. I will definitely PM you if I have any issues with it, dnrevolution! Thanks again! :)
Now to get hosting, and do some research on that!...lol...
wow,this is a very impacting thread i love/learn from the comments.
@Gatekeeper ftp means;file transfer protocol,its a standard internet protocol for transmitting files btw computers on the internet,it is use to tranfer webpage from the creator to the computer that acts as their server(host) for everyone on the internet.u will need to install the ftp client software on ur pc,if u use windows you can google for filezilla

after installing u need to master it,its about 1h or so then you can be able to use it to;publish and maintain sites,
share files with others,
upload and download of images,document,movie,music,
backup local and remote files

Okay, is this even more I need to learn and go through, or does it just go right along with what dnrevolution and David said? Thank you btw...
Okay, is this even more I need to learn and go through, or does it just go right along with what dnrevolution and David said? Thank you btw...

Yes, it's all the same thing, albeit explained in a different way :) ... All you need now is to get a hosting plan. The price should be around $10-$20 per month for a good "shared" hosting plan, that has cPanel (very important for non techies), unlimited domains, and unlimited bandwidth.

All of the big hosting co's do a plan like that, and once you've signed up they'll email you your log in details etc.. and you'll be able to access cPanel immediately.

Think of cPanel as your non technical user-friendly way of putting your sites and domains on the web, because that's exactly what it is. As I say, you won't really need to learn much of anything;

You want to install wordpress on a hosted domain? Ok, just click the WP button and follow the simple instructions!..

You want to upload a website you've created to the web? Ok, so just click on the upload button and choose the directory you want!...

It's all very simple, I promise you (and you won't be surprised to learn that you just click a button to do website "backup's" too!).

Yes, it's all the same thing, albeit explained in a different way :) ... All you need now is to get a hosting plan. The price should be around $10-$20 per month for a good "shared" hosting plan, that has cPanel (very important for non techies), unlimited domains, and unlimited bandwidth.

All of the big hosting co's do a plan like that, and once you've signed up they'll email you your log in details etc.. and you'll be able to access cPanel immediately.

Think of cPanel as your non technical user-friendly way of putting your sites and domains on the web, because that's exactly what it is. As I say, you won't really need to learn much of anything;

You want to install wordpress on a hosted domain? Ok, just click the WP button and follow the simple instructions!..

You want to upload a website you've created to the web? Ok, so just click on the upload button and choose the directory you want!...

It's all very simple, I promise you (and you won't be surprised to learn that you just click a button to do website "backup's" too!).
That is the first thing in this thread that I understood in its entirety...lol..Thank you! :)
If you need any help let me know. I can also give you a free one month cpanel account without any engagement and help you to understand how cpanel work.
If you need any help let me know. I can also give you a free one month cpanel account without any engagement and help you to understand how cpanel work.
Wow thanks! I might just take you up on that...What's your site?
ok wait...Now I have another question..What is Linux, Softaculous, Fantastico, and Plesk? Are these additions to WP, or alternatives, or add ons, or ???
Softaculous Software Installer Preinstalled scripts included with Hosting Linux Plan that allow you to install any popular application/software without any web hosting knowledge. Whether you want to start a website, blog, forum or online store our 1 click, script installer has the right software for your needs. From Wordpress to Zen Cart, we have it all.
Fantastico deprecated and replaced by Softaculous

You can check our cpanel demo at : https://www.graficonet-cpanel-demo.com:2083/login/?user=graficcp&pass=fE18s3f0Rl

*Linux Is the OS (Operating system for the server) installed for cpanel control panel
*Plesk is the control panel for windows hosting

This is related to Your hosting not especially for Wp

Between : for further help please open support ticket as I'm not always Here ;)
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