
New traffic monetization platform

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Hey Domain Owners,

Just would like to get your feedback, opinion, and suggestions about alternative monetization methods.

We are developing a new traffic monetization platform, which works similarly to domain parking but in different formats. You park (kind of, you need to place tags, not exactly by pointing DNS). The feed will be tailor-made to your traffic.

Why we are developing the platform:

  • We want to monetize our domains and traffic, but finding it difficult with parking and other means. So, we want to have more control over things.
  • AI could make search traffic ineffective because I am using AI instead of Google search for several things. I am sure many searchers are doing the same.
  • The death of 3rd party cookies seems inevitable.
  • Integrate AI in the backend for several things.
  • and several such reasons
I want to know what would you expect from such a platform, the kind of revenues, CTRs, and feeds. (Of course, we have a very limited pool of advertisers as of now), features etc. We hope to pay the top dollar for genuine traffic.

We know that it is not easy, but we are giving it a try.

Any suggestions are welcome.
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Hey Domain Owners,

Just would like to get your feedback, opinion, and suggestions about alternative monetization methods.

We are developing a new traffic monetization platform, which works similarly to domain parking but in different formats. You park (kind of, you need to place tags, not exactly by pointing DNS). The feed will be tailor-made to your traffic.

Why we are developing the platform:

  • We want to monetize our domains and traffic, but finding it difficult with parking and other means. So, we want to have more control over things.
  • AI could make search traffic ineffective because I am using AI instead of Google search for several things. I am sure many searchers are doing the same.
  • The death of 3rd party cookies seems inevitable.
  • Integrate AI in the backend for several things.
  • and several such reasons
I want to know what would you expect from such a platform, the kind of revenues, CTRs, and feeds. (Of course, we have a very limited pool of advertisers as of now), features etc. We hope to pay the top dollar for genuine traffic.

We know that it is not easy, but we are giving it a try.

Any suggestions are welcome.
I appreciate the effort you're putting into developing a new solution. However, I wanted to share my experience with a similar platform that you might want to consider as you move forward:
I previously listed my domain on a similar platform that aimed to monetize traffic through affiliate products, such as those from Amazon. Despite having significant traffic on my domain, the platform did not show any clicks on the affiliate products listed. This raised concerns about the platform’s legitimacy and transparency.
I appreciate the effort you're putting into developing a new solution. However, I wanted to share my experience with a similar platform that you might want to consider as you move forward:
I previously listed my domain on a similar platform that aimed to monetize traffic through affiliate products, such as those from Amazon. Despite having significant traffic on my domain, the platform did not show any clicks on the affiliate products listed. This raised concerns about the platform’s legitimacy and transparency.
Yes, we are aware of situations where the offer is an affiliate product or an item for sale. Factoring the resulting revenue into reports can take weeks and there is a problem of proper attribution. We all know this problem exists with affiliate platforms. However, every platform reports clicks. It is unfortunate that the platform you joined didn't even report clicks.

Click tracking is essential for a feed provider and any ad tech platform, Affiliate and e-commerce products are only a part of our feed, there will be other advertisers who will pay for clicks.
in the past I had programmed something similar for my domains, the big problem is to find affiliates who allow domain traffic.
and something similar is the maximizer from also buys direct traffic for affil.
Hey Domain Owners,

Just would like to get your feedback, opinion, and suggestions about alternative monetization methods.

We are developing a new traffic monetization platform, which works similarly to domain parking but in different formats. You park (kind of, you need to place tags, not exactly by pointing DNS). The feed will be tailor-made to your traffic.

Why we are developing the platform:

  • We want to monetize our domains and traffic, but finding it difficult with parking and other means. So, we want to have more control over things.
  • AI could make search traffic ineffective because I am using AI instead of Google search for several things. I am sure many searchers are doing the same.
  • The death of 3rd party cookies seems inevitable.
  • Integrate AI in the backend for several things.
  • and several such reasons
I want to know what would you expect from such a platform, the kind of revenues, CTRs, and feeds. (Of course, we have a very limited pool of advertisers as of now), features etc. We hope to pay the top dollar for genuine traffic.

We know that it is not easy, but we are giving it a try.

Any suggestions are welcome.
It sounds like you're embarking on an exciting and ambitious project want to start off by wishing you the best of luck on this venture.

The biggest expectation from domain owners will likely be competitive payouts. If you want them to switch from existing platforms, the revenue potential must be attractive.

As you mentioned, a custom feed per traffic source is critical. You may also consider dynamic ad serving based on real-time traffic analysis (i.e., tailoring feeds based on geolocation, device, language, etc.). If AI can optimize this in the backend, it could lead to higher click-through rates.

Some ideas to consider:
- Offer different ad formats (text, banners, video, native ads, etc.) depending on what works best with the traffic source. Give domain owners the option to test multiple formats.

- More flexibility in setting up monetisation. Giving domain owners control over ad formats, categories, or even advertiser filtering (if possible) would be a big differentiator from parking.

-The simpler it is to integrate, the more likely domain owners will try it out. Ensure the tags are lightweight and won’t slow down page load times.

-Domain owners should be able to easily track revenue, CTRs, traffic trends, and more via a simple dashboard.

-Real-time tracking and updates on performance (traffic, CTRs, revenue) would be valuable. Many existing parking solutions have delays in reporting, so real-time insights would give your platform the edge.

The most important thing imo is listening to any user feedback and iterating quickly on their pain points and suggestions, just as you’re doing now.
It sounds like you're embarking on an exciting and ambitious project want to start off by wishing you the best of luck on this venture.

The biggest expectation from domain owners will likely be competitive payouts. If you want them to switch from existing platforms, the revenue potential must be attractive.

As you mentioned, a custom feed per traffic source is critical. You may also consider dynamic ad serving based on real-time traffic analysis (i.e., tailoring feeds based on geolocation, device, language, etc.). If AI can optimize this in the backend, it could lead to higher click-through rates.

Some ideas to consider:
- Offer different ad formats (text, banners, video, native ads, etc.) depending on what works best with the traffic source. Give domain owners the option to test multiple formats.

- More flexibility in setting up monetisation. Giving domain owners control over ad formats, categories, or even advertiser filtering (if possible) would be a big differentiator from parking.

-The simpler it is to integrate, the more likely domain owners will try it out. Ensure the tags are lightweight and won’t slow down page load times.

-Domain owners should be able to easily track revenue, CTRs, traffic trends, and more via a simple dashboard.

-Real-time tracking and updates on performance (traffic, CTRs, revenue) would be valuable. Many existing parking solutions have delays in reporting, so real-time insights would give your platform the edge.

The most important thing imo is listening to any user feedback and iterating quickly on their pain points and suggestions, just as you’re doing now.
Your text is all AI generated, why?
in the past I had programmed something similar for my domains, the big problem is to find affiliates who allow domain traffic.
That is an interesting point.

Did you investigate the issue to find out why affiliates are not allowing domain traffic? Is it traffic quality or low intent or simply the affiliate network doesn't allow domain traffic?

Did you try to collaborate with any affiliate network or did you try to onboard individual affiliates?
It sounds like you're embarking on an exciting and ambitious project want to start off by wishing you the best of luck on this venture.

The biggest expectation from domain owners will likely be competitive payouts. If you want them to switch from existing platforms, the revenue potential must be attractive.

As you mentioned, a custom feed per traffic source is critical. You may also consider dynamic ad serving based on real-time traffic analysis (i.e., tailoring feeds based on geolocation, device, language, etc.). If AI can optimize this in the backend, it could lead to higher click-through rates.

Some ideas to consider:
- Offer different ad formats (text, banners, video, native ads, etc.) depending on what works best with the traffic source. Give domain owners the option to test multiple formats.

- More flexibility in setting up monetisation. Giving domain owners control over ad formats, categories, or even advertiser filtering (if possible) would be a big differentiator from parking.

-The simpler it is to integrate, the more likely domain owners will try it out. Ensure the tags are lightweight and won’t slow down page load times.

-Domain owners should be able to easily track revenue, CTRs, traffic trends, and more via a simple dashboard.

-Real-time tracking and updates on performance (traffic, CTRs, revenue) would be valuable. Many existing parking solutions have delays in reporting, so real-time insights would give your platform the edge.

The most important thing imo is listening to any user feedback and iterating quickly on their pain points and suggestions, just as you’re doing now.
Thanks for your valuable suggestions!
and something similar is the maximizer from also buys direct traffic for affil.
If we deal with only affiliate products and traffic, it becomes more like a CPA network.
Are you sure that Maximizer doesn't have any major feed provider in the backend?
If we deal with only affiliate products and traffic, it becomes more like a CPA network.
Are you sure that Maximizer doesn't have any major feed provider in the backend?
they also have probably also major fees provider, affiliate banned due to low traffic qualit.
for me would be cool to have something simple where you point your domain NS and there is a lander where we can select some templates, maybe where we can choose which kind of ads to display...
and where click get decent money, like it was with parking until a couple of years ago would be already cool.
100% guaranteed - which I know for a fact because as they say "I was there" - Maximizer has a relationship with a major affiliate network and matching traffic goes there.
I fully subscribe what pablohc86 said
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