
question Where can you find a full list of RGP/pending delete domains and their drop dates?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
We are in the process of building an in-house domain-finding tool to find auction/dropping domains for our clients.

Problem is we're having a hard time finding a vendor for the initial data, especially for extensions like .com/.org/.net. Obviously auction domains are easy as are most regional extensions because they have drop lists, or there are vendors that sell droplists. But for .com etc finding good data appears to be difficult.

We would prefer to analyse domains at the point they enter the redemption grace period as this would give us more time before they drop. However we are also open to analysing just pending delete domains in the five-day window.

It's important that we are able to find the drop date of the domain, or are at least able to approximate it to within a day or so, so that we know when we need to place a backorder to secure the domain.

We have investigated Whoisfreaks and found that it can be helpful but the drop date is not provided, and it's hard to estimate from the data they are providing.

Is there another service that would be a better fit for this?
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Snapnames, Dropcatch, Dynadot, SAV
Snapnames, Dropcatch, Dynadot, SAV
We are not looking for web interfaces, we need bulk raw data. As far as I can tell from searching these services do not offer APIs or the ability to download data in bulk programmatically.
Interesting. Looks like Dropcatch would work for our needs assuming we could download that file automatically. Would be great to see domains as they enter the redemption grace period as well but this is a good start

Do you happen to know the inclusion requirements for the SAV and Namejet lists? I can't seem to find documentation from them. I am wondering if this is all pending delete domains, or a subsection, such as domains registered with these companies.
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Examining names in grace renewal period is mostly an exercise in futility as they can still be renewed and most good go to auction and get snatched up before they ever reach the pending delete stage.

That being said there are people scouring names as they approach expiration. 90 days out, 60 days out, 30 days out. So either they are creating their own tool or there are more tools out there.

I only look at names that mostly can no longer be renewed so I wouldn’t know but someone here should.
Examining names in grace renewal period is mostly an exercise in futility as they can still be renewed and most good go to auction and get snatched up before they ever reach the pending delete stage.

That being said there are people scouring names as they approach expiration. 90 days out, 60 days out, 30 days out. So either they are creating their own tool or there are more tools out there.

I only look at names that mostly can no longer be renewed so I wouldn’t know but someone here should.
Makes sense, just having to check every five days is a bit short of a timeframe for analysis.

I was sort of under the assumption that the majority of domains in RGP (probably more than 98%) would not be renewed by the owner, because if they cared they would renew in the renewal grace period, and because of the additional cost.

I was also under the assumption most domains wouldn't go to auction, I thought that only happened if registered with certain registrars, like GoDaddy.
I can tell you by experience (i run a small site that finds expired domain names ( ), and fetches related SEO-data) - that their is no good way to get expired domains. Some of the TLD's offer droplists, but sadly that is only a handful that does that.
Every TLD is basicly its own "organisation", and they have no rules about publishing data, or similar, sadly. If you truly want to know when domain names expires, you either need to be a registrant (some TLD's offer lists for those) or you need to keep a updated Database of existing domain names and their dropdate
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