
Spaceship Spaceship

    question What tools to do this : Check a word is used in which languages

    For example this word : foro Its mean forum, in Portuguese language I am searching tools that know/listed in which other languages that is using foro as a word too, other than Portuguese. For same or different meaning I've seen it in NP before, but cant found it again now. If you know, please...

    question What tools to do this : Check a word is used in which languages

    For example this word : foro Its mean forum, in Portuguese language I am searching tools that know/listed in which other languages that is using foro as a word too, other than Portuguese. For same or different meaning I've seen it in NP before, but cant found it again now. If you know, please...
  3. Crusader3000

    Question about Dynadot's check.

    Hello. I want to withdraw money from Dynadot, the only available option for me is a check, but there are two problems 1) I don't know, can I cash this check in my country? The bank employee asked me to clarify what kind of check it was. And if I can't cash out, is it possible to return the money...
  4. Crusader3000

    Question about Dynadot's check.

    Hello. I want to withdraw money from Dynadot, the only available option for me is a check, but there are two problems 1) I don't know, can I cash this check in my country? The bank employee asked me to clarify what kind of check it was. And if I can't cash out, is it possible to return the money...
  5. Aidan Gignac

    showcase - Check Domain Name Availability

    Hello, I have recently created a site for users to check domain name availability. I would appreciate to hear if anyone finds this site useful in anyway or has general feedback to improve the site. It is in an early stage I will say but I think this site still functions well...
  6. Aidan Gignac

    showcase - Check Domain Name Availability

    Hello, I have recently created a site for users to check domain name availability. I would appreciate to hear if anyone finds this site useful in anyway or has general feedback to improve the site. It is in an early stage I will say but I think this site still functions well...
  7. domainnews

    domain Am i missing something on Bellagio?

    Hey guys,i found was still available for registration yesterday evening,but its been taking by someone else while i was checking again this evening, what would you say?:xf.eek:
  8. domainnews

    domain Am i missing something on Bellagio?

    Hey guys,i found was still available for registration yesterday evening,but its been taking by someone else while i was checking again this evening, what would you say?:xf.eek:
  9. barcher

    tips QUICK CHECK TOOL - for Fake Mixed IDN Domains

    Hey guys, A few weeks ago I was suspicious of a domain I saw, thinking it was a mixed IDN fake domain, and wanted to check it. It was. But it took me a while to find a good IDN character check tool. So I thought it might help others if I posted it here so that everyone can have quick access...
  10. barcher

    tips QUICK CHECK TOOL - for Fake Mixed IDN Domains

    Hey guys, A few weeks ago I was suspicious of a domain I saw, thinking it was a mixed IDN fake domain, and wanted to check it. It was. But it took me a while to find a good IDN character check tool. So I thought it might help others if I posted it here so that everyone can have quick access...
  11. C

    New gTLD Start: $20

    Increment: $2 BIN: 1200 Duration: 72 hours from last bid Payment system: TBD depending on final price Transfer: free push using godaddy Registrar: Godaddy Stats: Check is an interchangeable term for debit which makes this domain a fantastic investment.
  12. C

    New gTLD Start: $20

    Increment: $2 BIN: 1200 Duration: 72 hours from last bid Payment system: TBD depending on final price Transfer: free push using godaddy Registrar: Godaddy Stats: Check is an interchangeable term for debit which makes this domain a fantastic investment.
  13. PeterDot

    negotiable - perfect dating domain

    Hi, Looking on offers for this perfect domain for any dating website: (expires 5th March 2017) Freshly registered at Please send me your serious offers via PM. Looking to sell quick. Thanks, Peter
  14. PeterDot

    negotiable - perfect dating domain

    Hi, Looking on offers for this perfect domain for any dating website: (expires 5th March 2017) Freshly registered at Please send me your serious offers via PM. Looking to sell quick. Thanks, Peter
  15. azarudeen

    auction and .Net ----> Credit Checkz ( starting from $1)

    TWO DOMAINS CREDITCHECKZ.COM and CREDITCHECKZ.NET Reg: Godaddy exp : 9/2015 Starting from : $1 Incr.: $1 or more Auction ends at 5 Days after highest bidder. Payment: Paypal within 24 hours after end of auction Simply compare and to other related sales...
  16. azarudeen

    auction and .Net ----> Credit Checkz ( starting from $1)

    TWO DOMAINS CREDITCHECKZ.COM and CREDITCHECKZ.NET Reg: Godaddy exp : 9/2015 Starting from : $1 Incr.: $1 or more Auction ends at 5 Days after highest bidder. Payment: Paypal within 24 hours after end of auction Simply compare and to other related sales...
  17. Zoltan P.

    auction SOLD

    Domain: SOLD Registrar: Godaddy Expiration: 2015-08-01 'Fun and memorable name suggesting payments and transactions.' Start: $2 Increments: $2 End: 48 hours after last bid Payment: PayPal Push to Godaddy account.
  18. Zoltan P.

    auction SOLD

    Domain: SOLD Registrar: Godaddy Expiration: 2015-08-01 'Fun and memorable name suggesting payments and transactions.' Start: $2 Increments: $2 End: 48 hours after last bid Payment: PayPal Push to Godaddy account.
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