
70+ quality backlinks with PR/News article submission incl. Google News indexing

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Established Member
We’re offering a great service to help you increase your back links and achieve better search engine rankings. See the details below.

What we offer:

  • Writing of professional quality press release/news article including 3 targeted keyword links
  • Submission to press release, news and article websites
  • Indexing in Google News and often in Google Alerts giving you great exposure
  • 70+ quality backlinks with SEO friendly anchortext for your 3 targeted keywords

More useful information:

  • You can target up to 3 keywords per article.
  • All links are do follow
  • Deep linking allowed to target your specific landing pages
  • Most links are in the body text, a few in resource boxes and author biographies

How does it benefit you?

  • More quality backlinks
  • More exposure for your site
  • More traffic – directly from submission and referrals + as a result of SERPS improvement

Special offer: up to 50% discount for a limited time

The usual price for the service is $75 and standard time of completion is just 3-5 days.

If you’re interested in trying out the service, you can benefit from the discounts below for a limited time period only.

50% off - $37.50 until Sunday 14th March
40% off - $45.00 until Wednesday 17th March
30% off - $52.50 until Sunday 21st March
20% off - $60.00 until Wednesday 24th March
10% off - $67.50 until Sunday 28th March

Payment is by paypal.

All I need from you is your website URL, your 3 keywords and 3 landing pages you’d like to target.

Feel free to reply here if you'd like more info. You can also contact me by PM, for instance to make an order.
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  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.