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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

1. Keep it clean
2. No fighting
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4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

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You got it wrong... it's the other way round. It's Hillary and the Liberals that can't get over her loss!!!

Don't see it. Again, I'm not Hillary or Liberal. You are just giving life to Hillary.
Also, the Chinese eat dog and cat meat. In fact, each year in June, the city of Yulin in southern China hosts a dog meat festival, where live dogs and cats are sold specifically for eating.

I've eaten dog meat more than a few times, sorry. Never cat, at least not knowingly. I would just eat what's in front of me, and ask questions later. When in Rome (or Beijing)....

Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore restaurants can be very clean... much cleaner than in the US in many cases. (US toilets can be disgusting.) The problem is many mainland Chinese, especially those from rural areas, have no concept of sanitation. In other cases, they just don't care.
I am in Canada. How does that make my location a factor? Are you in Europe? Anyways what does location have anything to do with this?

It's obviously a factor. I thought you were in Poland, though. We are not going to change each other's minds. Regardless of who is correct, in my neck of the woods China is seen as the major threat. Nobody is talking about Russia, though some people in Hokkaido aren't to happy with the country. Even there, they don't expect an invasion. If you talk to most Asians about the "Russian threat" they would probably think you were talking about poorly behaved Russian tourists.
I would not admit to that. Huge minus points.

I'm not keeping score. And I have little patience for overly fussy eaters - plenty of people in the world who count themselves lucky to eat at all.

Logically speaking, there is no reason why eating a dog is worse than eating a goat or pig. More practically, since I would rather not eat dog, is what to do when it is on your plate. Throwing it out would be disrespecting the host and, worse, disrespecting the dog. The dog is already dead. The Dalai Lama has spoken on this. Though he is a vegetarian, you would eat meat if it were served to him, for these very reasons. The animal died to provide sustenance. That should be respected.
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in my neck of the woods China is seen as the major threat. Nobody is talking about Russia, though some people in Hokkaido aren't to happy with the country. Even there, they don't expect an invasion. If you talk to most Asians about the "Russian threat" they would probably think you were talking about poorly behaved Russian tourists.

Sounds like you are somewhere in Asia. Russia is a friend of China, Philippines, and probably other Asian countries. I don't expect anyone in Asia to be concerned about Russia.
t's obviously a factor. I thought you were in Poland, though

Location is not a factor. The news is often times biased, as the news casters themselves are. But if you study history and are not fixated on one biased news network, you can filter out the bias.
But if you study history and are not fixated on one biased news network, you can filter out the bias.
I do, and that is why Russia is not a big concern to me. That and the fact that I live in Japan. If I lived in Georgia or Ukraine, another story maybe.
I do, and that is why Russia is not a big concern to me. That and the fact that I live in Japan. If I lived in Georgia or Ukraine, another story maybe.

If you study history I just don't get why you think that Russia is not the biggest political and military threat to the US. You do, however, recognize that if you lived in eastern Europe then you would think differently, so that is progress.
The only reason that many Americans are resistant to the idea that Russia is a threat is because somehow in their minds it legitimizes Hillary Clinton and delegitimizes Trump’s presidency. That is so petty, laughable, and a child-like response to a serious issue that all levels of US intelligence and their allies’ intelligence confirm.
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Certainly Romney and Albright are 2 people I wouldn't trust to feed my guppies. (I was going to say "my dog," but the timing wasn't quite right.) They are both serving entrenched big state and corporate interests, and not those of the typical American. They are on the same side for all intents and purposes. Am I supposed to trust the very same types of people who have lied to get the US into one disastrous and costly foreign venture after another?

The media, such as those you linked to, also conveniently ignore the CIA 's part in replacing the Russian-friendly government with an anti-Russian government. And the US role in placing missiles and military installations close around all of Russia's borders. These are not the acts of a friendly nation either.
Certainly Romney and Albright are 2 people I wouldn't trust to feed my guppies. (I was going to say "my dog," but the timing wasn't quite right.) They are both serving entrenched big state and corporate interests, and not those of the typical American. They are on the same side for all intents and purposes. Am I supposed to trust the very same types of people who have lied to get the US into one disastrous and costly foreign venture after another?

The media, such as those you linked to, also conveniently ignore the CIA 's part in replacing the Russian-friendly government with an anti-Russian government. And the US role in placing missiles and military installations close around all of Russia's borders. These are not the acts of a friendly nation either.

When you attack the person(s) then you have lost the argument. In the Bible nations are pictured as wild beasts devouring people. I am not defending any nation. Just stating the facts. And wondering why you are defending the Russians?

It is interesting that 2 people on the opposite sides of the isle agree on Russia. That is significant.

There used to be a time when the USA was united on the subject of Russia.
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The media, such as those you linked to, also conveniently ignore the CIA 's part in replacing the Russian-friendly government with an anti-Russian government. And the US role in placing missiles and military installations close around all of Russia's borders. These are not the acts of a friendly nation either.

We are not talking about who is friendly or not. The US has always strategically placed military bases all around the word. Why do you think that the US prez made a visit to Poland? The US will place missiles at the Ukraine border.

The US has bases all across the world. But Russia is countering. No nation is friendly.

So it appears your biggest concern is Russia, but i am trying to understand exactly what your concerns cover?

There will never be a conventional war between Russia and the USA, so is your concern infiltration of Russian spies and likes of in the USA?

The difference in threat between Russia and China to the US is apples and oranges, we will never have conventional warfare with either country, although China poses a much bigger threat IMO, If we engaged with China in a "Boots on the ground war" we would be astronomically out numbered, Russia not the case.

We have superior technology as opposed to Russia's, so aside from a nuclear conflict. I don't see Russia as a big threat to USA. A threat, but so is any country that controls nuclear weapons.

China is a far bigger threat on a much broader scale IMO, Financials, Military and ect.
So it appears your biggest concern is Russia, but i am trying to understand exactly what your concerns cover?

It is not MY biggest concern. But it is the US intelligence agencies’ biggest concern. As well as their allies’ intel agencies. So...
There also seems to be a concerted effort to downplay Russia’s influence on the global scale.
It is not MY biggest concern. But it is the US intelligence agencies’ biggest concern. As well as their allies’ intel agencies. So...

And their concern is? Regarding?
And their concern is? Regarding?

C’mon. You’re not expecting me to repeat everything that’s been posted?

But maybe I will... hang on.
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There also seems to be a concerted effort to downplay Russia’s influence on the global scale.

I am not trying to down play anything, I am merely trying to understand how Russia is as big of threat as you think they are, that's all
I am not trying to down play anything, I am merely trying to understand how Russia is as big of threat as you think they are, that's all

Just do a search on Google for “USA intelligence Russia”.

But you don’t trust Google results.

So you tell me where to go for the truth.
Just do a search on Google for “USA intelligence Russia”.

But you don’t trust Google results.

So you tell me where to go for the truth.

The truth is what you can see with your own two eyes and the insights that God gives you, I certainly wouldn't rely on the media to report facts these days, It is just not reliable information IMO.

If you feel that strongly about Russia , then research the complete demographics of Russia and it's current government, once complete if you feel that Russia is the biggest threat, then much respect.
The truth is what you can see with your own two eyes and the insights that God gives you, I certainly wouldn't rely on the media to report facts these days, It is just not reliable information IMO.

If you feel that strongly about Russia , then research the complete demographics of Russia and it's current government, once complete if you feel that Russia is the biggest threat, then much respect.

The media plays a role because your own two eyes can’t be in every place in the world. But your common sense can help you through the noise.

I have been alive long enough and have studied history to be pretty confident.

US/British/NATO spy agencies confirm the fact that Russia is an existential world wide threat.

Why does that perturb you? Are you upset about that?
If you feel that strongly about Russia , then research the complete demographics of Russia and it's current government, once complete if you feel that Russia is the biggest threat, then much respect.

You cannot just research “current” demographics, etc. You have to research “current” actions against history. A country like Russia is unlike any other country. It has a powerful history with a legacy and ambitions that include world domination. Although I don’t believe it will get that far. But at least it will try.
On a separate topic. Why does the US kill or attempt to kill their best leaders like Lincoln, Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Reagan. But not their worst leaders. Is there a theory?
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