
domain What do you think about my new gTLD domain? Advice thread.

Spaceship Spaceship


MarekTop Member
In this thread, I will give you my opinion about your submitted new gTLD domain name.

I will focus not only on its numerical appraisal, but also will take other factors into consideration (mainly renewal fee and what you do with the name, where it is presented, etc), to debate whether it is a good investment choice (in my opinion). Just because I am a new gTLD investor it does not mean that I will give good opinion on crappy names - so I will tell you when I see no value or potential. To see examples of new gTLD domain names I personally invest in, you can check my website

1. Only 1 new gTLD domain name can be submitted daily per 1 Namepros user.
2. This thread is related to new gTLD domain names only - I can not give you my opinion about .com, .net, org or ccTLD names like .de or names, as I do not have enough direct experience with them.
3. I am not responsible for any damages related to my advice - it is only my personal opinion, although I will really try my best to give reasonable, and well-balanced opinion.
4. You can submit only domain name you personally own.
5. For security and privacy purposes, all names submitted and discussed in replies must be in
keyword(s) / gTLD extension format (for example royal / estate, or bestgames / online)
6. Comments/opinions/appraisals from other members on any name submitted here are very welcome :)
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Radius // ai - What do you think about this one ?
I appreciate the feedback!
The renewal at Godaddy for me was around $108...
It's a bit weird it wasn't registered immediately, because it's one of the first obvious names.
I think sometimes registrars hold some premiums and make them available later than usual. This happened with "lighthouse.International". It wasn't available in GA, so i assumed someone regged it. When i checked Whois, it said it was registrar hold/restricted. I never saw this before. Anyway, I was able to snap it up soon after. I think I placed a backorder and got it as soon as it was released.

This is really my first premium renewal.. $44 is probably the most i spent prior. But I saw the potential too. As you said, I will experiment with it for the next 1-3 years, do some outbound and hope i get the higher end of your appraisal range :)

Cheers & great thread btw
You are very welcome!
It can be the case with reserved keyword during that first year after GA, agreed.
Wish you a great sale :)
Tenant / Loans

Bought for reg fee
@platey about your domain name tenant / loans - quick google search shows there are plenty of companies which are actually providing variations of products named "tenant loans" hopefully you will be succesful to sell them this domain name.

I was experimenting with approx 20 .loans domain names (not surprisingly, after I heard about super sale of home / loans).

Personally, I was, unfortunatelly, not able to make a sale within a first year period of holding those names, and then I decided to drop the names. It was because math did not hold for me at that time - standard renewal fee for .loans is about 70 at many registrars, and if you have like 20 names, you need to cashflow such of set of names a lot in advance for years to come. Maybe (I now suspect so) I gave up too early on them, as since I dropped them I learned at least 2 of those names are now reserved by registry (at the moment of writing). They were actually very good names. But I have far too many names, and have some financial restrictions when it comes to profitability of my porftolio, so prefer much lower renewals in general. And in addition I was not able to give a required attention to all of them (which is a mistake, as a more attention you give to your names, the more profitable you are, at least when it comes to new gTLDs).

Now, your name is actually very good, and you should be able to sell it for 7k (minimum, just my feeling), and maybe much much more, to relevant end user. As for how much more, really depends on your skills. This is type of name where you need to contact relevant end users, and do good presentation what the name can bring to them (one can learn a lot from home / loans example). But I do not think this is name just to hold passively (due to it's renewal), until you have only few new gTLDs, in which case that would probably be sustainable. All above is just my opinion, and I can be pretty wrong here, as it is pretty unique and good combo, with not much available alternatives for it in new gTLD space, afaik.

So great name with tons of potentual, but I would do lot of active outbound for this one.
GL :)
Just picked up benefit / network . One of my first gTLDs. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
@onni about your name benefit / network : not really sure about a keyword, which kind of make some semantic sense with .network, but it is definitely not the strongest keyword for .network out there by far ...there are so many options to invest in new gTLD names, so I feel this one is just so-so.

The domain name has standard renewal for .network which is 15 at many registrars, and can sell for approx 1.5k in 2019 with STR 1%. So this investment will be basically just holding your money, as projected yearly profit is 15, while yearly cost is also 15.

Number of available alternatives (although each with slighly semantic meaning) is pretty high (check keyword benefit in to see what is available).

When we check string "benefitnetwork" in .com, that one is for sale, in .net and .info, it is available to register atm of writing, and in .org it is developed .. so overall, not really impressed by this as in investment - just imo.

Saying that critical thing, I wish you lot of success with your domain choices!
GL :)
Tron(10th largest crypto currency in the world is using the domain name Tron.Network)
They are launching a second layer scalability solution for the Decentralized Apps called Sun Network.
What is your appraisal for this name @lolwarrior ?
indiavacation / rentals
@naruto_hokage about your domain name indiavacation / rentals ...I am not big fan, because:

First thing which comes to my mind, that it might compete with india.vacation / rentals, in case owner of vacation / rentals decides in future to create this subdomain.

This is simply the destiny of many domains in word1word2.gTLD format, where it might, at least in theory, compete with subdomain word1.word2.gTLD, where word2.gTLD is usually domain name of much higher quality comparing previous one.

So for me it is actually very difficult to imagine someone would want to build their business on such name, (of course I can not rule it out, but those probabilities are very tiny, I feel).

Saying that: there are some word1word2.gTLD domain names with great value (but usually when word1word2 are actually acting as 1 worder - example: virtualreality / store - here, name like reality / store might maybe generate less interest comparing to virtualreality / store, because "virtualreality" actually makes more of semantic sense, comparing to keyword "reality" with .store. And that might again change a bit in case you put .show instead of .store as an extension in this example, lol).

So I hope you will have a nice sale, but personally I do not feel this domain name much. All above is just imo.
GL :)
@onni about your name benefit / network : not really sure about a keyword, which kind of make some semantic sense with .network, but it is definitely not the strongest keyword for .network out there by far ...there are so many options to invest in new gTLD names, so I feel this one is just so-so.

The domain name has standard renewal for .network which is 15 at many registrars, and can sell for approx 1.5k in 2019 with STR 1%. So this investment will be basically just holding your money, as projected yearly profit is 15, while yearly cost is also 15.

Number of available alternatives (although each with slighly semantic meaning) is pretty high (check keyword benefit in to see what is available).

When we check string "benefitnetwork" in .com, that one is for sale, in .net and .info, it is available to register atm of writing, and in .org it is developed .. so overall, not really impressed by this as in investment - just imo.

Saying that critical thing, I wish you lot of success with your domain choices!
GL :)

Thanks for feedback. I’m new to Gtlds. This is a bit of a beta test. What are your favorite Gtld’s for new domains?
Hello and thank you for this thread.
Would love an evaluation of:

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Thanks for feedback. I’m new to Gtlds. This is a bit of a beta test. What are your favorite Gtld’s for new domains?
I have some extensions which I really like, for example .life, .world or .live...but that is mostly because I was able to get some better names initially, and was able to build around that in time.

But In general, imo:
a) extension is not that important, it is more about whether left and right of the dot makes sense together.
b) in addition, the domain name must be on lower end of renewals, if that should work for me, personally.
c) it must have ideally large pool of end users worldwide

So for example, I would LOVE to own (I do not own them, unfortunatelly) super cool names like :

real / estate
happy / life
my / world
car / store

IF I would be able to get them with low renewal fees (which is not an easy task, obviously)

Imo it is better to have 1-2 of really good new gTLD names secured with low renewals, then 2000 crappy new gTLD names, which will only cost a money
@platey about your domain name tenant / loans - quick google search shows there are plenty of companies which are actually providing variations of products named "tenant loans" hopefully you will be succesful to sell them this domain name.

I was experimenting with approx 20 .loans domain names (not surprisingly, after I heard about super sale of home / loans).

Personally, I was, unfortunatelly, not able to make a sale within a first year period of holding those names, and then I decided to drop the names. It was because math did not hold for me at that time - standard renewal fee for .loans is about 70 at many registrars, and if you have like 20 names, you need to cashflow such of set of names a lot in advance for years to come. Maybe (I now suspect so) I gave up too early on them, as since I dropped them I learned at least 2 of those names are now reserved by registry (at the moment of writing). They were actually very good names. But I have far too many names, and have some financial restrictions when it comes to profitability of my porftolio, so prefer much lower renewals in general. And in addition I was not able to give a required attention to all of them (which is a mistake, as a more attention you give to your names, the more profitable you are, at least when it comes to new gTLDs).

Now, your name is actually very good, and you should be able to sell it for 7k (minimum, just my feeling), and maybe much much more, to relevant end user. As for how much more, really depends on your skills. This is type of name where you need to contact relevant end users, and do good presentation what the name can bring to them (one can learn a lot from home / loans example). But I do not think this is name just to hold passively (due to it's renewal), until you have only few new gTLDs, in which case that would probably be sustainable. All above is just my opinion, and I can be pretty wrong here, as it is pretty unique and good combo, with not much available alternatives for it in new gTLD space, afaik.

So great name with tons of potentual, but I would do lot of active outbound for this one.
GL :)

Thank you for the analysis

It's always good to get another opinion

As buy on the fly so to speak



I have some extensions which I really like, for example .life, .world or .live...but that is mostly because I was able to get some better names initially, and was able to build around that in time.

But In general, imo:
a) extension is not that important, it is more about whether left and right of the dot makes sense together.
b) in addition, the domain name must be on lower end of renewals, if that should work for me, personally.
c) it must have ideally large pool of end users worldwide

So for example, I would LOVE to own (I do not own them, unfortunatelly) super cool names like :

real / estate
happy / life
my / world
car / store

IF I would be able to get them with low renewal fees (which is not an easy task, obviously)

Imo it is better to have 1-2 of really good new gTLD names secured with low renewals, then 2000 crappy new gTLD names, which will only cost a money

Good point made

Eg it doesn't matter about the Gtld extension etc as long as the word left and right of the dot makes sense

So true

Plus making sure the singular and or plural of the words go together



(singular word and singular word)

Plural word and singular word

Etc etc
thanks for your detailed review , i got it.
i'm new to this domaining world so i was just experimenting with few of them. now i think it's better not to renew it but then sometimes i think i should renew it. can i recover its renewal cost by parking or by writing a few blogs about renting stuff in india? the renewal cost is around 25$.
@naruto_hokage about your domain name indiavacation / rentals ...I am not big fan, because:

First thing which comes to my mind, that it might compete with india.vacation / rentals, in case owner of vacation / rentals decides in future to create this subdomain.

This is simply the destiny of many domains in word1word2.gTLD format, where it might, at least in theory, compete with subdomain word1.word2.gTLD, where word2.gTLD is usually domain name of much higher quality comparing previous one.

So for me it is actually very difficult to imagine someone would want to build their business on such name, (of course I can not rule it out, but those probabilities are very tiny, I feel).

Saying that: there are some word1word2.gTLD domain names with great value (but usually when word1word2 are actually acting as 1 worder - example: virtualreality / store - here, name like reality / store might maybe generate less interest comparing to virtualreality / store, because "virtualreality" actually makes more of semantic sense, comparing to keyword "reality" with .store. And that might again change a bit in case you put .show instead of .store as an extension in this example, lol).

So I hope you will have a nice sale, but personally I do not feel this domain name much. All above is just imo.
GL :)
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Thank you so much for offering your thoughts!
Hi She just won the French Open and being a fellow Australian I had to reg
( AshBarty.Tennis ) your thoughts would be much appreciated . Renew $35.00 per year. Cheers.
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thanks for your detailed review , i got it.
i'm new to this domaining world so i was just experimenting with few of them. now i think it's better not to renew it but then sometimes i think i should renew it. can i recover its renewal cost by parking or by writing a few blogs about renting stuff in india? the renewal cost is around 25$.
Depends on how well you develop it :) Basically any domain name, if developed really well, can bring in much more money then it's renewal cost. But here I focus only on investment perspective from resale point of view, so not the development perspective. GL :)
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