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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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If anyone is surprised by the rise of the right, then they weren’t paying attention.

Extreme actions get extreme reactions. Funny all the clever people on the left can't figure that out. On the other hand, they probably think their extreme actions are actually moderate and timid, such is the strength of their conviction in their beliefs. Religion for atheists....
Only the first 30 minutes... will watch the rest of the 90 min. video tomorrow.

It just shows how these big social media hijos de puta are sooooo afraid of the truth being told... exactly what we've been talking about for quite a while now!

You can still see it on YouCensorTube, but uploaded by someone else. Unbelievable assholes!

And it will only get worse unless Trump steps on these...

On the video, About a third of the way through, they secretly tape American accented NGO volunteers explaining how they go about coaching fake refugees to cheat the system, and be “actors” with the greece migracion officers when they arrive in Lesbos island, So AmerIcans are over in the EU aiding and abeiting illegal immigration in the EU and assisting fake refugees (only those wealthy with1200-3000 euros) are able to enter.

So, if you extrapolate this behavior south of the US Border by American NGO’s no wonder the problem grew expotentially. Nobody I have seen has documented like this in Mexico or south. Plus the Spanish language newspapers in the triangle explain how they can game the US border crisis.

On the Beaches, The massive amounts of garbage left by these invaders like life perservers, clothes and trash left behind reminds me of the photos you guys posted about Arizona desert abandoned junk.

The NGO’s also are allegedly implied to be laundering money with the traffickers. Probably Soros funded back end money.
Some thoughts for Memorial Day:

“It is time, yet again, to imagine how utterly insensate with rage Republicans would be if a Dem president were gleeful at an enemy dictator attacking one of his opponents. They would be calling not just for impeachment, but for invoking the 25th amendment. /1”
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(Yeah, I follow / quote a lot of people who aren’t “Democrats” or “Liberals”. Get over it.)

More thoughts: Donny the Dodger was planning to celebrate this weekend by pardoning a couple of war criminals - a slap in the face to every service member who serves or served honorably.

Is he still going to do it or did someone actually talk some sense into him? Hopefully the latter, but that he would even think to do this... he dishonors the office he holds every day.
Yes, America has to have troops in 100 countries around the world to kill all those "enemies." Enemies everywhere. Except Washington, DC. Those nice people are there to help you. America is living proof that drugs make people stupid.

You really believe that North Korea is going to blow up the US? That they are a serious enemy? Really? Or is that what the Russian babushkas are telling you to believe? A country that is scared of its own shadow isn't much of a world leader.
On the video, About a third of the way through, they secretly tape American accented NGO volunteers explaining how they go about coaching fake refugees to cheat the system, and be “actors” with the greece migracion officers when they arrive in Lesbos island, So AmerIcans are over in the EU aiding and abeiting illegal immigration in the EU and assisting fake refugees (only those wealthy with1200-3000 euros) are able to enter.

So, if you extrapolate this behavior south of the US Border by American NGO’s no wonder the problem grew expotentially. Nobody I have seen has documented like this in Mexico or south. Plus the Spanish language newspapers in the triangle explain how they can game the US border crisis.

On the Beaches, The massive amounts of garbage left by these invaders like life perservers, clothes and trash left behind reminds me of the photos you guys posted about Arizona desert abandoned junk.

The NGO’s also are allegedly implied to be laundering money with the traffickers. Probably Soros funded back end money.
Yes, these supposed "do good NGO volunteers" don't work for free and the NGO boats, which are nothing more than a Taxi service between the coast of Libia and European ports, are being financed by Soros and some EU Agencies.

The NGO boats get paid an X amount of € per invader and they are working in straight collaboration with the African human traffickers, who give them indications of where the boats with human cargo have been sent off along the Libian coast.

The NGO boats will then pick them up in various spots and then return to Europe to drop off the illegal invaders, then it's Rinse & Repeat...

Thankfully Matteo Salvini was elected in Italy and immediately he closed Italian ports to these NGO ships, much to the disgust of the Leftist governments and Organizations.

Unfortunately the Spanish Socialist government has said "Refugees are Welcome" so now the NGO boats are taking the invaders to Spain.

'Go to Hamburg': Italy refuses safe harbour to rescued refugees
Matteo Salvini tells charity ship to take 64 refugees and migrants rescued off Libyan coast to Germany's port of Hamburg.

Good for you Salvini... Keep up the good work!!!
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I wasn't surprised Trump talked about Muller report in JP; Japanese probably were. As for comment on Biden, he was asked for his thoughts. For the most part, he was correct. Biden's record isn't good.

Some thoughts for Memorial Day:

“It is time, yet again, to imagine how utterly insensate with rage Republicans would be if a Dem president were gleeful at an enemy dictator attacking one of his opponents. They would be calling not just for impeachment, but for invoking the 25th amendment. /1”
Thread -

(Yeah, I follow / quote a lot of people who aren’t “Democrats” or “Liberals”. Get over it.)

More thoughts: Donny the Dodger was planning to celebrate this weekend by pardoning a couple of war criminals - a slap in the face to every service member who serves or served honorably.

Is he still going to do it or did someone actually talk some sense into him? Hopefully the latter, but that he would even think to do this... he dishonors the office he holds every day.

Obama says GOP doing the terrorists' work for them
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"Some thoughts for Memorial Day"
All you dumb F's that think this D-bag in the White House is looking after you and your family,look further, Iran is coming up, just like Iraq, just another D bag liar that you fell for because yes, you are actually that stupid...enjoy the mess, and the deaths, not only of innocent people but that of your Patriots that will be sent to kill them.
"Some thoughts for Memorial Day"
All you dumb F's that think this D-bag in the White House is looking after you and your family,look further, Iran is coming up, just like Iraq, just another D bag liar that you fell for because yes, you are actually that stupid...enjoy the mess, and the deaths, not only of innocent people but that of your Patriots that will be sent to kill them.
Who asked for your BS opinion?

... and go enjoy your Memorial Day!
Lyon explosion: Parcel bomb rips through shopping street in sick attack - at least 13 hurt

French police have arrested an Algerian national in connection with the parcel bomb that exploded in Lyon last week, injuring 13 people. His brother and their mother were also arrested.

Imagine my shock
"an Algerian national"
from the "Religion of Peace" during "Ramadan"

It's so predictable...
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Refugees are Welcome"

Yea, as I recall in the center of I think on a rotunda off the Gran Via Madrid a huge vinyl banner strewn across a building stated that exactly.
"Some thoughts for Memorial Day"
All you dumb F's that think this D-bag in the White House is looking after you and your family,look further, Iran is coming up, just like Iraq, just another D bag liar that you fell for because yes, you are actually that stupid...enjoy the mess, and the deaths, not only of innocent people but that of your Patriots that will be sent to kill them.

My father and all his brothers served, as did I and my brothers and my son. I thank you and hope you have a great memorial day but please take a moment to remember those who died doing what their country asked of them.
China bans: Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Reddit, Discord, Twitch, Wikipedia, SoundCloud

USA bans: Huawei
My father and all his brothers served, as did I and my brothers and my son. I thank you and hope you have a great memorial day but please take a moment to remember those who died doing what their country asked of them.
I remember Patriots, every day, that does not blind me however to lying scum, in fact it just highlights them because I have Patriots to compare them too. Like the jackass currently occupying American space in the Oval Office, he's a complete idiot that will kill our sons and daughters and if you support him in that so have you.
I remember Patriots, every day, that does not blind me however to lying scum, in fact it just highlights them because I have Patriots to compare them too. Like the jackass currently occupying American space in the Oval Office, he's a complete idiot that will kill our sons and daughters and if you support him in that so have you.
I remember Patriots, every day, that does not blind me however to lying scum, in fact it just highlights them because I have Patriots to compare them too. Like the jackass currently occupying American space in the Oval Office, he's a complete idiot that will kill our sons and daughters and if you support him in that so have you.

So you are condemning the President for something he has not done. You are a piece of work.
Exclusive: Steve Bannon goes one-on-one with Martha MacCallum

Steve Bannon... knows how to perfectly articulate my thoughts...
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