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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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Millions of illegals are on food stamps.
Sounds pretty high. You sure have a source ?
Many many dozens of thousands of these illegals are criminals... more billions in savings.
Those illegals, they came through wall-less Mexico or otherwise ?
Many of them come in with all kinds of diseases like AIDS, TB and other tropical diseases. Again, many billions in savings.
Seriously ?
It's a win win situation.... and on top of it, Mexico will pay.
Trump has already backtracked on his statements: he still wants to build a wall but seek compensation from Mexico later. Lol. America will pay for the wall, end of the story.
How can people be so naive.

So... if there are about 12-15 million illegals in the US, it's really easy to work out the maths.

More here:
The Cost of Welfare Use By Immigrant and Native Households
So do all you fanboys have tix to the inauguration? They're giving them away for free. They're paying for ads to try to get people to take them for free. (Their paid social ads are targeting people 27+ living in the USA - sorry GILSAN, that leaves you out, but I'm sure they'll send you one if you ask.)

Not only will Springsteen not be playing the event, a Springsteen cover band backed out. Wonder if they asked Nickelback? Or went through all the local wedding singers? Oh wait - they have 3 doors down, it's all good...
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This didn't help:


"In 1973, Trump’s actions got him sued by the Department of Justice. He was managing his dad’s properties and wouldn’t rent apartments to African Americans. The Trumps eventually settled the lawsuit without any admission of wrongdoing."

“Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime-infested).” Much of Lewis’s district is affluent. But Trump demonstrated again that he equates black people with crime.

So there was hope last week when it was announced that he was going to visit the National Museum of African American History and Culture on Martin Luther King Day. It looked as though he may have been willing to fill in some of the gaps in the American story he’s been missing, including the part Lewis played in the triumphs of the civil rights movement.

But then Trump canceled the visit. Turns out it was all talk, talk, talk."

"I care so much about the black people folks, I have so many black friends", says Mr Trump.
So do all you fanboys have tix to the inauguration? They're giving them away for free. They're paying for ads to try to get people to take them for free. (Their paid social ads are targeting people 27+ living in the USA - sorry GILSAN, that leaves you out, but I'm sure they'll send you one if you ask.)

Not only will Springsteen not be playing the event, a Springsteen cover band backed out. Wonder if they asked Nickelback? Or went through all the local wedding singers? Oh wait - they have 3 doors down, it's all good...
Too bad I can't get a ticket. It would be an honor to be there.

Meanwhile a few days ago...
Mariah Carey & Elton John Rake In $4.2 Million at Russian Wedding ..

Or a few years ago these artists...
Beyoncé, Mariah Carey and Usher Performed at Qaddafi Family Parties

But these people can't perform in a Presidential inauguration? They probably bought tickets for the demonstrations.
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Not only will Springsteen not be playing the event, a Springsteen cover band backed out.
Considering the death threats and the likelihood of violence from the anti-Trumpers, I wouldn't be gloating. And why exactly is a Bruce Springsteen performance of any relevance?
Let me guess. The same media that was giving 95% chance of Killary winning is now saying that nobody wants to go to the inauguration. The same media and polling agencies with , you know, THE RIGHT POLLS, are now saying that Trump has the lowest approval ratings.


Why I don't believe them?

And yeah - what is that springsteen thing. You can't become POTUS if no Springsteen song is played at inauguration or what?
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Sounds pretty high. You sure have a source ?
Those illegals, they came through wall-less Mexico or otherwise ?
Seriously ?
Trump has already backtracked on his statements: he still wants to build a wall but seek compensation from Mexico later. Lol. America will pay for the wall, end of the story.
How can people be so naive.

How you can be so naive to think that Trump was expecting Mexico to sign a check immediately? Of course that Mexico will pay through economic taxes. You - liberals... You are so funny. I am sure that no republican had any doubts what Trump was talking about.
And yeah - what is that springsteen thing. You can't become POTUS if no Springsteen song is played at inauguration or what?

Apparently he didn't think so - that's why he hired the cover band.
A-list talent won't have anything to do with him. Spin it any way your favorite fake news tells you to and post all the memes you like, he's not starting off on a good note.
BTW all the protests I've heard of being planned, like the womens' marches are peaceful and organizers are emphatically reminding participants to avoid confrontations. There are no "death threats" coming from those groups. But I wouldn't put it past certain other groups to infiltrate and start trouble just to discredit them.

It will be an interesting weekend.

до свидания и доброй ночи *

Just practicing. I can also order beer or wine and ask where the bathroom is. Bring it.

(*goodbye & good night)
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How you can be so naive to think that Trump was expecting Mexico to sign a check immediately? Of course that Mexico will pay through economic taxes. You - liberals... You are so funny. I am sure that no republican had any doubts what Trump was talking about.
Kate and other lefties can't help it... they've been wearing blinders for some time now, resulting in greatly reduced vision!
BTW all the protests I've heard of being planned, like the womens' marches are peaceful and organizers are emphatically reminding participants to avoid confrontations.
Lefty protests are peaceful? LOL... that's the height of impossibility! Lefties don't believe in peaceful protests because they are totally intolerant towards those that think differently.
In honor of the special day coming up I changed my avatar....:xf.grin:
The only problem is that the wall wont stop drugs as it is a multi-billion/trillion dollar business, and the US is full of high ranking extremely rich secret drug dealers that no one publicly knows about (could be anyone, e.g. the Forbes family gained their riches from selling opium to China).


Not that difficult to get around (or under) a wall. The criminals have been building tunnels for God knows how long:


It will cost an endless amount to stop drones (need automatic lasers or armed guards all along) and there are already submarines in action. Criminals fly drugs over the prison walls and it is extremely difficult and costly to manage!

The only real/true purpose is to stop immigration (illegal and otherwise). The fact is Trump doesn't like Mexicans, or any other than whites (the hidden agenda). He can claim all the friends of different races he has but he's not exactly going to come out and say I hate Mexicans is he? (a part from when he cannot control himself like saying most if not all Mexicans are bringing drugs and are rapists (oh and he assumes some are good people)!
Talk about Russian drugs cheats:


That's the trouble when the whole country is completely absorbed by the competitive greedy money-focused capitalist system.

The side-effects of which include being completely selfish uncaring 'monsters':

"Over 99% of farm animals in the U.S. are raised in factory farms, which focus on profit and efficiency at the expense of animal welfare."

All of which is Trump's speciality! Shame on you Americans!
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