
domain How much is worth?

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
Thermos Flasks has a Global search volume of 60k. Additionally, its a commonly used phrase in the english dictionary. I feel like it has potential as many thermos or flask related companies might want to get their hands on it?
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Thermos is a brand. I have not looked into if it has become generic, but that is likely where much of the search volume comes from.

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Thermos is a brand. I have not looked into if it has become generic, but that is likely where much of the search volume comes from.

Yes, but its been deemed generic as of Apr. 2024. Would that make it valuable? If so, how much would you think?
Thermos Flasks has a Global search volume of 60k. Additionally, its a commonly used phrase in the english dictionary. I feel like it has potential as many thermos or flask related companies might want to get their hands on it?
Hey, I'm not a pro so take this with a grain of salt but I'm thinking the right buyer would probably pay 1000, reseller might pay a couple hundred maybe?
Hey, I'm not a pro so take this with a grain of salt but I'm thinking the right buyer would probably pay 1000, reseller might pay a couple hundred maybe?
Thanks for the response!
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