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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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It shouldn’t become a continuation of public high school.

But it is, because High School is lousy. I never got into 2 year college English 101, barely passed English 150, then self taught, still make lot's of mistakes as I am sure I can be criticized for.

Lots of people who don’t go to college make a very good living. Often more than college graduates. Everyone doesn’t need college and we need people performing skilled and technical “non college” jobs.

That's what I like about Mike Rowes publicity. I never finished and no regrets. One Medical Dr. friend my age is insolvent, but paid off his student debt, meanwhile I retired years back. Some people get a degree, work in cubicle, then watch the TV every night or play video games and other drivel, education for them ends after College.

I am a lifelong learner, that's my goal, education my entire life. Though, not for everyone. Most of the Tech stuff you know about the Web, SEO, etc. that you post I am sure was self taught, not classes.

Now healthcare is another matter. People who can’t afford proper healthcare die of treatable conditions in this country. To me, that’s ethically wrong.

Back to my comments earlier- it used to be non-profit hospitals, no huge hospital and insurance corporation b.s. No unionized nurses. Caring people. Technology costs money though, someone has to pay for it- there should be a triage- Veterans should get first priority of all this imo. Just because something new in technology comes along, does not mean that everybody should get treated using it at taxpayers expense. It's like when the latest big screen TV comes out, most cannot afford the price tag- so they don't buy it only those who can pay. I know it sounds harsh, but this health care system is broken. Sure there are exceptions when infants and disadvantaged need special treatment and have positive prospect of a good life. But paying for expensive Chemotherapy on someone in later years where prognosis is 3 month life extension at tax payer expense- I don't agree, or an newly arrived immigrant or illegal alien who never paid into the system. Sad, but the budget needs to be cut.

Orthoscopic surgeries have revolutionized how things are treated. Same with artificial limb implants. Now, say a taxpaying American who becomes unemployed and not covered needs help- yes- but make the people who never worked and paid into the system exempt such as illegal aliens getting free stuff wait or not be treated- it isn't right. Minor injuries should not have emergency room used like what happens to game the system, those should have minor costs too, not for you to subsidize the non-paying. Like I said before, you get treated and handed a bill outside of the USA, I know- paid them before. Medicare I won't even get, as I don't reside there, yet taxes go to pay for it.

Yep. When did you trust the weatherman? Same for Economists really. It's all a guess. Yep, doom and gloom headlines- let's warn everybody before the storm clouds appear. This is how the media manipulates sentiment. The data of P/E ratios speaks for itself, a correction will happen- like those LLLL names that sold before for $300, now $100. This "free money" of 0% interest has gone on way too long, too much debt because of it. The Fed must be careful about raising rates too fast, but they do need to come back to average imo. 6-7%, as most time all my life until 2008.
More bad news.... lol.

"The price of oil fell for the third consecutive day as concerns that the output cuts agreed by big oil producers early this month may not be enough to re-balance an oversupplied market. US crude oil fell as much as 8 percent to below $46 a barrel, its weakest since November 2017 and Brent hit a 14-month low of $56 a barrel. "

Except for the entire class that is always offended
well, they say that. or at least that's what I;ve heard a few times. I can't prove it.. maybe..once they've 'transitioned', ask them if they're happy they did it?
it's like the homosexuality thing..you don't believe them.
how would it harm you to believe htem?

It wouldn’t harm me in any way, but if I started saying I believe that, I would only be Lying
It wouldn’t harm me in any way, but if I started saying I believe that, I would only be Lying

@wormfood the bigger question is, what happens if I refuse to pretend a biological man isn't a woman or a biological woman is not a man?

A prominent feminist with10's of thousands of followers was banned from twitter for simply saying, a transwoman is not a biological woman. In that case the "man" had been harassing her and other feminist for a while.

When I posted a link to the story, I was attacked by Kate for being an ignorant bigot. So it's not just live and let live, it's agree with me or else.
All aspiring despots, dictators and cult leaders have to eliminate any competition of ideas to succeed. They always start with the family and religion. Break down the family, and let the govt/cult take up the slack. Eliminate religion and let the govt/cult tell you what's right and wrong. Finally, to eliminate any vestiges of common sense, implement extreme and forced changes in the culture. There are no longer men and women, for example. Or, as Orwell would say, war is peace. This will cause people to deny even what they know to be common sense, and open the doors to the acceptance of even crazier ideas, like genocide. (Though, for that, one has to create a social divide...)

All the boxes are being checked, and I fear the only way the US will come out of this is through massive destruction - the way Japan ended World War 2. But the US will probably take the rest of the world with it.

People who find this to be crazy conjecture are already primed and loaded for their eventual masters.

Very well said IMO, we have many many many if and or buts, I don’t feel it will take any war, we keep up what we are doing and we will do ourselves in.

Every passing day that we remain in denial, is a day closer to China becoming the super power of the world, if we continue as we are, we will relinquish our super power voluntarily, that to just keep the country running, there will come a point in time when it becomes self preservation.
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I think you get upset when people talk about homosexuals in a negative way because like most liberals, you believe they need to be protected and anyone who talks about them without reverence must be a bigot.

When you critizied the church and boy scouts for having a culture that allowed widespread sex crimes against children, I pointed out the majority of people commuting those crimes were homosexuals; you tried to deny with a fake study from UCLA.

When current events included a horrible story about a young boy being exploited sexually by a gay porn store / magazine, you were upset at me for talking about it.

I talked about those subjects because you posted about them or were current events. I don't know why you feel the need to complain about what I or anyone else post about but it's getting old.

I'm not screaming the world is ending, you guys literally are because of diversity training, trans etc. I just went over that.

The word "destruction" used by 2 different people.

"campaign of horrific death and destruction which is beyond our ability to comprehend"

"All the boxes are being checked, and I fear the only way the US will come out of this is through massive destruction"

Do you agree with that?
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Very well said IMO, we have many many many if and or buts, I don’t feel it will take any war, we keep up what we are doing and we will do ourselves in.

Every passing day that we remain in denial, is a day closer to China becoming the super power of the world,

Yes, but doing yourselves in could take many forms. With the deranged sort of patriotism that means Russia is Dr. Evil and the US must force other countries to obey US laws, war is not unlikely. Heck, war is already the default mode for the US - just not on US shores.

China will not be a super-power, nor will any other state. It will be a large power though. But they will have their problems. Unlike Americans, Chinese are suspicious of their government. Also, they haven't devolved into teaching school kids that boys can have periods too. They still operate on some semblance of common sense. With China, I am rather more worried that they will have civil chaos, followed by a loony despot who wants war.
US pledges $10.6B aid for Central America, southern Mexico

Hope it is managed and spent wisely. I don't like seeing wire transfers without any oversight. Hopefully, an North American business person is on the ground to manage this.

"Newly inaugurated President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador waxed poetic about the plan to provide jobs so people won’t have to emigrate.

“I have a dream that I want to see become a reality ... that nobody will want to go work in the United States anymore,” Lopez Obrador said at a morning news conference before the announcement.

The combination of public and private investment for the stay-at-home effort doesn’t require congressional approval, unlike Trump’s signature project to stem illegal immigration — a border wall.

The U.S. State Department issued a simultaneous statement saying “The United States is committing $5.8 billion through public and private investment to promote institutional reforms and development in the Northern Triangle,” a term that refers to Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador."

I think you get upset when people talk about homosexuals in a negative way because like most liberals, you believe they need to be protected and anyone who talks about them without reverence must be a bigot.

You are anti-gay, this is pretty well known.

When you critizied the church and boy scouts for having a culture that allowed widespread sex crimes against children, I pointed out the majority of people commuting those crimes were homosexuals; you tried to deny with a fake study from UCLA.

Pedophile is the word you're looking for. I understand you don't like facts, legit studies, science on this issue because you put the church, your own Christianity above the welfare of children. You put a bunch of altar girls instead of altar boys in front of a pedophile, most of the victims would be girls. Until you guys handle your pedo problem, nothing is going to change. Until you get your priorities straight, nothing will change.
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Hope it helps but I'm not too optimistic. Hopefully they build some schools, free trade zones.

US pledges $10.6B aid for Central America, southern Mexico
Like most liberals liars you respond with rank accusations when confronted with facts.

You are anti-gay, this is pretty well known.

Pedophile is the word you're looking for. I understand you don't like facts, legit studies on this issue because you put the church, your own Christianity above the welfare of children. You put a bunch of altar girls instead of altar boys in front of a pedophile, most of the victims would be girls.
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US pledges $10.6B aid for Central America, southern Mexico

Hope it is managed and spent wisely. I don't like seeing wire transfers without any oversight. Hopefully, an North American business person is on the ground to manage this.

"Newly inaugurated President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador waxed poetic about the plan to provide jobs so people won’t have to emigrate.

“I have a dream that I want to see become a reality ... that nobody will want to go work in the United States anymore,” Lopez Obrador said at a morning news conference before the announcement.

The combination of public and private investment for the stay-at-home effort doesn’t require congressional approval, unlike Trump’s signature project to stem illegal immigration — a border wall.

The U.S. State Department issued a simultaneous statement saying “The United States is committing $5.8 billion through public and private investment to promote institutional reforms and development in the Northern Triangle,” a term that refers to Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador."


But we can not take care of our homeless, our mentally ill, our elderly, our terminally ill , we can not fund to get the violent gangs out of our cities.

But we can fund 10.6B to other countries.
But we can not take care of our homeless, our mentally ill, our elderly, our terminally ill , we can not fund to get the violent gangs out of our cities.

But we can fund 10.6B to other countries.

Yes. Because we don't want to take care of them here. It's a bribe to their Gov. to do more for their people so they don't immigrate.
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I am a lifelong learner, that's my goal, education my entire life. Though, not for everyone. Most of the Tech stuff you know about the Web, SEO, etc. that you post I am sure was self taught, not classes.

Yup although I did graduate college, I’m a lifelong self-learner also. My parents and grandparents were too, big readers, houses floor to ceiling with books. They would have loved the internet! My current career was built and bootstrapped completely on my own after a merger and subsequent lay-off from my corporate career right before 9/11 (and the subsequent crash of the tech job market.) I speak 4 additional languages to varying degrees (learned Spanish and German as a kid so those are my strongest after English), and am always finding something else I want to know more about and setting about to learn it. I find most classes too slow to hold my attention, so anything self paced works for me.

The odds of someone living for 3 months... that’s a tough issue. Where do you draw the line? And what about the ones who beat the odds? And why are chemo drugs so outrageously expensive here in the first place? Very complex issue, both financially and morally. Personally if I was certain my life was toast I would probably opt for quality of life for a shorter time than be tortured with chemo to the bitter end, but I don’t pretend to walk in anyone else’s shoes and I can understand how others might have other priorities.
But we can not take care of our homeless, our mentally ill, our elderly, our terminally ill , we can not fund to get the violent gangs out of our cities.

But we can fund 10.6B to other countries.

The war on drugs is a huge state funded failure, I am in the minority but believe legalize it all, and let those who want help get it. Those who don't- poof they are gone.

The border security issue is only partial success- employer sanctions on hiring would be the only way, but it isn't politically popular or correct.

The gang issue- is a multi-facted complex issue- as complex as health care. Remember, every law enforcement officer would lose his job in the prison system or on the street if the problem went away, there is big dollars in that sacred cow of increased law enforcement expeditures.

Actually it isn't so much funding, but allowing the problems to fester with no political will on either side. The Rep and Democrats in congress are more focused on pet projects in their home states. Yep, don't disagree. What about this endless mess in the ME? idiotic. Troops forever in Syria. Unbelievable.
Someone in Iowa is going on my block list for being unable to hold a civilized and respectful conversation.

Personal insults are a waste of time. We’re colleagues here, doesn’t seem like too much to ask...
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It's a bribe to their Gov. to do more for their people so they don't immigrate.

That's the traditional issue and problem without any oversight. If the money is sent, then a bunch of bureaucrats spend the money working on program administration jobs doing little but growing their own departments and it never gets to the individual people.

There should be unique ideas- contests, entrepreneurial investment seminars, and a lottery to receive start-up funding. But, I don't see that happening, I have no idea how bloated their gov't are up north but know that the goal of many latinos are to work for the cushy govt job- they trade economic reward and uncertainty for a lifetime, cannot-be-fired job working in the Govt.
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