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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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It is not just the municipality, People put up fake city tow away signs. Tow your vehicle, ask for money to get your car back. If you look up the sign and prove it was fake you can get your money back.
"or his rival, Dr. Jeffrey Kuhlman"

There is no evidence of drinking or abusing medication. This is a #resistance smear job. Good argument he's unqualified but who is?

The largest medical organization in the US rift with corruption and abuse, a federal employee system that protects even criminals from being fired.

Democrats hate this guy because he's going to allow veterans to seek healthcare from local, non-government providers.

ha, left out some, 2012 btw:

like the title:
VA nominee Jackson was 'unprofessional' in power struggle with rival, 2012 watchdog report says

Dr. Ronny Jackson, President Trump's pick to run the Department of Veterans Affairs, previously exhibited "unprofessional behaviors" amid a power struggle over the White House medical unit, according to a 2012 report by the Navy's Medical Inspector General.

A person who viewed the report confirmed to Fox News that the watchdog had recommended the Obama administration consider replacing either Jackson or his rival, Dr. Jeffrey Kuhlman -- or both. The report was initially reviewed by The Associated Press.

Later Tuesday, Tester said during an interview with NPR that the committee had heard complaints from more than 20 current and former military members that Jackson had improperly dispensed drugs, become intoxicated on professional trips and belittled staff members.

Maybe Trump's vetting process should be a little deeper than, he said nice things about me?
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Love how the media's standard for evidence in the Trump administration is a report from someone who heard employees complaining.
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It is not just the municipality, People put up fake city tow away signs. Tow your vehicle, ask for money to get your car back. If you look up the sign and prove it was fake you can get your money back.

Sounds like a great scam. Lol. Fake signs. Fake news. Fake world.
Love how the media's standard for evidence in the Trump administration is a report from someone who heard employees complaining.

Just over 20 current and retired military. But maybe they're part of the NWO.
Or the source isn't telling the truth.

New 2 page document just game out, giving more details

"A nurse on his staff said Dr. Jackson had written himself prescriptions, and when caught, he asked a physician assistant to provide the medication. And at a Secret Service going away party, the doctor got intoxicated and “wrecked a government vehicle,” according to the summary."

White House coworkers blast Jackson as unstable leader who drank on duty, doled out opioids

Trump doesn't vet. Why do you think they have the highest turnover in modern history?
German Jews have been advised not to wear their kippah scullcaps in major German cities after another violent assault that targeted a person wearing the traditional Jewish headpiece.
Somehow none of these crimes were reported to the police or anyone else until he was nominated to head the V.A. and it was discovered he had unapproved political thoughts.

Or Trump doesn't vet right. How do you know it wasn't reported? Details are coming.
This is the left's Witch Hunt of the Week!
When he was part of the Obama Admin he was: Good
Now part of the Trump Admin he is: Bad
So pathetic, but not surprised JB picked up a pitchfork too!

Or Trump doesn't vet right. How do you know it wasn't reported? Details are coming.

This guy has been in the White House for years!

Documents show Obama praised VA nominee Jackson, supported promotion 'immediately'
Somehow none of these crimes were reported to the police or anyone else until he was nominated to head the V.A. and it was discovered he had unapproved political thoughts.

Also, when Trump ran, he said he would get "the best people" How do you square that, with this:

Donald Trump admits his Veterans Affairs nominee has 'lack of experience' but White House stands by him anyway

Something as important as the VA, you pick somebody with a lack of experience? How does that make any sense? I'm sure there are more qualified people out there. Or picking a neurosurgeon to run HUD or an anti-environment guy to run the EPA. Or picking Perry as Secretary of the United States Department of Energy, a department Perry said prior should be abolished.
What I want to know is, if a nurse or another doctor caught Dr Jackson using illegal drugs or writing illegal scripts, why didn't they report to an ethics board or the police instead of a reporter?

This is the left's Witch Hunt of the Week!
When he was part of the Obama Admin he was: Good
Now part of the Trump Admin he is: Bad
So pathetic, but not surprised JB picked up a pitchfork too!

This guy has been in the White House for years!

Documents show Obama praised VA nominee Jackson, supported promotion 'immediately'
This is the left's Witch Hunt of the Week!
When he was part of the Obama Admin he was: Good
Now part of the Trump Admin he is: Bad
So pathetic, but not surprised JB picked up a pitchfork too!

This guy has been in the White House for years!

Documents show Obama praised VA nominee Jackson, supported promotion 'immediately'

Went over that earlier -

Then new info is coming out.

What I want to know is, if a nurse or another doctor caught Dr Jackson using illegal drugs or writing illegal scripts, why didn't they report to an ethics board or the police instead of a reporter?

Went over that as well, details are coming out, story is unfolding, patience.
Something as important as the VA, you pick somebody with a lack of experience?

The VA is a train wreck and has been for years, anyone should be able to run it better than it's been run the last 2 decades!
The VA is a train wreck and has been for years, anyone should be able to run it better than it's been run the last 2 decades!

So picking somebody with a lack of experience is the way to fix it? Seriously. Trump said this himself. His picks have sucked.

This makes no sense:

"Something as important as the VA, you pick somebody with a lack of experience? How does that make any sense? I'm sure there are more qualified people out there. Or picking a neurosurgeon to run HUD or an anti-environment guy to run the EPA. Or picking Perry as Secretary of the United States Department of Energy, a department Perry said prior should be abolished."
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Something as important as the VA, you pick somebody with a lack of experience? How does that make any sense? I'm sure there are more qualified people out there. Or picking a neurosurgeon to run HUD or an anti-environment guy to run the EPA. Or picking Perry as Secretary of the United States Department of Energy, a department Perry said prior should be abolished.

Here's there real problem, they don't like who President Trump picked. How dare he.

This comes down to outsourcing more non-emergency and out patient care to private hospitals that are accountable.
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Here's there real problem, they don't like who President Trump picked. How dare he.

No shit. Because they have no experience.

It's funny seeing you guys trip over yourselves trying to argue that picking inexperienced people is a good thing.
So picking somebody with a lack of experience is the way to fix it?

Since when does a lack of experience immediately disqualify anyone from a job. If Trump thinks he's up for the task then he probably will be. This guy got into an internal power struggle with Obama's former White House physician, so he may have made a few enemies along the way. I'm surprised you don't like him since he was one of Obama's boys! Don't you ever get tired of the "Witch Hunt of the Week" or does that not ever get old to you?
No sh*t. Because they have no experience.

It's funny seeing you guys trip over yourselves trying to argue that picking inexperienced people is a good thing.

You're an arrogant jerk. The last eleventy administrators have been complete failures at reforming the VA.
You're an arrogant jerk. The last eleventy administrators have been complete failures at reforming the VA.

It's like your brain stopped working.

So give me your best argument that picking somebody, who Trump himself says lacks experience, will change that? Maybe picking qualified people is the way to go? Maybe vet them first?
It's like your brain stopped working.

So give me your best argument that picking somebody, who Trump himself says lacks experience, will change that? Maybe picking qualified people is the way to go? Maybe vet them first?

Johnny "Triggered by Trump" Lions.
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