
NameSilo Hosting

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
NameSilo is now offering hosting:


I think this just started, so it's early for anyone to have tried it out yet, but I am curious. The single-website price amounts to just $29/year.
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1. For higher traffic sites including my forums I use a VPS from Hostgator, prepaid three years at a discount. Will leave them before it reverts to full price, and go to a different company's VPS or perhaps a dedicated server this time.

2. For the less expensive shared hosting I like Hostinger; there are websites from which you may actually get Hostinger's (actually from which is owned by Hostinger) single website plan FREE. I tried the free plan out for a bit, and was astonished by the level of real time chat support available from Hostinger - their tech support people will try to answer all questions, versus GoDaddy or even Hostgator that eventually start sounding like the androids from classic Star Trek episodes, "I am not programmed to respond in that area."

I upgraded eventually to Hostinger's shared server plan ("premium" - unlimited websites), which if prepaid is less than two dollars per month for unlimited websites - this Hostinger plan at two dollars per month is equivalent to the 3.99 per mo plan you mention above from NameSilo.

As long as outfits like Hostinger are offering two dollar per month unlimited website shared plans, anyplace trying to collect much more than that per month will have a hard time selling.
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I've got one site that I need hosting for. Up until a year ago, I was using GoDaddy, paying something like $120 a year. A year ago, I moved to SiteGround and paid $70 for the first year. The speed at which the pages were served improved noticeably when I moved to SiteGround.

But now SiteGround wants me to renew at $240 per year. I have the GrowBig plan there.

My guess is that if I switched to NameSilo now, the speed would be more akin to what it was when I was at GoDaddy, but the price will be way cheaper than SiteGround and even quite a bit cheaper than GoDaddy.

I only get 10-15 visitors a day, and I think I'm getting a negative ROI by paying up to have faster hosting.

I'm kind of inclined toward NameSilo since I've already got an account there and have been a customer since 2015 vs. setting up yet another new account at yet another website. The domain in question is already at NameSilo today, so maybe that makes things easier although I'm not sure if that matters so much.
I'm very interested because currently I have many domains at NS, 3 sites hosted at ($10/year) and email at Fastmail($50). That means 3 different UI, payment etc. So, consolidating everything to NS makes life simple. If NS's hosting is decent, I'd like to use it.
I'll try one day :)
At the moment, all of my websites are hosted at (Shared hosting /40€ a year for 100 domains, 100go of hdd)
But namesilo's offer looks good, cpanel included ! (except that it's limited to one website..)
What does Freemium email mean? It looks like the Free email option is handicapped, where even the basic POP is not included. You need to pay for the IMAP and POP features. Right?

My ($10/year) hosting includes POP email which I can use from my Outlook program on the desktop.
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••• is so unbeatable its crazy!
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