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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Pissing on Londonistan Mayor Sadiq Khan...
But I thought Khans highly brilliant solution was to force kitchen knife vendors to dull the tips of knives to solve the stabbing problems. Lol.
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Trump savages London mayor: Look at what is going on in London, I think he has done a very bad job on crime and terrorism...

In an interview with The Sun, President Trump heavily criticized London mayor Sadiq Khan. The President mentioned the numerous terrorist attacks across Europe, especially in London, which had four attacks just last year.
He highlighted what Londoners, as well as the rest of the UK, are already thinking but the media refuses to report, that Sadiq Khan has “done a very bad job on terrorism”.
EU leader Juncker picks his medicine for back pain...
Rod Rosenstein impeachment coming next week. RE: Stonewall, slow walking investigation into FBI corruption. About time!!
Ha, you guys getting nervous.

Did the little show Thursday, then the indictment came the next day, couple of days before Trump meets Putin for a reacharound.

July 27, 2016: TRUMP: "Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."

DOJ: "on or about" July 27, 2016, Russians attempted for the 1st time to hack accounts at Clinton personal office & campaign domains.

Full indictment -

Apparently they're meeting alone

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Pat at his best... as always!!!

This video was made 2 weeks after the Brexit vote.... ALMOST 2 YEARS AGO.

And here we are almost 2 years later and still no Brexit and from what we hear, the weak Theresa May government have make a total cock-up of negotiations and virtually sold out to all the EU demands.

Even Trump's dog could negotiate a far better deal...


This video was made 2 weeks after the Brexit vote.... ALMOST 2 YEARS AGO.

That's why I posted it. Sad. above looks like the Monty Python black night scene.
No collusion. No Americans broke the law. Page was forthcoming and gave up information oversight wasn't given by Rod R.

The best part about "muh russia".. Your boi Obama not only caved to Putin, he removed missile defenses from former soviet states. let Putin invade Crimea then used "strong words" to admonish him for interfering in the US presidential election.

Obama was Putin's bitch for eight years. Trump has imposed, increased sanctions, kill over 200 RU mercenaries in Syria. Sold offensive weapons to Ukraine and Poland.

You're going to be disappointed.

Ha, you guys getting nervous.

Did the little show Thursday, then the indictment came the next day, couple of days before Trump meets Putin for a reacharound.

July 27, 2016: TRUMP: "Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing."

DOJ: "on or about" July 27, 2016, Russians attempted for the 1st time to hack accounts at Clinton personal office & campaign domains.

Full indictment -

Apparently they're meeting alone

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No collusion. No Americans broke the law. Page was forthcoming and gave up information oversight wasn't given by Rod R.

The best part about "muh russia".. Your boi Obama not only caved to Putin, he removed missile defenses from former soviet states. let Putin invade Crimea then used "strong words" to admonish him for interfering in the US presidential election.

Obama was Putin's bitch for eight years. Trump has imposed, increased sanctions, kill over 200 RU mercenaries in Syria.

You're going to be disappointed.

Collusion already proven, we went over that many times.

Obama was Putin's bitch for 8 years huh? Why do you post about stuff you have no clue of? Why don't you take a few minutes and tell me who was President of Russia while Obama was President. Medvedev was President 4 of those years.

And Obama took action -
"Medvedev tweets ‘RIP’ to Obama administration
Russia promises ‘significant discomfort’ in retaliation to US sanctions."

While your man Trump, goes against 99% of Congress in imposing sanctions against Putin.

He goes against our allies, NATO, our Justice Department, our Congress, etc. is favor of Putin. Just like Putin wanted.

So nice try but it's not based on reality. Trump is clearly Putin's bitch.

And we're wasting our tax money on funding a Trump/Putin booty call.


You're going to be so disappointed.

The whole world, besides Trump supporters and Putin are already disappointed. The whole world clowns on this idiot. Today it's Scotland - scottish&src=tyah&lang=en

You really have to be blind to not see how bad he's getting played by Putin. Hopefully, next election we put somebody in who is strong, an actual American who doesn't bow down to Putin, while attacking our allies.
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You're going to be so disappointed.

Collusion already proven, we went over that many times.

Obama was Putin's bitch for 8 years huh? Why do you post about stuff you have no clue of? Why don't you take a few minutes and tell me who was President of Russia while Obama was President. Medvedev was President 4 of those years.

And Obama took action -
"Medvedev tweets ‘RIP’ to Obama administration
Russia promises ‘significant discomfort’ in retaliation to US sanctions."

While your man Trump, goes against 99% of Congress in imposing sanctions against Putin.

He goes against our allies, NATO, our Justice Department, our Congress, etc. is favor of Putin. Just like Putin wanted.

So nice try but it's not based on reality. Trump is clearly Putin's bitch.

And we're wasting our tax money on funding a Trump/Putin booty call.

Obama may have lacked resolve at a crucial time but he was not a friend of Putin. Nobody is suggesting such a thing.

You now have a president who is always siding with Putin, against allies and even against his own administration. Already legitimizing the takeover of Crimea. Criticizing the UK PM in public, being a very impolite guest, and not being supportive of the UK against Russian terrorism. But always has warm words for Putin the aggressor.

No US president has even been so closely aligned to the Kremin, acting against the national interest, against the free press, against the judiciary, which is only natural when you have something to hide and so many of your team members are already indicted.

That's not incompetence, it's downright treason.
The 45 administration belongs to the trashbin of History.
Democrats: Putin is EVILLLLLLL and influenced our election!!! Trump must not meet him.

Trump: That happened under Obama, who did nothing to stop him except use harsh words.

President Barack Obama had some kind words for Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday. Really.

As the U.S. and Russia remained locked in a tense stand-off over Putin’s grab for Ukraine, Obama said he was pleasantly surprised by the foreign leader’s assistance in clinching a historic deal with Iran over its nuclear program.

Obama praises Russia's Putin before beluga breakfast

Barack Obama praises Putin for help clinching Iran deal

Obama Praises Putin At First Meeting

Vladimir Putin praises Barack Obama and pledges strong rouble

Democrats: That was different!!
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FBI ignored evidence Hillary was guilty of gross negligence handling classified material. Gave her entire staff immunity.

FBI accepted fabricated evidence from Hillary supporter to launch an investigation and spy on Trump's campaign using FISA warrants, even going so far as trying to entrap campaign workers.

Whatever version you believe, Americans deserve to see all of the evidence.
President Barack Obama had some kind words for Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday. Really.

As the U.S. and Russia remained locked in a tense stand-off over Putin’s grab for Ukraine, Obama said he was pleasantly surprised by the foreign leader’s assistance in clinching a historic deal with Iran over its nuclear program.

Obama praises Russia's Putin before beluga breakfast

Barack Obama praises Putin for help clinching Iran deal

Obama Praises Putin At First Meeting

Vladimir Putin praises Barack Obama and pledges strong rouble

Autistic Screeching.

The hurt, that you spend part of Saturday looking this stuff up.

"Putin, looking down and mostly avoiding eye contact with Obama, said there had been periods of greyish mood and confrontation in U.S.-Russia relation"

"They produced agreements on a target for cuts in nuclear arms, a deal to let U.S. troops fly across Russia to fight in Afghanistan and the establishment of a joint governmental commission to improve relations between the two former Cold War superpowers."

So, thanks for pointing out Obama went in, dominated Putin, handled business. Instead of bending over for him (Trump).

The other stuff you posted, you guys would have still been crying today if Obama took action while Trump was running, you would have blamed him for Trump's loss.

It must really bother you and you're acknowledging how weak Trump is, in this weak attempt to defend.
Watch the hurt below, 1........2..........3 posts and counting.

JB Lions: Autistic Screeching. Enjoy you sh*t sandwich,

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Democrats don't fear Justice Brett Kavanaugh, they fear the constitution of United States of America.
Trump imposed more sanctions, armed states threatened by Putin, kill RU soldiers in Syria.

Obama, kissed putins ass.

JB Lions: Autistic Screeching. Enjoy you shit sandwich,

The hurt, that you spend part of Saturday looking this stuff up.

"Putin, looking down and mostly avoiding eye contact with Obama, said there had been periods of greyish mood and confrontation in U.S.-Russia relation"

"They produced agreements on a target for cuts in nuclear arms, a deal to let U.S. troops fly across Russia to fight in Afghanistan and the establishment of a joint governmental commission to improve relations between the two former Cold War superpowers."

So, thanks for pointing out Obama went in, dominated Putin, handled business. Instead of bending over for him (Trump).

The other stuff you posted, you guys would have still been crying today if Obama took action while Trump was running, you would have blamed him for Trump's loss.

It must really bother you and you're acknowledging how weak Trump is, in this weak attempt to defend.
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