
domain Value of LAW related domains -

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Established Member
Hey guys,
I got to know the field a couple of days ago.
For now, just tell me if these are worth the 12$ a piece that I paid for them?
Thank you!
P.S. This is a sample, I will send a bigger list. All are dot-com's.

FortOfLaw (play on "court of law")
Lawiabilities (law + liabilities)
Lawxury (law + luxury)
Lawwws (laws of the web)
LabOfLaw (niche)
LogicalLaw (straight-forward)

Non law-related:
Footist (footwear, football/soccer...)
Orthoholic (for Orthopedic/Orthodontist; though edgy connotation ofc)

Are these actually worthless?
It wasn't difficult to find them and I have many more word-play domains.
I did some digging and market research, but if I am wrong I don't see the value in elaborating about it yet.
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Hey guys,
I got to know the field a couple of days ago. I got so much to tell you.
For now, just tell me if I have gone mad or are these worth more than the 12$ a piece that I paid for them?
Am I going to cover my costs?
Thank you!
P.S. This is a sample, I will send a bigger list if I see I'm not crazy. All are dot-com's.

FortOfLaw (play on "court of law")
Lawiabilities (law + liabilities)
Lawxury (law + luxury)
Lawwws (laws of the web)
LabOfLaw (niche)
LogicalLaw (straight-forward)

Non law-related:
Footist (footwear, football/soccer...)
Orthoholic (for Orthopedic/Orthodontist; though edgy connotation ofc)

Am I going crazy? Are these actually worthless?
It wasn't even difficult to find them and I have many more word-play domains that I don't register yet because I fear I have slightly gone off the rails with this new hobby heh.
I did some digging and market research, but if I am wrong I don't see the value in elaborating about it just yet.

Hi @subs, and welcome to NamePros. A couple of things to consider:
1) Just because you can put two words together to form a domain name, doesn’t mean that you should.
2) I suspect you haven’t actually gone crazy, especially since you were able to stop yourself from buying more. However, it’s important to know the market is saturated — with both hand reg’d domains (like yours), and existing product that has expired or gone to closeout — a lot of it better than yours and mine! Getting your domains noticed won’t be easy.
3) This is definitely a fun hobby, but it’s also a very slippery slope — for many of us. It takes much longer to sell a domain than you can imagine, and your domains will never mean to anyone else what they do to you. They’re like your babies.

If you think you might be interested in learning more about how this game is actually played, I encourage you to! However, I promise it’s not what you think it is right now. Best of luck!
I should add that I’m in no way an expert; just someone with an opinion and a keyboard. Take my thoughts with a grain of salt.
Thank you.
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I will still ask the community for more opinions.
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Wait I've just read about grace deletion (I've registered in Dyna Dot).
Please verify.
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Oh, yes! You can. They’ll keep $3 per deleted .com domain, I think, and I believe you only have a few days. …I didn’t learn about grace deletions until I’d wasted a ton of money. Glad you found it early! This screenshot should help. Please remember to like or click thanks if I’ve been helpful.

Thank you. I can't LIKE for some reason. But I thank you.
Thank you. I can't LIKE for some reason. But I thank you.
Thanks for the note, and no worries. Good luck!
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