
alert Beware of Sharks

Spaceship Spaceship

Chris Hydrick

.Top Member
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I am not sure this is really a productive response to the situation.

Do you have a better suggestion?
Not really.

It's a shame these type of threads get more engagement than anything to do with actual investment in the field.

FWIW: It seems this thread title (and the other thread title) has been edited (not by me) to remove the first/last name's. Assuming by the mods.

This thread may not have had enough time to be indexed in search engines unlike the other thread. Kudos for namePros mods for addressing this evolving concern!
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Names removed from the titles of both threads. Unnecessary.
I think you should have put his full name in the title just as he did to Matthew. He did it knowing it would index under his legal name. Just a wonderful action by him.
Names removed from the titles of both threads. Unnecessary.

@Bravo Mod Team -- Level heads are always nice!

I would agree to having this thread completely deleted if the other thread is completely deleted.

All of this is uncessary.
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@Bravo Mod Team @Chris Hydrick

The original post still uses his name as tags under the post therefore it will remain indexed under his legal name. The actions of Abdul to index his name with slander was entirely intentional.
Curious, how egregious (or UNprofessionial) do incidents have to be for somebody to lose their PRO badge?

Adam Dicker (Shark) lost his badge after his warning thread.
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Curious, how egregious do incidents have to be for somebody to lose their PRO badge?

Adam Dicker (Shark) lost his badge after his warning thread.
To me, this aspect seems to be the most difficult for NamePros to draw up guidelines in advance and to consistently enforce. Rob Monster and Adam Dicker, other people: each case is different and the cases vary widely in severity.

Often when a thread is started, not everything is known yet, but a decision must be made.
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Curious, how egregious (or UNprofessionial) do incidents have to be for somebody to lose their PRO badge?

Adam Dicker (Shark) lost his badge after his warning thread.
It's extremely rare and has been reserved mainly for the most blatant scams or fraud, like those mentioned above.

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Curious, how egregious (or UNprofessionial) do incidents have to be for somebody to lose their PRO badge?
NamePros doesn't add or remove PRO badges unless it's on behalf of PRO members.

PRO members decide when PRO badges are added and removed.
PRO members decide when PRO badges are added and removed
That's indeed how it went with the removal of RM's PRO badge. Other PRO members took the decision to remove their status on this forum, not NamePros mods or management.
Not really.

It's a shame these type of threads get more engagement than anything to do with actual investment in the field.


i agree!

gotta wonder about the "what if's" though.
like if more was offered initially for those names and a deal was done quietly.


i agree!

gotta wonder about the "what if's" though.
like if more was offered initially for those names and a deal was done quietly.


Are you referring to a what if such as:

What if a shark had gotten ahold of Girlfriends(.)com or BodyArt(.)com before @GritBrokerage took those two domains under their brokerage wing?

Or were you referring to some of the other domains Abdul tried to buyte?

Tagging somebody from Grit Brokerage (@nicedomains) in case they're unaware as to how their new client had been harmed by Abdul Basit.
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Are you referring to a what if such as:

What if a shark

a deal had been done,
then would there be a beware of sharks thread?

we all know, at least those who've been around a while,
that there are sharks, whales and other kind of "fish" who swim in the sea of domaining.

there could be other sharks that are unknown to you...until one bites a chunk of your names.
then you be like damn, so that's who bought em.

you got some folks trying to snag a whale of a deal, while others are just getting their feet wet.

as for the "client", that shit will pass,
and the domains will still have any potential value they had prior to this episode, maybe some even more because of the visibility.

I hope Matthew does well and gets his fair shake at the stick.

It is people like Abdul and others who give domaining a bad name and now I understand.

I come from a background of collaboration but here all I see are sharks which is actually code for a much nastier word.
I hope Matthew does well and gets his fair shake at the stick.

It is people like Abdul and others who give domaining a bad name and now I understand.

I come from a background of collaboration but here all I see are sharks which is actually code for a much nastier word.

At least Matthew had a warm and proper namePros welcoming from at least a few nP members, such as @Kingslayer, who in the second post to Matthew's first nP thread, all but predicted something like this would happen:


You have basically just dumped a ton of fish in shark invested waters, jumped in along with them saying 'I have no idea how to swim' and seemingly unaware where you are.

Summary – You are going to get a lot of e-mails from opportunist investors (sharks) asking what you have, but expecting to pay peanuts.

May advice would be to e-mail a respectable broker, let them have a look through what you have to see if any are potentially valuable so you can get top $ for those, but some brokers are opportunist investors too, so beware selling directly to them.

Check dotdb.com to see how many are regisitered in multiple extensions, if some are and you have the .com, that is a good indication the domain might have value.

Don't be afraid to get a 2nd opinion before you agree to sell anything.
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@Kingslayer using his wizards to look into the future!

Oh most definitely! It might even up for a nP post-reply of the year nomination...

Thankfully, Matthew read that response too!

His response:

Thank you for the advice. I have no intentions of just throwing these domains away.

I've already received a few ridiculous offers from "sharks"
, including:

hreq : 50$
pgg : 50$ (org)
Clientsafety : 50$
101e : 50-100$
itscute : 60$
tutorworks : $180
giftkeepers : $100

Please note, if you sent this offer, I am not saying you did anything wrong. I am just hoping to receive some guidance of whether or not these would be conceivably reasonable offers.
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