
Vote here to STOP Godaddy from making a stupid migration

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I am OK with migration

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WeSellName.comTop Member
Vote here to ask Godaddy to STOP the Migration as Afternic does not have 2 features that are important to make a sale:
1. The ability to communicate directly with the Buyer
2. The Buyer can make an offer for Buy It Now
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I agree and I have no idea why GoDaddy is performing this migration before their much-ballyhooed 'Self-Brokerage" feature has been fully implemented at Afternic. It's like they want customers to be angry at them.

Currently, Afternic brokers are even slower than ever and I've been waiting over a week for an update on multiple 'open negotiations'. Imagine how bad this will get come Oct 17, when Dan is officially killed off and the auto-migrations start flooding in.

Does GD not know how incredibly slow the Afternic brokerage system is right now, and how insanely bad it will be in exactly 23 days, or do they just not care? Either way, I predict this is going to be a PR nightmare as old Dan clients watch Afternic negotiations sit there for a week or more with no response and then flood the airwaves with their complaints and other irate comments.

Then GD will be hit with another 'Investor Letter' full of demands and a few more incompetent executives will either be demoted or fired.

A song as old as time....
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It's gotta be the latter.

Either way, old Dan clients who never experienced Afternic are in for a rude awakening.

Like I said before, being part of an Afternic broker negotiation is like being in suspended animation.
Self brokerage is coming later this year.
much-ballyhooed 'Self-Brokered" feature has been fully implemented at Afternic.

we had option to "self broker" at uniregistry, before gobaddy purchased it.
so, it ain't like the tech/script is new to them.

Self brokerage is coming later this year.

Exactly, and that's what this thread is all about.

Self-brokerage is NOT here now, the Afternic brokerage service is about ready to implode from increased demand, and spurious promises from GoDaddy are worth about 2 dead flies.

GoDaddy should not be migrating Dan to a half-finished Afternic system with a few massively overworked brokers.
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Here's an example of a real-world Afternic broker negotiation.

1) I received a Make Offer on September 13, to which I replied with my BIN price.

2) Just now, on September 23, I finally received a broker note stating that the buyer's original offer is their highest. :xf.rolleyes:

That same "lowballing buyer" scenario would take me minutes to figure out using Dan, while it wasted a full 10 days on Afternic.

Do the math.
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2. The Buyer can make an offer for Buy It Now
Ironic how sellers keep asking us to remove the ability to make an offer from our buy-now landers.

Everyone always wants the opposite of what they have. 😅

Don Cornelius Episode 143 GIF by Soul Train
Yeah I got an offer from the broker and it was below the min. offer I have already set. Min. offer is there for a reason.

Which is why I posted this on Twitter/X:

GoDaddy support has been MIA in the forums or X.
GoDaddy support has been MIA in the forums or X.

It's obvious that someone high-up at GoDaddy set a firm Dan migration date and 'come hell or high water', it's going to get done, no matter how unfinished Afternic is or how many peon heads have to roll. 👿👿👿

So GD employees are all busy sending out resumes, hitting LinkedIn and Indeed, and hoping to land a new job before they're dismissed from being part of this fiasco.
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Everyone always wants the opposite of what they have. 😅
This industry is brutal. You probably know this saying:

"For every domain that lands, a developer’s headache expands"
If you can please vote.
And I want to invite @GoDaddy to come here to see the results and explain the not too SMART decision.
It's ok for a big fish to eat a small fish but sometimes you need to put both of them on a pan and FRY them together.
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Ironic how sellers keep asking us to remove the ability to make an offer from our buy-now landers.

Everyone always wants the opposite of what they have. 😅
Very true, I don't get it personally. I know Rick Schwartz said it just screams weakness, you have buy it now at $10,000 but will accept offers? It means the buy it now price is not real.
Ironic how sellers keep asking us to remove the ability to make an offer from our buy-now landers.

I'm not sure about the confusion here.

If the BIN and the Make Offer numbers are the the same, the no Make Offer should appear on a BIN lander. Pretty basic.

If there is a BIN and the Make Offer number is lower than the BIN, then a Make Offer option should appear on the BIN lander. Again, pretty basic. did both of these seamlessly and I think migrated Afternic used just want the same basic features they had at Dan. Unfortunately, Afternic is designed as a closed 'broker-only" system so I have zero hope it will ever be close to in terms of features.
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What GoDaddy should have done was just replace the logo on with "Afternic", and made some other cosmetic/color changes, then called it day.

Afternic lives and Dan is decommissioned!

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Very true, I don't get it personally. I know Rick Schwartz said it just screams weakness, you have buy it now at $10,000 but will accept offers? It means the buy it now price is not real.

Then you just make sure your "Make Offer" amount is the same as your 'Buy it Now" amount (or totally disable Make Offer on that domain), and presto, no Make Offer appears on the lander.

At least that's how it works, or worked, on, which is what this whole thread is about.
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Ironic how sellers keep asking us to remove the ability to make an offer from our buy-now landers.

Everyone always wants the opposite of what they have. 😅

Or... everyone wants a choice?
Then you just make sure your "Make Offer" amount is the same as your 'Buy it Now" amount (or totally disable Make Offer on that domain), and presto, no Make Offer appears on the lander.
Or... everyone wants a choice?
Agreed, a choice makes perfect sense.

It's just funny that lots of users are asking GoDaddy for what NamePros already has, and lots of users are asking NamePros to make it like GoDaddy's. Those requests haven't been for it to be a choice, but rather, "This is how it should be."

@pb and @DomainRecap are right that it should be a choice rather than how it's often presented in feedback: "This is the correct way, and the other way is wrong."

We're making it a choice for our landers. 👍
What GoDaddy should have done was just replace the logo on with "Afternic"
Exactly what I (and I'm sure MANY others) have been saying.
Vote here to ask Godaddy to STOP the Migration as Afternic does not have 2 features that are important to make a sale:
1. The ability to communicate directly with the Buyer
2. The Buyer can make an offer for Buy It Now

3. The ability for our data to remain safe in their database and not randomly revert back to some other time when it was different.
So far
13 voted NO
1 voted YES - Must be Godaddy
1 voted I don't care - Must be Afternic
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