
Ask a Moderator Anything (Publicly)

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Per member request, we've created this public thread.

Please feel free to ask us anything, and we'll try to answer as best as we can.

We look forward to answering your questions.

You may also contact us privately through our support sections:
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
The biggest problem with namepros is market place. 99% of names there are total garbage because of new gtlds that have zero resale value mixed with com domains. People reposting same names 1000 times. Bumping them endlessly with 2K starting price. Complete nonsense.
Here is some ideas.
1. Create $1 start NO Reserve thread for auctions for dot coms. Maybe $10 start for some.
2. If nobody bids in 24 hours it should be removed. Some people running same names for years without any bids.
3. There is no way to see difference if name got bid vs thread owner bumping it.
4. Separate by extensions like com, co , io. Other extensions are not popular and can be combined.
5. Let me know if u got any other ideas.
6. Everyone agrees market place is total ' garbage" the way it is. People have to go through it to find anything decent.
The biggest problem with namepros is market place. 99% of names there are total garbage because of new gtlds that have zero resale value mixed with com domains. People reposting same names 1000 times. Bumping them endlessly with 2K starting price. Complete nonsense.
Yeah, that has been a problem for years.

You have people cluttering up the sales section with endless "bumps" on domains that no one is interested in.

I have brought this up in the past. I feel like NamePros might pay lip service to some of these changes, but nothing ever actually changes.

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4. Separate by extensions like com, co , io. Other extensions are not popular and can be combined.
i have been begging namepros for this for years.

Stop mixing up the pseudo-extensions with .coms

You are a genius, @ksusha64. Yes!! Thank you so much.
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How do I delete old posts/comments that I created? Some of the stuff I had written I don't want exposed now.
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So I can't remove or edit my post/comment since it's past the edit time limits? That's scary and I don't agree with the logic. In my case, I want to now mask the domain name that I had put in my post/comment.
From the help guide:
4. If you want to mask ("space out") a domain name from showing up in search results when the exact domain name is searched, then you may report the post to see if a moderator is able to add spaces to it, e.g., becomes e x a m p l e . c o m, which prevents searches for "" from matching.

Generally, this option is only available in showcase threads, appraisal requests, and marketplace listings.

Note: If you want to "space out" a domain name in someone else's post, then you must first prove ownership of the domain name. Then, once ownership is satisfactorily proven, a moderator will determine whether your request can be granted.

5. If you would like more privacy for the content that you post, you might consider using the sections in our Insiders Club, which are only accessible by certain members and not indexed by search engines.

9. We also have a help page with additional solutions, and we encourage you to read and consider them.
From the help guide:
4. If you want to mask ("space out") a domain name from showing up in search results when the exact domain name is searched, then you may report the post to see if a moderator is able to add spaces to it, e.g., becomes e x a m p l e . c o m, which prevents searches for "" from matching.

Generally, this option is only available in showcase threads, appraisal requests, and marketplace listings.

Note: If you want to "space out" a domain name in someone else's post, then you must first prove ownership of the domain name. Then, once ownership is satisfactorily proven, a moderator will determine whether your request can be granted.

5. If you would like more privacy for the content that you post, you might consider using the sections in our Insiders Club, which are only accessible by certain members and not indexed by search engines.

9. We also have a help page with additional solutions, and we encourage you to read and consider them.
it is a showcase thread, I made the post, I own the domain.......can I send you a PM to mask it out?
it is a showcase thread, I made the post, I own the domain.......can I send you a PM to mask it out?
The best way to request a link spaced out in a showcase thread is to click the "Report" link at the bottom of your post in that thread so it sends the exact link along with your report.

A moderator team can them review the report + link and assist with that.

Alternately, you can message a moderator team, but it can sometimes be faster to use the report option.

We hope that information helps.
So I can't remove or edit my post/comment since it's past the edit time limits? That's scary and I don't agree with the logic. In my case, I want to now mask the domain name that I had put in my post/comment.
Use to mask domain names;
it replaces it with matching Unicode characters, and then copy and paste unto NP. It’s ingenious.

You can also write “// com” dont do it exactly; or “(.)com”
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The best way to request a link spaced out in a showcase thread is to click the "Report" link at the bottom of your post in that thread so it sends the exact link along with your report.

A moderator team can them review the report + link and assist with that.

Alternately, you can message a moderator team, but it can sometimes be faster to use the report option.

We hope that information helps.
Thanks I submitted it via the report link.
There were a couple of other people that quoted my comment, do I need to report those other people's post as well, as it contains my domain name.
Use to mask domain names;
it replaces it with matching Unicode characters, and then copy and paste unto NP. It’s ingenious.

You can also write “// com” dont do it exactly; or “(.)com”
its an old comment I posted so I can't edit anymore on NP, plus I don't want to mask it, I want to remove it completely
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The best way to request a link spaced out in a showcase thread is to click the "Report" link at the bottom of your post in that thread so it sends the exact link along with your report.

A moderator team can them review the report + link and assist with that.

Alternately, you can message a moderator team, but it can sometimes be faster to use the report option.

We hope that information helps.
@Echo Mod Team so I used the report link and they modified the post by spacing out the domain name but it's still obvious what the domain name is. I want the Mods to PLEASE remove my domain name all together. Is that not possible?
@Echo Mod Team so I used the report link and they modified the post by spacing out the domain name but it's still obvious what the domain name is. I want the Mods to PLEASE remove my domain name all together. Is that not possible?
It looks like it was modified as outlined in the guide we provided you. See #4 below:

If you want to mask ("space out") a domain name from showing up in search results when the exact domain name is searched, then you may report the post to see if a moderator is able to add spaces to it, e.g., becomes e x a m p l e . c o m, which prevents searches for "" from matching.

Generally, this option is only available in showcase threads, appraisal requests, and marketplace listings.

Note: If you want to "space out" a domain name in someone else's post, then you must first prove ownership of the domain name. Then, once ownership is satisfactorily proven, a moderator will determine whether your request can be granted.
Question for moderator @Bravo Mod Team
Why you start a thread and then turn it into an ask paul anything thread?
Quad, being a minus means you have made quite an impact.
Keep posting you will get to minus xxxx
Then you will be worth something 💐
I’m not the sole decision maker at NamePros

@Paul @Bravo Mod Team When is the new chatroom coming doesn't it just seem like it's a thread right now instead of room? Any plans soon for new chatroom?
Did a mod or Paul ever reply to my asking of if a new chatroom is coming instead of the current chat thread?
Yes, and we made significant progress developing it, but we had to place it on hold because it was sapping too many developer resources. It's hard to build a web-based chat platform that scales to our size: we're just large enough that most traditional solutions used on other forums don't work well, but we're not big enough that we can just throw money at the problem until it sorts itself out.

I'd like to see chat return at some point; I've always preferred live chat, but we have to prioritize. The old chat system was on life support and was eating up something like 75% of our bandwidth even with optimizations.
Yeah, hopefully some day we have a chatroom that's like the old one. Have you considered using a different company and maybe having them host the chatroom, would that make sense?
Have you considered using a different company and maybe having them host the chatroom, would that make sense?
Probably not. We'd still have to handle all of the integration ourselves, and it would likely be prohibitively expensive.

Are you affiliated in any way with godaddy inc. and/or its subsidiaries/sub-brands?
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