
domains Meta is suing Freenom

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Facebook parent company Meta has decided to fight back against the most serious perpetrators of phishing attacks against its service and social networks. The corporation is targeting Freenom, a domain name registrar which is seemingly involved in a web of companies created to facilitate cybersquatting.

Meta is suing Freenom, a Netherlands-based registry service managing five of the most infamous top-level domains in the phishing business. Mark Zuckerberg's corporation said that Freenom has repeatedly ignored its abuse complaints, becoming a safe haven for phishers, cyber-squatters and other cybercriminals while collecting money through traffic monetization to the abused domains.

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Thanks for the heads-up.

I wasn't able to register anything with them for quite some time now and was wondering why.
I wasn't able to register anything with them for quite some time now and was wondering why.
Elsewhere in the comments:

"Freenom already stopped free registrations before the Meta lawsuit was announced. It’s not directly related."
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@Future Sensors ,

thanks for that. However, I'm not convinced. Screenshot from the poster is from Jan this year whereas the whole thing with the Meta probably begun long time before that. The other poster's post is vague so I ignore it.

Still, nice to see that you do your own research on the news you read :)
I think it was chatgpt the ai is trying to enter into domaining.
Zuckerberg's corporation said that Freenom has repeatedly ignored its abuse complaints
Pot kettle.
I always wondered how one registers an account with them?
Contacted them many times but did not got any reply.
I always wondered how one registers an account with them?
Contacted them many times but did not got any reply.
Freenom is now offline! No reply to the ticket either! !
kerb on security article:

Sued by Meta, Freenom Halts Domain Registrations

On March 3, 2023, social media giant Meta sued Freenom in a Northern California court, alleging cybersquatting violations and trademark infringement. The lawsuit also seeks information about the identities of 20 different “John Does” — Freenom customers that Meta says have been particularly active in phishing attacks against Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp users.

The lawsuit points to a 2021 study (PDF) on the abuse of domains conducted by Interisle Consulting Group, which discovered that those ccTLDs operated by Freenom made up five of the Top Ten TLDs most abused by phishers.

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