IT.COM - A new tool for parking your domains

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Kevin Johnson

Established Member
Hi guys,

My name is Kevin, been following this forum for quite awhile, but joined because I wanted to share a news. I am a VP of product at, which is a small tool that our team has been building for a few weeks.

We wanted to see if we can create a new (and hopefully better) domain parking tool. We've named ourselves "" - nice and short. It works like this.

  1. Sign-up and you will get a website - to which, you can of course point your domain to. However, if you don't want to, that's ok. We will give you a sub-domain.

  2. Once that's done, you can start "populating" the site with contents. This can come from RSS feeds, YouTube videos or just from the web articles. takes care of automatically crawling these and inserting into your site.

  3. Each content can also be automatically tweeted to your designated Twitter account (this will usually bring more traffic and also get you some followers). You can also set up so that it's automatically posted to Blogger or Tumblr sites too.

  4. And of course, you can monetize it. Right now, we allow you to insert your own Google AdSense ads and VigLink code. The best part? You keep all the revenue generated from your sites. We don't take anything.

  5. Each site is all responsive to different screen-sizes. We try to include a variety of media types like images and related videos so contents are more engaging. Right now, we are in a "testing" phase, so everything is free! We would love for you to come and check us out and let me know if you have any questions.
Would love to discuss via this thread or if you have any questions, you can email me at hello @

Thank you so much for your time guys.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.

BTW, can you put the ID column back? It is more handy and precise than "received" column in terms of sorting the the emails. Emails are not getting sorted properly by using "received". FYI
@NitroJunkie Added the ID back - also fixed the sorting by the received date issue. :)
@Adam27 So you want to add to each content in the RSS feed that the domain is for sale? Interesting idea. :) Let me look into it.
That would be ok I guess.

I want to be able to display a BIN price for domains that are RSS sites. You can add a price but it won't display.
@Adam27 Sure. Will look into how this can be done.
Hey All, Thought I'd let you know... I have about 30 DUB.IO sites going, so not many. I've only had them up for some a month and some newer. Just to give perspective. But I got my first inquiry generated from one of the DUB.IO sites - got it Monday I believe. I've picked up many Twitter followers as well, but the inquiries are what matter. Try the sites if you are only using parking, it's worth the few mins to set up IMO. Thanks again Kevin
@Adam27 I’ve never had a .link. But I’ll tell you it looks nice after Block Chain. Hahaha
@Adam27 Nice site. :) haha.

We're planning to showcase some of the domains + sites for sale on Dub soon - so more exposure to all the domains you're selling. :)
I've had interest in some domains. People want to buy the domain and RSS site.

Is it possible to port a Dub RSS site to another user account? Can you copy settings to a different domain?
Interesting idea, would think DUB would have to build an account push type deal. Maybe if we actively market the feed/ DUB.IO parking with the domain sale (DUB.IO) would be able to bake that into whatever price scheme they have to implement at some point? Nice add on to use for marketing for us and possible clients brought to DUB.IO

Prob way to complicated - been yelled at by developers for last 15 years for that!
@Adam27 Very interesting and yes very possible to transfer a parking site to another user - of course provided that all the deals are done. But we can co-ordinate to make sure that it's all good! PM me or email at [email protected] to discuss further.

@DnameAgame We don't want to make things complicated. So right now, if someone wants your domain + the site, then, well... it's yours to sell. Dub also won't take any commission out of any sales that our users make in the future. If we handle payments in the future, we will charge the transaction fee, but no commission will be taken. :) We won't yell at you, I promise. :)
Would be nice with social sharing if it showed the RSS sites domain and not Is this a feature you are considering?
Hey Kevin,
Had a couple of things in mind;

1- Can we have some slider button (ON / OFF types) under the Monetization area, where we could put OFF all Ads (for a specific parking site) whenever we need to do it? For eg, I may have ads displaying from 1 ad provider and I plan to apply for a 2nd one. But when I apply and, before their site / domain reviewing process, I would want to take all ads OFF for some time (maybe a day or two) so my site is clean during their review process and I can activate all ads again by changing the slider back to ON

Just a thought :unsure:

2- I am planning to have a simple logo for my site . Can someone suggest some free tools available which could help me to design a simple one on my own?

3- Kevin, under the categories section, we have a column which helps reorder how I would like the categories to be displayed on the site. I tried doing that today, but the desired changes are not reflecting on the site. If you see my categories section, especially the last 4 categories, and compare it to what is displayed on site, you will notice the difference. Could you please look into that?

@Adam27 Can you show me an example for this? I just tried it for both Facebook and Twitter and they all had the site's domain instead of Dub's domain.
@saj110 just checked the order of categories and the site and they seem correct to me. Could you please double check?
@saj110 In terms of creating a logo, I've used Pixlr before (Chrome extension)
@Adam27 We've just enabled a feature where you can choose between your own domain or Dub's domain when posting contents to tweet. It's in the "integration" > "twitter" section. Let me know if you have any issues.
  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.