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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Trump 2024, Real Change & Great Leadership! Putin 2030 Great Leadership!
"Judge Aileen Cannon put the whole damn thing on hold.
The judge's decision to postpone the trial comes just days after Jack Smith's own prosecutors admitted that evidence was rearranged after the FBI's raid on Mar-a-Lago back in August 2022.

Said the feds: "There are some boxes where the order of items within that box is not the same as in the associated scans... The government acknowledges that this is inconsistent with what government counsel previously understood and represented to the court."

That's a lot of words for saying, "We f***** up." Even former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder admits the whole process has simply not been on the up-and-up.

And here's a revelation: The infamous crime scene photo of the raid may be more doctored than Jill Biden's education. Think about it. They admitted as much in a recent court filing.

Remember, it's the picture the liberal media shoved down our throats. All the classified papers laid out neatly on the beautiful, expensive Trump carpeting. Documents labeled "Top Secret" with distinct classification levels showing just how evil and conniving the big orange Godzilla really was to hoard such top secret materials.

The only thing is those papers labeled top secret were cover sheets they simply slapped on there for the photo op. Yeah, top secret cover sheets.

As Julie Kelly with Declassified was first to report, the court filings "conclusively demonstrate that the government used the cover sheets to deceive the public as well as the court. The photo was a stunt, and one that adds more fuel to this dumpster-fire case."

So once again, it's Team Biden lying to the American people to imprison his chief rival, because if you can't beat him, put him behind bars. "
Trump 2024, Real Change & Great Leadership! Putin 2030 Great Leadership!
Yo ,you forgot north Korea kimchinjong China jumping and Iran komedi
All your idols
Yea all the seniors have free food free healthcare and social security
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Yo ,you forgot north Korea kimchinjong China jumping and Iran komedi
All your idols
Yea all the seniors have free food free healthcare and social security
Why do you want to get rid of your healthcare and SS?
Save SS & Medicare Vote GOP in 2024 Trump & GOP house and senate!
Remember how I said Trumps VP won’t be Vivek or somebody black because the Republican Party is still racist as hell and they’re not going to let Vivek, a “ dark skinned Indian” be the leader of MAGA/America First since it’s mainly white and Christian ….,,

Vivek actually believes he has a future with the party which just shows how naive he is

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Why do you want to get rid of your healthcare and SS?
Save SS & Medicare Vote GOP in 2024 Trump & GOP house and senate!
Trump and Republicans will completely remove social security Medicaid Obamacare...
Comedic interlude... from the mouths of babes :xf.laugh::ROFL::xf.laugh:

So what will Trump do with the gaza Crisis?
His son in law is a Jew
So what will Trump do with the gaza Crisis?
His son in law is a Jew

It will be too late, the damage will already have been done. When Biden suggested halting shipment of arms to Israel, Trump said:

"What Biden is doing with respect to Israel is disgraceful. He’s totally abandoned Israel. I guess he feels good about it because he did it as a political decision. You have to do the right decision, not the political decision."

Didn't the Biden administration just approve US $26B in military aid for Israel? Wasn't US support unconditional? :unsure:

...and this is how the Israeli command thank him? :cautious:

No plan for ending the war, refusing cease-fire, Israel pressing on despite International and US opposition to genocide (ethnic cleansing at the least). Who is on the right side of history? Sometimes leaders need to make moral correct decisions, not only the politically correct ones.
not only the politically correct ones.
Not even politically correct. If Biden had taken the politically correct one, would have been to force a cease fire (because he can do it) and stop supplying zillion pound bombs to Israel, because that's what the most of Democratic voters want.

Most of Trumpers seem to be fine erasing Gaza from the map, but not most of Democrats. So if Biden would really think about his party and about winning the next election, would have done something before to stop the massacre.

But his decisions about Gaza have been made based on other things, not even political ones I guess. You know, for some, money always talks. And perhaps some also have their hands tied due to money alliances?

And if the decision had been made out of decency and humanity, Biden would have stopped the big bomb supply way before, because everyone knew from the start for what would be those kind of bombs.

As an example, here you have a person moved by decency and humanity resigning before the start of the massacre, on Oct. 19, 2023.

Veteran State Dept. official resigns over U.S.'s 'blind support' of Israel​

Josh Paul, who served for over a decade in the agency’s bureau that oversees U.S. arms sales, cited the continued "provision of lethal arms to Israel" in a letter explaining his resignation.

“Decades of the same approach have shown that security for peace leads to neither security, nor to peace. The fact is, blind support for one side is destructive in the long term to the interest of the people on both sides. I fear we are repeating the same mistakes we have made these past decades, and I decline to be a part of it for longer.”
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It will be too late, the damage will already have been done. When Biden suggested halting shipment of arms to Israel, Trump said:

Didn't the Biden administration just approve US $26B in military aid for Israel? Wasn't US support unconditional? :unsure:

...and this is how the Israeli command thank him? :cautious:

No plan for ending the war, refusing cease-fire, Israel pressing on despite International and US opposition to genocide (ethnic cleansing at the least). Who is on the right side of history? Sometimes leaders need to make moral correct decisions, not only the politically correct ones.
And I reply quoting your post here to tell you that I totally agree with you. Very well said and summarized
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Trump can say what he wants and love Chaos
Trump will say to make it more chaos
Anyway, let's hope that the next elections are not like those of 1968, the Democrats fear Trump more than Nixon then and still vote for the Democratic nominee.
This is mandatory viewing. The full context is revealed at the end. But don’t fast forward or you’ll miss the epic rant by the current president. Here’s the trailer…

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Not even politically correct. If Biden had taken the politically correct one, would have been to force a cease fire (because he can do it) and stop supplying zillion pound bombs to Israel, because that's what the most of Democratic voters want.

Biden could easily stop the Israeli slaughter of children despite what the IDF says. Or, he could let US off the hook and allow Israel to go at it alone like they said they would. Pretty sure it wouldn't be long before Israel would be crying for help again - just a few hundred billion dollars more in military aid to finish the massacre.
Biden could easily stop the Israeli slaughter of children despite what the IDF says. Or, he could let US off the hook and allow Israel to go at it alone like they said they would. Pretty sure it wouldn't be long before Israel would be crying for help again...

I am not a proponent of war, my hope is that Israel will eventually agree to a permanent ceasefire. The question is, how to bring the war to an end when one side is clearly dominant and fixated on utter destruction? :unsure:

The only way Israel will defeat Hamas is by going into Rafah, but by doing so will defy Biden's request. Is Netanyahu so bold to go it alone? Hamas is small fry compared to Hezbollah. Once Israel blows their load in Rafah could they withstand a counter-attack without the assistance of US? :unsure:
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Is Netanyahu so bold to go it alone? Hamas is small fry compared to Hezbollah. Once Israel blows their load in Rafah could they withstand a counter-attack without the assistance of US? :unsure:

What a mess, Israel and 2 old white men...only Nikki can solve the problem
She has strong moral fiber and she can save social security Medicaid Obamacare.
She is a CPA accountant
Nikki 2024

UN to vote on resolution that would grant Palestine new rights and revive its UN membership bid

The U.N. General Assembly is expected to vote today on a resolution that would grant new “rights and privileges” to Palestine and call on the Security Council to favorably reconsider its request to become the 194th member of the United Nations.

But unlike the Security Council, there are no vetoes in the 193-member General Assembly and the resolution is expected to be approved by a large majority.

According to diplomats, Russia and China which are strong supporters of Palestine’s U.N. membership were concerned that granting the list of rights and privileges detailed in an annex to the resolution could set a precedent for other would-be U.N. members — with Russia concerned about Kosovo and China about Taiwan.

Under longstanding legislation by the U.S. Congress, the United States is required to cut off funding to U.N. agencies that give full membership to a Palestinian state.

Does that mean that US must withdraw its membership support from UN? :unsure:
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Why can't it has a state on their own and leave each other alone..

What so f difficult??

Why do USA need Israel anyway..?
Why can't it has a state on their own and leave each other alone..

What so f difficult??

Hurt people hurt people, the wheel turns round and round.

Why do USA need Israel anyway..?

Another question one might ask is: Why do US laws prevent boycotting Israeli military interests, while UN agencies that support Palestine are boycotted? :unsure:
Why can't it has a state on their own and leave each other alone..

What so f difficult??

Why do USA need Israel anyway..?
Up until 1948, Palestinian passports were issued for the entire territory under Mandatory Palestine. Then Israel took statehood but Palestine didn’t because it considered itself to already be a state under the League of Nations.
Elon Musk quote:

"Unanimous Democratic opposition to requiring citizenship for apportionment
of House seats and Presidential electoral college votes says it all.
Given the massive influx of illegals from every country on Earth, 2024 will
probably be the last election actually decided by US citizens."
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