
Established 145 Established sites - QUIZ: answer a simple Independence Day Quiz and get 50% off!

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Established Member
It's Independence Day here in the US, so I'm in a good mood! :) I therefore decided to do this quick one-day sale with (potentially) 50% off the posted BINs!

You can just post SOLD for any of the following websites to buy them at 10% off the posted BIN, or test your knowledge about America's independence with a simple quiz and get (an additional) 40% off one site if you get all 10 quiz answers correct:

WEBSITES (10% off the posted BINs for today only!):
[*]abortionblogger.com - PR3 - niche abortion site $300
  [*]animalspirits.info - Shamanism site $150
  [*]backdoorhomeschooltools.com - PR2 - old domain/site [url=http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://backdoorhomeschooltools.com]dating from 2001[/url] - now redone in WordPress - $200
  [*]barack.ws - PR3 - next US president? $450
  [*]beckhamfans.us - Bend it like David Beckham! (soccer blog) - $150
  [*]biotechlicense.com - valuable keyword name - simple placeholder site - $300
  [*]bizbytez.com - PR2 - old domain/site - I started and have owned it [url=http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://bizbytez.com]since 2001[/url] - $400
  [*]blogape.com - PR4 - personal blog with original content (great name!) - $450
  [*]bodyoftheweek.com - great name & concept! - unfinished site - comes with MySpace account - $150
  [*]bolly.ws - Bollywood wallpapers - short name - $250
  [*]bollybolly.com - PR2 - Bollywood Amazon shop [url=http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://bollybolly.com]since 2005[/url]  - $300
  [*]bollyweird.com - PR3 - Bollywood news site -great concept (compare to hollyweird.com) - unique, brandable, name - $650
  [*]bollywoodmarriage.com - PR2 - Bollywood marriage site - great generic name - $350
  [*]bollywoodshaadi.com - PR3 - Bollywood wedding site - great name - $400
  [*]bollywoodtamasha.com - PR2 - Bollywood poster store - $250
  [*]boratlingo.com - PR2 - talk like Borat! - $150
  [*]boratmovieonline.com - PR3 - there will be a 2nd movie soon! - $250
  [*]boratwear.com - PR3 - dress as/like Borat! - $250
  [*]bushcomments.com - PR3 - unique "Bushisms" site - $450
  [*]campaignadwatch.com - PR4 - unique automated political & other "attack ads" site - $450
  [*]cash-for-phone.com - PR4 - mobile phone recycling site [url=http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://cash-for-phone.com]since 2004[/url] - $400
  [*]cashforphone.com - PR3 - similar to the above - $400
  [*]cellafrica.com - PR2 - [url=http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://cellafrica.com]aged[/url] ringtone site $250
  [*]cms-skins.com - PR4 - frameset affiliate site - great name - $250
  [*]comicbookblog.com - PR3 - valuable [url=http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://comicbookblog.com]old[/url] and generic domain, fairly new site - $450 (also includes thecomicbookblog.com)
  [*]comicbookvendors.com - PR3 - comic book shop-finder site - great generic name! - $350
  [*]contender.ws - PR3 - [url=http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://contender.ws]aged[/url] boxing site - short name - $300
  [*]craigslistauctions.com - $150
  [*]craigslistclassifieds.com - $150
  [*]dogsofchaos.com - PR2 - MMA/ultimate fighting site - $350
  [*]drdropship.com - PR3 - domain dates from 2004/1 1/2 year old unique site selling dropshipping ebook - $400
  [*]dropshipperswholesalers.com - great keyword-rich domain - site dates from [url=http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://dropshipperswholesalers.com]2005[/url] - $250
  [*]elviseternal.com - PR1 - aged Elvis domain & fan site/portal with lots of content - $350
  [*]elviszilla.com - PR1 - Elvis Amazon shop/fan site (has loads of additional Elvis content) - $250
  [*]f1deals.com - great name! - eBay/Amazon affiliate Formula One shop - $200
  [*]fatmatrix.com - PR1 - tech blog - $250
  [*]firefoxlink.com PR1 - niche Firefox site - $150
  [*]foodbattle.com - PR3 - "Hot or Not" food site - great generic name - $450 (also includes foodbattles.com)
  [*]fortunepost.com - PR1 - unique Horoscope/Zodiac site - $250
  [*]free-mac-mini.com - PR4 - dates [url=http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://free-mac-mini.com]from 2005[/url] - $250
  [*]freecasinoarticles.com - PR3 - niche casino/gambling site - $350
  [*]freedailyoffers.com - automatically displays a different free offer/coupon each day - people can sign up for daily notifications - great generic name! - $350
  [*]fundmystuff.com - PR4 - unique site - $450 (sponsor links must stay)
  [*]gadgetsaddiction.com - gadgets site - nice name - $200 (also includes gadgetaddiction.com)
  [*]geneticssource.com - PR1 - genetics news, information and articles - $350
  [*]genetictrends.com - PR1 - great keyword domains! - $350
  [*]goodbuzzwords.com - the latest categorized search engine buzz words - $150
  [*]governmentgrantfacts.com - PR1 - exactly as it says on the box! - $150
  [*]helioboards.com - PR3 WordPress integrated forums - $250
  [*]heliodownloads.com - PR3 - ringtones site - $200
  [*]heliomart.com - PR3 - Amazon Helio mobile phone shop - $250
  [*]helioworld.com - PR3 - $150
  [*]highfivecomics.com - PR1 - 2005 domain - Amazon comics shop - $250
  [*]holyfatherbenedict16.com - PR2 - [url=http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://holyfatherbenedict16.com]well-aged[/url] Pope site - $200
  [*]horserider.info - "horse rider info", are you kidding - great generic, keyword-rich, name! - $300
  [*]indycar.us - [url=http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://indycar.us]dates from 2004[/url] - IndyCar motor racing site - includes some original content - $300
 [*]interestingblog.com - domain dates from 2004 - great name: "interesting blog" (say no more!) - $650 (also includes theinterestingblog.com)
  [*]ipodbooks.com - PR3 - Amazon iPod book shop (valuable name) - $550
  [*]ipodscene.com - PR3 - domain dates from 2005 - $280
  [*]iriversales.com - iriver MP3 player Amazon shop - $150
  [*]iseedomains.com - PR2 - domain blog - $200
  [*]kokopelli.us - PR4 - niche blog/shop - valuable domain - all other extensions taken - $550
  [*]kokopellistores.com - eBay store - $250 (BANS script licence NOT included]
  [*]landofmixes.com - video site - $100
  [*]leftbehindbooks.com - PR2 - [url=http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://leftbehindbooks.com]aged domain[/url] - Amazon shop: many sales since 2005 when I started the site - $450
  [*]lotstoread.com - nice name! - Amazon book store - $150
  [*]mirapex.net - PR4 - niche med blog - $350
  [*]momswash.com "work and stay at home moms" site [url=http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://momswash.com]since 2005[/url] - $250
  [*]mszune.info - PR1 - Zune media player site - $250
  [*]musclerumor.com PR2 - body building/health & fitness site - $250
  [*]musicblogr.com - PR2 - cool music video blog - $250
  [*]nerdinsider.com - PR4 - domain dates from 2005 - [url=http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.nerdinsider.com]year old[/url] nerd/geek/tech site (8,820 pages indexed in Google, people!) - $450
  [*]nikko-remote-control-car.com - PR3 - $150
  [*]nokiafiles.com - PR2 - ringtones - great name (also for a "Nokia files" site)! - $350
  [*]onlyrevenue.com - PR2 - money blog - $200
  [*]petersontrial.info - PR3 - crime site [url=http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://petersontrial.info]since 2005[/url] - several amazon book sales - $200
  [*]pgacourse.com - value's in the name - $450
  [*]podcastdiscovery.com - PR4 - podcasting blog - $350
  [*]podcastingtip.com - PR2 - ditto - $200
  [*]politicalsciencescholar.com - PR3 - political blog with some original content - $350
  [*]poorlymade.com - PR3 - consumer site - $300
  [*]presidentkerry.ws - PR4 - site [url=http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://presidentkerry.ws]dates from 2004[/url]! - 1,130 pages indexed in Google - $150 (bargain!)
  [*]ps2system.com - Playstation 2 site - nice name - $150
  [*]ps3auctions.com - eBay/Amazon Playstation 3 affiliate - $250
  [*]ps3coverage.com - PR2 - PS3 site - $250
  [*]psxblog.com - PlayStation site - $150
  [*]quickinfoabout.com - PR2 - article site - $100
  [*]quitefamous.net - PR4 - $350
  [*]rantandraveforum.com - $150
  [*]ravenclaw.info - $200
  [*]rcretailer.com - $200
  [*]rednecks.ws - $350
  [*]rednecktshirts.us - $300
  [*]reelmovietimes.com - $130
  [*]regfest.com - $200
  [*]remotecontrolcars.biz - $200
  [*]scaredy.com - PR2 - $600
  [*]schoolreads.com - PR4 - $250
  [*]searchdvds.net - $150
  [*]shopezhere.com - $150
  [*]sitemarketing.us - $200
  [*]southerners.org - $300
  [*]stayinthecenter.com - $350
  [*]tathagata.com - $750
  [*]teamhistory.com - PR3 - $650
  [*]teflonlawsuit.info - $300
  [*]teflonlawyer.info - $300
  [*]teflonrecall.com - $350
  [*]theblogs.info - $100
  [*]thecurrentpope.com - $200
  [*]thehelltest.com - $300
  [*]topsporttips.com - $250
  [*]turnkeydownloads.com - PR4 - $350
  [*]turnkeymonster.com - $300
  [*]upperranks.com - $150
  [*]vidangle.com - PR2 - $350
  [*]wackyebay.com - $150
  [*]webdropshipping.com - $250
  [*]wholesale-discounters.com - $150
  [*]wp-styles.com - affiliate frameset site - PR4 - $350
  [*]xmasringtones.info - $50
  [*]yogachieve.com - $250
  [*]youtubetaboo.com - $200
  [*]yupnecks.com - $250
  [*]zunezex.com - PR1 - Zune wallpapers - $250
I will post more info about each site as requested.

  • Post your answers here - no subsequent editing allowed. Dishonesty or collusion will be penalized.
  • Only one entry per member allowed. Only one website per member @ 40% off (e.g. if you have the correct answers and buy 5 sites, only one website will qualify for the 40% off).
  • There can be as many winners as there are websites - but it's first-come, first served. The first correct answer posted will have first pick of his/her website, 2nd winner, 2nd choice, etc.
  • The competition ends at 11:59 PM MST tonight (July 4). I will post the results 8AM MST tomorrow morning and it's up to the participants who feel they have won to contact me within 12 hours thereof.
  • Winners will have choice of websites in the order they played (submitted their answers). If a winner fails to make his pick or pay within 12 hours after results were posted, his entry is forfeited and the next in line gets to pick, etc.
  • My standard terms regarding my domain/website sales still apply - see bottom of thread.
  • My decisions regarding this quiz, the winners, and everything coincidental thereto will be final and binding on all parties. I will not enter into any correspondence in this regard. Errors & Omission Excepted.
Questions? Please ask beforehand. Your participation indicates acceptance of the rules.

[*]The Fourth of July has been a legal holiday since the American Revolution. 
  a) True 
 b) False 
[*]Traditionally, the American flag is folded 13 times because each fold bears a special meaning. 
  a) True 
 b) False 
[*]Benjamin Franklin proposed the turkey as the national bird of the United States. 
  a) True 
 b) False 
[*]All 56 members of the Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.  
  a) True 
 b) False 
[*]Presidents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on the Fourth of July. 
  a) True 
 b) False 
[*]The Liberty Bell cracked when it was rung to celebrate American independence on July 4, 1776.  
  a) True 
 b) False 
[*]The preferred method for disposing of a torn, damaged, or soiled U.S. flag is to burn it. 
  a) True 
 b) False 
[*]The state flag of Texas is the only one that is allowed to fly at the same height as the U.S. flag. 
  a) True 
 b) False 
[*]John Hancock purposely signed his name in large script on the Declaration of Independence to show his defiance of the British. 
  a) True 
 b) False 
[*]An American flag should be burned if it has touched the ground. 
  a) True 
 b) False 
P.S. I will post my source after the competition, so you can verify the answers.


The Amazon shops come with the FREE version of the AOM script only.

Posted on multiple forums, post SOLD to claim at BIN AND please send payment asap. Site is not sold until payment received and cleared and I reserve the right to sell to someone else if prompt payment is not forthcoming.

Payment via verified PayPal account (no eChecks) or Google Checkout (credit card and bank account).

Free push to the current registrar only (you can transfer somewhere else later at your cost if required). One week free hosting and full CPanel/FTP access so you can move the site (or I can provide reasonably priced hosting thereafter). Please note, the responsibility to ensure your hosting is suitable and to move the site and set it up on your server is entirely yours, although I will give you full written instructions about the operation and setup of the site.

All sales are as-is, where-is and final. Errors & Omissions Excepted.

I reserve the right not to sell.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
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