
Web freedom faces greatest threat ever!

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Miembro EspecialTop Member
Google co-founder Sergey Brin said five years ago he did not believe China or any country could effectively restrict the internet for long, but now says he has been proven wrong. “I thought there was no way to put the genie back in the bottle, but now it seems in certain areas the genie has been put back in the bottle,” he said. D-: D-:

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Google co-founder Sergey Brin said five years ago he did not believe China or any country could effectively restrict the internet for long

Proving that no matter how smart you think someone is they, like all of us, eventually say something extremely stupid.

Google would love to own the internet. That's what makes the statement even funnier.
Google's always trying to get close to a full-scale monopolization of the net. Stay tuned.
Comments like these are what give so many dumb Americans the idea that Google is on their side. 'Google is the good guy, they give you free products and services, they're fast and cool cause they are so counter-corporate.' I hear this far too often, more when I was in high school years ago.

The Facebook IPO is going to open up the market and break Google's near monopoly on search and free stuff online. Along with Apple they will crack some of the obvious and blatant problems with the company. Both companies are rumored to be developing something for the search market. With the money they have they would be stupid not to.

Sergey will be eating his words in the coming years. All this crap about others stealing privacy and deceitfully using the internet will finally be put on Google. Hopefully sooner than later.
The comments above attacking google are so funny and extremely naive.

He's talking about how censorship and proprietary systems are ruining the internet. Tell me which part of that isn't true!
The comments above attacking google are so funny and extremely naive.

He's talking about how censorship and proprietary systems are ruining the internet. Tell me which part of that isn't true!

He also points out perceived flaws in Facebook and Apple. This is purely strategic branding and marketing. It's the only reason for the interview. I only mention peoples perception to relate at how good he is at doing these.

He and Larry Page have been making these comments for years. When questions emerge about the safety, security and interests of Google they step up and attempt to divert attention elsewhere.

You are right though about the severity of the issues.
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He's talking about how censorship and proprietary systems are ruining the internet. Tell me which part of that isn't true!

A lot of people want censorship and proprietary systems.

Most people don't actually understand what they have or don't have until something happens to bring it to their attention.

A completely open internet works both ways.
The threat to the freedom of the internet comes, he claims, from a combination of governments increasingly trying to control access and communication by their citizens, the entertainment industry’s attempts to crack down on piracy, and the rise of “restrictive” walled gardens such as Facebook and Apple, which tightly control what software can be released on their platforms.

I have also noticed that the Google algorithm now appears to provide higher search weight to "politically correct" source results while Wikipedia often times ignores alternative views that are not aligned with official Government positions.

Just check out the wiki page dedicated to building 7 for an example of their blatant censorship. How could anyone who has researched and actually "studied" the information believe this building could have fallen into its own footprint due to fire alone? Yet the wiki page would have you believe that anyone who does not buy the official story is a nutty conspiracy theorist. This is how they operate. There is a method to their madness.

And these are the methods that will be used to control information and the Internet moving forward. The sheep always gravitate toward the mainstream sources and I think love being manipulated. That way they don't have to think for themselves and can feel safe.

Here... have some GMO chips and watch some more CNN. Everything will be alright.

EDIT: I just revisited the wiki page on building 7 for the first time in months and it appears that the alternative (and seemingly more reasonable) theories have now been removed altogether. Total BS.
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I wouldn't use that as an example of blatant censorship, more of an example of keeping the crazy conspiracy theory stuff out. All that stuff has been thoroughly taken apart, sites like - http://www.debunking911.com/pull.htm

"And these are the methods that will be used to control information and the Internet moving forward."
Those crazy sites are still out there for anybody to read.

As far as Google, they're ust upset they can't monetize everything:

"There's a lot to be lost," he said. "For example, all the information in apps – that data is not crawlable by web crawlers. You can't search it."

They want to crawl it, index it, slap Google ads all around it. They want all the information they can get their hands on to build profiles on people/marketing purposes, information is money.
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I agree with you here, and I don't think most folks on FaceBook want Goog to index their personal profile info., posts and all, then have it show-up on any-odd query results page.

I wouldn't use that as an example of blatant censorship, more of an example of keeping the crazy conspiracy theory stuff out. All that stuff has been thoroughly taken apart, sites like - http://www.debunking911.com/pull.htm

"And these are the methods that will be used to control information and the Internet moving forward."
Those crazy sites are still out there for anybody to read.

As far as Google, they're ust upset they can't monetize everything:

"There's a lot to be lost," he said. "For example, all the information in apps – that data is not crawlable by web crawlers. You can't search it."

They want to crawl it, index it, slap Google ads all around it. They want all the information they can get their hands on to build profiles on people/marketing purposes, information is money.
Darn. That's one heck of a fire. Lol

(Warning: loud volume level)

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD06SAf0p9A"]wtc 7 collapse - YouTube[/ame]
I agree with you here, and I don't think most folks on FaceBook want Goog to index their personal profile info., posts and all, then have it show-up on any-odd query results page.

No, they prefer it gets sold to the highest bidder?
Why can't big business and government just leave the internet alone? It seems like every week there's another threat to internet freedom.
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Why can't big business and government just leave the internet alone? It seems like every week there's another threat to internet freedom.

Who do you think built, runs and pays for it?
google issues

oh google wnats show how powerful they are even our on personal data would be visible to them.
Darn. That's one heck of a fire. Lol

(Warning: loud volume level)

wtc 7 collapse - YouTube

You know, every time I see that, I just can't believe my eyes. It's like a building descending into underground storage like on Tracy Island or something...
Those posting their "profile" on Facebook remind me of lemmings following each other over the cliff.
Those posting their "profile" on Facebook remind me of lemmings following each other over the cliff.

If enough lemmings run away from the cliff... they're still just lemmings following each other.
That is ridiculous, internet is freedom for ever.
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Freedom is posting whatever you want without censorship. Social outlets move everyone towards accountability. Look how facebook profiles are being used to hang people in court now.
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