information confiscated temporarily by Spanish Government.


WhoaDomain.comTop Member
Alright alright. Get ready for a chuckle. As I hinted before in other threads. Government's might confiscate domains using country code extensions.

In this case it was .es .

Not going to complain as they said they would give back the domain after this crisis is over (supposedly).

I should have grabbed that $10k offer.

But after I blew off that offer because they tried to scare me that Spanish Gov would take it. I cut all communications. I don't like scare tactics just to get my domain.

I suspect buyer took revenge and notified Spanish Gov and they took action. Or maybe not and Spanish Gov did so anyways.

Marcaria said this domain would be "returned".

What are my rights in regards to this? I guess they can legally do this?

I mean after coronavirus is "over" what point is it to own

Also FYI as part of this also and was confiscated "temporarily".

Currently the domain resolves to no where but I'm sure soon it will.

Is this all legal? Will I lose this domain completely?

The wording from Marcaria is that it will be eventually returned after this crisis is over.

Pretty slick. Spanish Gov. I had planned on developing this domain to monetize now nothing.

Wonder what other. Countries will do this?

Are my rights being violated here by a Government? I suspect no but just curious.
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Here's what likely took place:

They made the offer in good faith, with the intention to buy it off you. But when you resisted the $10k, they got incensed and lost every respects for you. With the obvious confirmation that you're just a greedy hodler, they decided to take it by force.

I guess we're just gonna ignore the fact that I already offered to let them use it for free huh? I guess it's easier to go with "greedy domainer" and call it a day. Like I said. I have emails to prove I offered this domain for free use for whatever they wanted.



and finally. The inquiry never stated they WERE Spain.

For all I know they could be OPPORTINISTS.

in the CASE why would I sell it to them?

For all I know they could be the exact same Scammers Governments warned about. Who use Coronavirus domains to scam people.

I don't know who this person was.
Had an email address that did not match his actual name.

So you can say me not selling to this inquiry is actually a domainer preventing a possible scammer from using the domain .

I know of domainers who register domains like this and know their way around the laws. They might know better than me how Spain could have not taken my domain.

I have been contacted several times for TM domains that I have since allowed to expire by domain investors. People who seem to know their way around owning TM domains and KEEPING them till the TM pays.

There are people who currently squat on TM domains and we've all seen them still owned by the registrant and not the TM holder. They must have good lawyers or tricks. The same tricks they could use to keep squatting on

Who knows? Maybe the inquiry is one of these people ?

No way to know for sure. But if it makes your point true then I guess that's the story you want to go with that the inquiry was 100% Spain.

I have said over and over again. I don't know for sure if inquiry was Spain for sure. They never introduced themselves as Spain.

Are you listening or just wanna go with the story the justifies you calling me a greedy domainer?

Pretty convenient if you ask me.

If greed prevented a possible scammer or even bigger opportunist from getting their hands on instead of it being used for good by Spain Gov. Then greed saved for the good guys.
They will never return it to you.
Alright alright. Get ready for a chuckle. As I hinted before in other threads. Government's might confiscate domains using country code extensions.

In this case it was .es .

Not going to complain as they said they would give back the domain after this crisis is over (supposedly).

I should have grabbed that $10k offer.

But after I blew off that offer because they tried to scare me that Spanish Gov would take it. I cut all communications. I don't like scare tactics just to get my domain.

I suspect buyer took revenge and notified Spanish Gov and they took action. Or maybe not and Spanish Gov did so anyways.

Marcaria said this domain would be "returned".

What are my rights in regards to this? I guess they can legally do this?

I mean after coronavirus is "over" what point is it to own

Also FYI as part of this also and was confiscated "temporarily".

Currently the domain resolves to no where but I'm sure soon it will.

Is this all legal? Will I lose this domain completely?

The wording from Marcaria is that it will be eventually returned after this crisis is over.

Pretty slick. Spanish Gov. I had planned on developing this domain to monetize now nothing.

Wonder what other. Countries will do this?

Are my rights being violated here by a Government? I suspect no but just curious.

Hi, im from Spain, I watched this on a Spanish forum (someone found it). I make an account to respond you. Apologize for my English, is not my native language.

In first place, .es domains are under Spanish control (a fact that you have seen by yourself). I don't want to enter in the fact of the speculation, I think that depends on the values of each one of us.

I want to tell you that, in the last weeks, there is a lot of disinformation in the Internet about the virus and the government, and a lot of this info only tries to delegitimize the government, fake news that are making a lot of damage and triggering alarmism in the population. And what is more important, many of this fake news is being transmitted by political parties, even on the TV and their "spaces for their speeches"

We are on state of alert, is a delicate moment and this fake propaganda can do more damage than the virus itself. So, the goverment is taking action (with the help of social medias and other companies) to stop that. I think is very possible that they reacted actively to avoid that domain being used for illegitimate purposes.

An example, Whatsapp is limiting the resend of messages to 5 resends. After that, that message is blocked and any try to resend it massively is blocked, you need to resend it 1 by 1. Even youtube puts a banner in any covid related video (I don't know if that happens only on Spain or even in the rest of the world) linking to information from official sources.

Regarding the money and your purpose of monetize the web, they offered you a lot of money for the domain. There's a saying in Spain, "greed breaks the bag". As you said, you should grabbed the money.
Anyway, I hope that when all this ends, my goverment return you the domain.

I hope that this message helps you understand our situation. Stay safe!
Certainly is that in Spain we have a neo-comunist goverment hidden by a feminist-ecological and progresist mantra.

You have been expropiated by Spain Goverment, give Thanks its only a domain. House expropiation for 4 or more property owners Just started 2 days ago.

This is PSOE-PODEMOS, a NEO-Comunist goverment, in wich at least 4 candidates in PODEMOS have been working hand to hand with chavez and maduro in Venezuela.
Spain soon will go bankrupt, no body will help us.
Certainly is that in Spain we have a neo-comunist goverment hidden by a feminist-ecological and progresist mantra.

You have been expropiated by Spain Goverment, give Thanks its only a domain. House expropiation for 4 or more property owners Just started 2 days ago.

This is PSOE-PODEMOS, a NEO-Comunist goverment, in wich at least 4 candidates in PODEMOS have been working hand to hand with chavez and maduro in Venezuela.
Spain soon will go bankrupt, no body will help us.

Damn. Sucks to hear that. At least you guys don't have a President like from my native country Philippines where he will shoot you dead if you go out in the streets or do drugs or deal drugs. no lawyers. just a bullet. most times in front of your family and he does not hide it. announces it on TV.

I think Spain is an example of what's to come. New World Order anyone?

Best of luck my friend and to Spain also. God Bless Spain.

The worst (second wave) is yet to come. When things calm down a bit during summer. My suggestion? when everyone is relaxing. you should stockpile supplies you didn't get to this time around. so when the second wave comes back even worse you won't feel regret.

Recovered people are showing signs of reinfection. Second wave.
Damn. Sucks to hear that. At least you guys don't have a President like from my native country Philippines where he will shoot you dead if you go out in the streets or do drugs or deal drugs. no lawyers. just a bullet. most times in front of your family and he does not hide it. announces it on TV.

I think Spain is an example of what's to come. New World Order anyone?

Best of luck my friend and to Spain also. God Bless Spain.

The worst (second wave) is yet to come. When things calm down a bit during summer. My suggestion? when everyone is relaxing. you should stockpile supplies you didn't get to this time around. so when the second wave comes back even worse you won't feel regret.

Recovered people are showing signs of reinfection. Second wave.

Hey, don't believe him, he's just a troll. PSOE-Podemos is not a neo-communist government, nor they are expropiating houses. They just said that people paying rent to owners of more than 11 houses on rent can pay half the rent in order to avoid economical problems caused by the coronavirus and not being able to go to work.

Also, I read the document you posted and it says that they will return the domains when the state of alarm ends. That is not the same as when the coronavirus problem ends.
Spain will cease the state of alarm on May 10th. They can extend it if the situation doesn't get better though, but it seems that it's getting better.
The worst (second wave) is yet to come.

Recovered people are showing signs of reinfection. Second wave.

That is worrying. Here in Sweden a lot of people are going about like there is no virus. Govt has said that in pubs and restaurants people should have an 'arm's length' distance. That's ridiculous.

A lot of the respirators provided by the military are over 30 years old and have never been used. 1500 I think. The military tents that have been set up are getting criticism for lack of proper ventilation etc. So many things are said by different people with authority that they are contradicting themselves. Nobody really listening to the PhDs and Medical Professionals. Here the politicians seem to have assumed full medical degrees in the last weeks.

It's real scary how complacent people are here.
hmmm been getting emails from reporters from the media outlets below wanting get the scoop on this particular thread.

Oh great I'm in trouble now.


Not sure what to make of this. Is this going to be bad?

I already know how reporters are. with one hand they act like your friend and everything is nice and civil but what they actually write is a hatchet job.

I declined to comment.

They must be contacting me because this thread seems to be at the bottom of page 3 of the Google search results for "".

one in particular is asking me to get a screenshot to show I do or did own

I guess that's because the current Registrant info is now the current one of .

So I guess no one believes me that I owned That's good I guess? don't really care.

The domain is Gone. What's done is done. I'm over it.

I've stated all the info in extreme detail all out in the open. If they intend on writing incorrect info I'll have to contact my lawyer.

The one article quoted by @Larry_Luc already misquoted me. Probably will need to speak to my lawyer about that too.

if you are going to write a story. Better make sure it's spot on.
hmmm been getting emails from reporters from the media outlets below wanting get the scoop on this particular thread.

Oh great I'm in trouble now.


Not sure what to make of this. Is this going to be bad?

I already know how reporters are. with one hand they act like your friend and everything is nice and civil but what they actually write is a hatchet job.

I declined to comment.

They must be contacting me because this thread seems to be at the bottom of page 3 of the Google search results for "".

one in particular is asking me to get a screenshot to show I do or did own

I guess that's because the current Registrant info is now the current one of .

So I guess no one believes me that I owned That's good I guess? don't really care.

The domain is Gone. What's done is done. I'm over it.

I've stated all the info in extreme detail all out in the open. If they intend on writing incorrect info I'll have to contact my lawyer.

The one article quoted by @Larry_Luc already misquoted me. Probably will need to speak to my lawyer about that too.

if you are going to write a story. Better make sure it's spot on.

Show attachment 151175

Not sure what I would do but maybe tell them you will cooperate on an article if they give mention of your business?

If you spin it well you could get some positive publicity out of this. The negative stories as already out there so why not give them your side of the story.
Hi. Have you been contacted by the government of Spain?
Send email to [email protected] is direct and official contact of always respond.

it's alright man. I've over it seriously. Leave it as is. No point in rocking the boat. Especially during this serious time. too much heat and emotion on this subject. was a mistake to even create this thread in the first place. Spain took this domain and that's it and that's fine.

Whoever the person was who inquired and made offers were not Spain but just someone else who wanted to own and willing to pay $10,000 knowing (and warninging me) full well that Spain would be in State of Alarm and probably confiscate it soon WHOEVER OWNS IT.

you can all hypothesize on your own whether IT WAS SPAIN who did the inquiry and made the offer or IT WASN'T SPAIN and it was just thee owner of several web portals (some Spanish) that made the offer or Spain hired a broker or a "Go between" or even the developer they hired to create the current website to acquire


So many question marks nothing really definitive.

on my end? There really is no way to confirm. Truth is never what people tell you at face value. ANYONE CAN BE ANYONE online via a free email address.

I could be Luke Skywalker via [email protected].

Any one of thee ideas above is possible. But me? I'm going with IT WAS NOT SPAIN. This is what Marcaria is telling me. That it couldn't be.

Finish this up. I have no issue with Spain taking the domain for the obvious benefit and use of it.
I do take issue with the INQUIRY constantly mentioning (or threatening) that Spain is close to being in State of Alarm and that Spain will take because of it while at the same time pushing $10,000 offer.

I offered this domain for FREE to use they accepted then seemed to back off and then offered $10,000 with a "warning" of Spain State of Alarm and possible confiscation.

end of story.
Have you been told a return date?
Have you been told a return date?

Never going to be returned. neither a refund either.

would say more but what's the point? case closed.

why are you so invested in this particular situation?

I see you've been around since 2009 on NP.

not many posts (23).

I guess I should be honored that someone that's been around on NP since 2009 and out of 23 posts since then. my thread got some of those posts.

As I mentioned before. The inquiry about was via them finding me on Namepros. had to be since my whois for the domain is private by default.

So I have to ask. Why so interested?
we still on state of alert... so, the domain still must be confiscated..

I have updated this already. The Spanish Government officially informed via Marcaria that they will not be returning this domain. Case closed. Moving on. God Bless Spain. Thank you.
I have updated this already. The Spanish Government officially informed via Marcaria that they will not be returning this domain. Case closed. Moving on. God Bless Spain. Thank you.
better..there are so many frauds and scam coming from all these "coronavirus" related sites..

ps: there is no any god, please dont make propaganda of religion
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better..there are so many frauds and scam coming from all these "coronavirus" related sites..

ps: there is no any god, please dont make propaganda of religion

Not propaganda. just faith. Spain Conquered my people in 1521 (Thank you Ferdinand Magellan) and imposed the Catholic religion upon them.

All in all that was the only good thing that came out of that. That and the hairy chest and back I inherited probably from some Spanish sailor. lol

And my love of roast pork. lol

So I find it fitting that I wish the Catholic God to Bless the Spanish people during this time of crisis.

When the world looks like it's about to end. All you have left is faith my friend.

If I wanted it to be political I'd wish God to take care of all the people responsible for allowing the Coronavirus to spread like wild fire in Spain killing so many old people.

All because of the Chinese "Belt and Road" initiative with Spain.

Spain should have closed it's borders around early January Not February to China and to be safe all of Asia. That would have been the smart thing to do. Just like Taiwan did. But reading several articles. China told Spain and Italy to not listen to the "rumors" about coronavirus in China and to keep their borders to China tourists and workers and businessmen OPEN. OR ELSE.

This is what happens when you accept MONEY from China Communist Party.

but I digress. not my place to say.

ps. Despite the fact that there are many "coronavirus scam sites". We can't as a whole generalize them all as scam sites. That's a crazy blank statement and unfair.

I still believe there is good in the world.

Of course if the wording of the domain itself is "questionable" where it's obvious what the purpose of the domain will be like "" then sure. That is probably a scam site. but something as generic as an exact match domain for "coronavirus" in any extension? It's difficult to gauge which way it can go. But that does not give anyone the right to just assume it has to be for "bad".

but here's the important part. Are you listening?


As far as how long it should take? I ask. Who are you or anyone else to decide how long it should take for someone to do good?

That is the problem here. People think because you registered such a domain. The owner should create something "good" on it within 5 hours or 1 day or 2 weeks or 1 month?

Who decided this exactly?

There is so much going on in the world right now with peoples lives flipped upside down that it's a bit unfair to put a time frame on anyone to "do good" with a domain.

It's not realistic. So my stance is. Give the registrant the opportunity to do good with their domains. Don't pass judgement in a heart beat. Especially when most of these domains are blank. Now if the domain points to a sales landing page? Either it's a mistake or on purpose.

THEN OKAY knock yourself out. Judge all you want as it is obvious what the purpose of the registration is. But if the domain is blank. It's not your place to "INSERT" what you believe is the registrant's "purpose" for the domain.

I have spoken my peace.
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Not propaganda. just faith. Spain Conquered my people in 1521 (Thank you Ferdinand Magellan) and imposed the Catholic religion upon them.

All in all that was the only good thing that came out of that. That and the hairy chest and back I inherited probably from some Spanish sailor. lol

And my love of roast pork. lol

So I find it fitting that I wish the Catholic God to Bless the Spanish people during this time of crisis.

When the world looks like it's about to end. All you have left is faith my friend.

If I wanted it to be political I'd wish God to take care of all the people responsible for allowing the Coronavirus to spread like wild fire in Spain killing so many old people.

All because of the Chinese "Belt and Road" initiative with Spain.

Spain should have closed it's borders around early January Not February to China and to be safe all of Asia. That would have been the smart thing to do. Just like Taiwan did. But reading several articles. China told Spain and Italy to not listen to the "rumors" about coronavirus in China and to keep their borders to China tourists and workers and businessmen OPEN. OR ELSE.

This is what happens when you accept MONEY from China Communist Party.

but I digress. not my place to say.
please keep your ancient mythology stories just for yourself... there is no any god.. maybe you should go back to scholl and learn again phisics, math, biology, ciences etc... i see you need it
please keep your ancient mythology stories just for yourself... there is no any god.. maybe you should go back to scholl and learn again phisics, math, biology, ciences etc... i see you need it

lol Atheist much? So I guess we are all just destined to be food for worms? So I should be sad for myself not for you because I believe in God? alright let's agree to disagree. We're going off topic now.

So in summation. will NOT be RETURNED even after State of Alert. That's thee end of that and this thread.nothing more to say. If by some miracle it is returned I will update here. Thanks.
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