

Spaceship Spaceship
  1. equity78

    domains Debounce.com sells for $140K at CryptoExchange.com

    It looks like the domain name Debounce.com sold for $140,000 at CryptoExchange.com. The domain name was registered in 2004. Registered in 22 extensions according to DotDB.com. The domain name was paid for in USDT (ERC-20). It looks the domain name has moved to 1api.net and the transfer just...
  2. equity78

    domains Debounce.com sells for $140K at CryptoExchange.com

    It looks like the domain name Debounce.com sold for $140,000 at CryptoExchange.com. The domain name was registered in 2004. Registered in 22 extensions according to DotDB.com. The domain name was paid for in USDT (ERC-20). It looks the domain name has moved to 1api.net and the transfer just...
  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.