
information What policy changes would you implement to Domains Wanted Section?

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
:heavy_check_mark: TheDomains.com
:heavy_check_mark: TLDInvestors.com
There are so many complaints about the domains wanted section. What changes would you like to see Namepros make?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
They should either get rid of budget prefixes completely or start to enforce accurate numbers. As of now, its typically "over $5000" and inside "I'll pay $50 for the good ones" so they bring nothing but confusion.

Also, disallow requests for particular domains. "I want to buy example.com". Go and contact the owner, if you don't get any response to your offer, the owner is not not interested – its the basics any domain seller should be aware of. These look more like an attempt to harass the owner by tying the domain name to the domain selling forum in search results which may be undesirable for the current registrant. As well as sometimes such requests are being used in scam schemes, by luring clueless newbies into buying the domain they'd hope to flip to the requester.
They should either get rid of budget prefixes completely or start to enforce accurate numbers. As of now, its typically "over $5000" and inside "I'll pay $50 for the good ones" so they bring nothing but confusion.

Also, disallow requests for particular domains. "I want to buy example.com". Go and contact the owner, if you don't get any response to your offer, the owner is not not interested – its the basics any domain seller should be aware of. These look more like an attempt to harass the owner by tying the domain name to the domain selling forum in search results which may be undesirable for the current registrant. As well as sometimes such requests are being used in scam schemes, by luring clueless newbies into buying the domain they'd hope to flip to the requester.
Exactly the ranges are stupid. If I want a quality domain name and I have a real, legit $5000 top price, I am not interested in $50 quality as well. It's a complete joke.

People know that if they post their real budgets they will be ignored, so they have a $50 budget (nothing wrong with that) but will make it $50 to $5,000 to get looks. Then they get pissed when everyone comes back with lgjdal.com $5K.
Enforcement of the per domain max budget would be a nice start. They are given thread reminders but no follow through and most don’t comply. If they refuse to follow the market rules their post should be taken down or infractions. Long standing members even use this ambiguous budget tactic.

Nobody will agree with this one but the bargain bin maximum is ridiculously low. Its almost 2024 everything else in life goes up in cost ( renewals and PP fees) but domain selling prices on this platform.

I don’t think new members should be allowed to list or buy until they have so many posts or so many days in as a member. This forum is cluttered with garbage listings by day one members.

There are many many things wrong with the marketplace. Thats why I don’t bother to use it.
1. Force them to reply to every DM and to every reply of DMed in the topic, at least to write not interested.
2. force to post updates, still looking or other words.
3. Force them to close the topic and not let it fly in an endless limbo.
Enforcement of the per domain max budget would be a nice start. They are given thread reminders but no follow through and most don’t comply. If they refuse to follow the market rules their post should be taken down or infractions. Long standing members even use this ambiguous budget tactic.

Nobody will agree with this one but the bargain bin maximum is ridiculously low. Its almost 2024 everything else in life goes up in cost ( renewals and PP fees) but domain selling prices on this platform.

I don’t think new members should be allowed to list or buy until they have so many posts or so many days in as a member. This forum is cluttered with garbage listings by day one members.

There are many many things wrong with the marketplace. Thats why I don’t bother to use it.
Good points made. I agree you should have to be here awhile. Because if a new account says I got $100K budget, do members believe that? Does someone have no intention of buying but like one member here said they are just data mining.

Domain max budget should be emphasized and it should be narrow imo. If I want a $50 name I don't also want a $10,000 name. It should be a privilege to get to engage with people who are meeting your supposed domain needs.
1. Force them to reply to every DM and to every reply of DMed in the topic, at least to write not interested.
2. force to post updates, still looking or other words.
3. Force them to close the topic and not let it fly in an endless limbo.
I know a lot of people like that, but you can't reply to every DM. Here's why, sometimes you might get 300 replies with 250 to 275 not even close to being what was requested. Then the person gets a reply they keep messaging. I actually always say if you not interested please don't reply. Because what has pissed me off as I meet the exact requirement under the supposed budget and then someone saying great name I can't buy it but I would broker it. Are you kidding??? Don't reply back with that nonsense. I do agree close topic after a few weeks or update the post I have bought x amount of names so far, still buying for the next month or so.
Anyone else have any thoughts?
I know a lot of people like that, but you can't reply to every DM. Here's why, sometimes you might get 300 replies with 250 to 275 not even close to being what was requested. Then the person gets a reply they keep messaging. I actually always say if you not interested please don't reply. Because what has pissed me off as I meet the exact requirement under the supposed budget and then someone saying great name I can't buy it but I would broker it. Are you kidding??? Don't reply back with that nonsense. I do agree close topic after a few weeks or update the post I have bought x amount of names so far, still buying for the next month or so.

I used to post a lot of WTB requests. It doesn't matter how specific you are, you will still get endless unrelated domains.

Having to respond "No Thanks" or whatever to every message is just a waste of time.

NamePros should limit the amount of bumps people have with their threads.

It is just wasting valuable forum space when people are bumping the same listing 25, 50, 100, 500, 1000 times...

Delete the whole section.
The request requirements are ridiculous and just wasting time.
People will submit crap names and never read.
Here are some of the "actual requests" from the section:
- One word.com for under $10,000 - There is No one word for this price
- LLL.net Budget : $50 - $100 depending on the name.
- GD appraisal $6,000 or more - I have close to 2,000 names and none of them appraised more than $6,000
- Taking in at least 200 extension? Why?
- Total budget is $5,000,000 budget for each name is $5-$200 - What the hell is this?
- I am a reseller so send reseller price only. Who want to buy end user price here???
You can add some more here.
Of course with all the ridiculous requests the buyers will receive a bunch of crap names.
I don't think there is a solution for this problem. Buyer - come up with your own requirements and do not COPY CAT these stupid requirements.
Some will post with big budget to show off but never bought anything - check the trader rating from these people and you will see.

I used to post a lot of WTB requests. It doesn't matter how specific you are, you will still get endless unrelated domains.

Having to respond "No Thanks" or whatever to every message is just a waste of time.

NamePros should limit the amount of bumps people have with their threads.

It is just wasting valuable forum space when people are bumping the same listing 25, 50, 100, 500, 1000 times...

So the real question is why does Namepros management allow it? Why are there not stronger policies in place? I think I know the answer but it's always something that should be looked at more. With so few commenting here it's obvious most don't care about the section anymore. You have a few data miners and every seller just thinks it takes me a minute and who cares if I sent something not asked for? That whole "I will report you if you don't send me what I asked" is not scaring anyone.
I don’t understand why some people keep posting and never bought anything???
That whole "I will report you if you don't send me what I asked" is not scaring anyone.
Hi Ray

it scares me so much...
that i won't submit a domain, even if it does fit the criteria.

I don’t understand why some people keep posting and never bought anything???

they do it, because they can.

there is no requirement that you have to buy anything, when you create a WTB thread,
and staff can't implement it or enforce it, because they can't ensure that the buyer will get qualified submissions, within their posted budgets.

i've posted about the section before,
but i guess we/ have to endure some of the manure -
while waiting for the membership in general to mature,
to a level of professionalism that we all would like to see


Hi Ray

it scares me so much...
that i won't submit a domain, even if it does fit the criteria.
I have posted many WTB threads and received thousands of unrelated domains.

Still, I have never reported any.

Ignoring them is not that big of a problem. Responding to every one would be a huge burden.

I don’t understand why some people keep posting and never bought anything???
Dounty hunters ... a real buyers / investors using proxies / on behalf
Hi Ray

it scares me so much...
that i won't submit a domain, even if it does fit the criteria.


they do it, because they can.

there is no requirement that you have to buy anything, when you create a WTB thread,
and staff can't implement it or enforce it, because they can't ensure that the buyer will get qualified submissions, within their posted budgets.

i've posted about the section before,
but i guess we/ have to endure some of the manure -
while waiting for the membership in general to mature,
to a level of professionalism that we all would like to see


You funny Don, I have known you for close to 20 years out here, I no you ain't scared.
I have posted many WTB threads and received thousands of unrelated domains.

Still, I have never reported any.

Ignoring them is not that big of a problem. Responding to every one would be a huge burden.

And smart on your part Brad not to waste time, those people are not getting banned or suspended anyway, so it would be just wasted effort.
Dounty hunters ... a real buyers / investors using proxies / on behalf
Good point Lox or like someone mentioned in another thread Data Mining. I know years ago there were some who would do the $1 to $30 brandable domain wanted just to get ideas and come up with their own handreg.
You funny Don, I have known you for close to 20 years out here, I no you ain't scared.

well, not scared like i'm shaking in my boots, but more about how staff would react.
like below....
those people are not getting banned or suspended anyway, so it would be just wasted effort.

i got restricted from chat once, because a new member reported something i said, out of context.
mods wasn't hearing my pov, just wanted to execute.

just saying....

here's a thread from 2017 that you posted in as well.

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well, not scared like i'm shaking in my boots, but more about how staff would react.
like below....


i got restricted from chat once, because a new member reported something i said, out of context.
mods wasn't hearing my pov, just wanted to execute.

just saying....

here's a thread from 2017 that you posted in as well.

I remember when you started that thread, yeah none of it really makes sense but I believe management could eliminate some of the nonsense. Starting with specificity these broad my budget is $1 to $20,000. I blame Namepros for allowing that. Hurts members too, I know of a few people who they read a domains wanted thread and if it's ridiculous they just block them on here.
I think another thing is people don't seem to pay attention to their competition.

If I want to buy a certain niche, and three other listings say they are looking for same and will pay $500 to $1000. I cannot be sitting there saying I will pay $75. Who is going to message me anything relevant? I guess you can hope if the others pass I can buy the least desirable names no one else wanted.
They just copy cat other requests without checking or have any INTENTION to BUY.
The trader Rating remains the same for months or even YEAR(s)
I think the biggest confusion we see, with practically every new listing there, is the budget. Frankly, I've brought this to the attention of the mods years ago: it is confusingly written even to me, and I'm a native English speaker. I think members for whom English is not a first language, and even when they're using translation services, find the wording much more confusing than even I do.

I even offered to rewrite it so it is very clear and simple, and sent mods a couple samples. They 'took it under advisement' and then did nothing. Ha.

However, there is a way to make it ultimately clear:

Have the coders write in a couple fields that MUST BE FILLED IN, before the thread can be put live. All we need to see is a little reminder saying ***This field must be filled in***, and they get an error message if they don't fill in the field. It can go like this:

My budget for each domain is from minimum $[field] USD to maxium $[field] USD.

We don't need a field for overall budget because they can say that within the thread. Once the above two fields are filled in, they can say 'Looking for 5 - 10 domains', or 'just one domain', or 'total budget $100K' or whatever. As long at those two fields are filled in!

Almost as common of an issue, is when a new request thread does not include a payment method. Again, this can be largely taken care of by creating another field, or series of check boxes that MUST have at least one method checked. Something like:

Payment methods (check which ones you use):
[box] PAYPAL
[box] (list any other common ones)

[box] Other methods [create a field here for them to list one or more methods that are not listed above]

Again, make it so they need to check at least one box (can check more than one if they wish) before the thread will go live.

With those two simple fixes - If you force them to fill in those simple minimum/maximum per domain fields, and the payment method boxes, before the thread can be put live... 90% of the moderating will become unnecessary in the requests section.

True, we need a little more discussion on how to cut down on the crazy amount of non-relevant submissions that don't even follow the OP's request guidelines. I haven't solved that problem yet ;)
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