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Wife leaving me... on to the next johnson. Bahahaha

Now have time for namepros!
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What? Again?
Another one rides the bus!
Thank god and greyhound shes gone.

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These females are something else sometimes...
Wife leaving me... on to the next johnson. Bahahaha

Now have time for namepros!
Even though might be some interesting threads, hopefully she doesn't join NamePros to "stalk" you..seems to be common on Facebook.

So sorry--no matter what, breaking up a marriage is never easy, even if you want it to happen.

Hang in there.

Haha thanks all

she is bipolar and schizzo and I have had enough. it is actually me leaving more more-so.. I said I was getting the papers next week and then she ran. lol.. took my fraking kids too. crazy bi**h
she is bipolar and I have had enough.

been there, sucks when children involved but better to be happy then deal with BS as life is too short, make yourself happy first and the rest will follow
You do realize manic depression is hereditary do you not? Whether it's her or you, you need to get the kids checked and in therapy / on meds if the doctor recommends it. Bipolar is (mostly) treatable, but it does require a strong fortitude to tolerate. I speak from personal experience. My bipolar wife is snoring in the background right now. Married 9 1/2 years to her.

Good luck!
I've yet to figure out why people actually get married.

Yours truly,
took my fraking kids too. crazy bi**h

"fraking kids? You mean your children that you brought into this world who now need to cope with their parents being separated, those fraking kids?

As for bipolar, I hope for her sake and the sake of the children, she's receiving treatment.
I think you took what I said out of the context I meant.

My kids are and always have been the center of my universe. I cry everyday for them. One I didn't bring into the world, I adopted. Then I found out she only married me so i would adopt him, taking the rights from his bio dad. She is pure evil scum.

She is not, she is back in denial. She hid it well in a recent visit to a shrink and took a 1 hour test and calls that a reliable diagnosis. She was treated for years for being schizzo and rapid cycling bipolar. But now is doing what she can to hide that past, and she is very manipulative and knows what to and not to say to a shrink.
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So now you can be fulltime domainer :)
Thanks mate, now if I can just get some work done so I can stop living in my car. She waited until I got the condo and then did this... then she got rid of the condo behind my back.

---------- Post added at 10:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 AM ----------

You do realize manic depression is hereditary do you not? Whether it's her or you, you need to get the kids checked and in therapy / on meds if the doctor recommends it. Bipolar is (mostly) treatable, but it does require a strong fortitude to tolerate. I speak from personal experience. My bipolar wife is snoring in the background right now. Married 9 1/2 years to her.

Good luck!

The kids have been checked, my adopted son is autistic. My daughter, I truly hope has ore of my genes and not her mothers when it comes to her psych.
Wife leaving me... on to the next johnson. Bahahaha

Now have time for namepros!

I own girlfriendssuck.com lol.

wifessuck.com I wonder if that's available?

You should get it if it is dude.
But now is doing what she can to hide that past, and she is very manipulative and knows what to and not to say

Unfortunately, that kind of behavior goes hand-in-hand with a lot of mental illnesses.

She waited until I got the condo and then did this... then she got rid of the condo behind my back.

So the condo was in her name only??? Sounds like you're in a bad situation financially - who was paying the bills?

I'd say your priorities right now are 1) Get a source of steady income - something, anything, temp job, whatever, so that you can 2) Find someplace to live (preferably near your lawyer 'cause you'll be spending some time there )

Breakups are always tough - messy as this sounds, at least you were both on the same page as far as wanting out of the relationship.
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance Family Center
DBSA Chapters/Support Groups
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Family-to-Family

Any mental health professional worth a shit would be able to identify underlying issues regardless of manipulation or lack of cycling during sessions. This is one side of the story; mental illness may or may not even play a part in this. It certainly isn't a boogeyman, but it is often the scapegoat for dysfunctional relationships and lack of accountability.
I have taken accountability. The story is long... nobody wants to hear it... but it goes back to even before her first marriage. She is self destructive, anytime things start going great she has to break it.

---------- Post added at 09:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 AM ----------

Honestly, I wish her the best. I love her still (somewhere deep down) and I just want her to be happy and start a new happier life.
[/COLOR]Honestly, I wish her the best. I love her still (somewhere deep down) and I just want her to be happy and start a new happier life.
Sound like you are accepting your situation..only thing that I can share is the two major lessons that I learned from my divorce
(a) never badmouth the x in front of the kids
(b) Kids shouldn't be used a "pawns" during and after divorce..
Sorry to hear that happened to you, man, it's much tougher on children with her condition

Some of what you described, advances have been made in treating those disorders w/drugs, I work with some pharma sales reps sometimes and Zyprexa, Depakote and Cymbalta seem to have made these conditions easier to live with, they don't work for all people but I wonder if she may have tried some of those meds

Good luck anyway, tough situation all around

ps - if I need work done for any of what you advertise here I'll let you know :)
Thanks mate, I appreciate it. I have moved on, sometimes you just have to let go. I am going to just play fair at court and try to get us both on a healthier path for the kids, not sure if she will cooperate but will try.
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