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Watch good buy or not

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  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.


Top Member
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I really think that in a few years we'll look back and will say "what a steal..."
Good buy? or Bad buy?
There are too many factors that come into play.
But if you wish to hear the short answer:

In the wrong hands... every domain is a bad buy.
In the right hands... time will tell.

It's been a long day, Goodnight & Happy New Year.
Well not the answer but your opinion. The right hands is also just a matter of opinion.

Donnied you may be right. I am still thinking.
It looks like the reprice was $54,000.


Well not the answer but your opinion. The right hands is also just a matter of opinion.

Donnied you may be right. I am still thinking.
I say Yes...
but a name is just a name, if the player ain't got no game.
Thank you Ammu interesting that it changed.
Didn't vote because MrRhee's statement makes too much sense and invalidates the answers :)

To Park - No.
To Develop Simply - No.
To Develop without serious investment - No.

All else. Yes.
Whether the owner bought it to develop, park, flip, etc...
The value we are talking about here ($50K) is already instilled in that name.

I have to agree w/Donnie.

I really think that in a few years we'll look back and will say "what a steal..."
Great buy no matter what! It's all about ROI and the buyer could flip that right now for $100,000 +
Cheep cheep cheep. ;)

I say Yes...
but a name is just a name, if the player ain't got no game.
:p Stop putting words in my mouth, or actually don't. :lol:

Great buy no matter what! It's all about ROI and the buyer could flip that right now for $100,000 +
Yup, and yup. Though let's see how much time it takes for a flip, if that's the focus.
Price never changed. It was never 49K. usually has a 10-20% margin.


Thank you Ammu interesting that it changed.
Congrats to the buyer :wave: Time will tell if it was a good buy.

@buyer: to properly protect the whois, you should change the dns of other names we know you own ;)
I wish you all the best with this awesome name!

@all: Happy New year :blink:
It is an absolute bargain, if you factor in the cost of holding it for ten years if the buyer does not need to recoup his money immediately it could sell for hundreds of thousands in the future..

Television companies, especially those involved with sports like Sky spend hundreds of millions on advertising and programming every year...
It's all about ROI and the buyer could flip that right now for $100,000 +
Really ? And where is the ROI ?
If there are buyers willing to pay $100,000+ how come it sold for half ?

Anyway... ANY domain purchase in that price range will too often turn out to be a bad purchase in the absence of a serious business plan. It's all capital tied up that could be put to better use.
It sure didn't sit long and that says a whole lot to me. And it did not go to auction as far as I can see either. There was lots of interest, even at those price levels, including me.

If he would take $100k now, I too would think he could find an end user with just a little effort. I'd be happy to help.
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••• sold for $101,000
Yes, there was actually a buyer out there one day who took $101,000 out of his bank account to invest in the domain

This shouldn't even be a debate.

What is EVERYONE doing today, (the last day of the NFL regular Season)?
Sitting on our buts and watching Sports on our TV's.

$50k for is phenomenal. period.:)
A great buy! I want it! Shame, I think I would have re-mortgaged my house to get hold of it at that price - I really think that this is a winner for the future..
good buy if you have as well
If there are buyers willing to pay $100,000+ how come it sold for half ?

Interesting statement and one that would make a valid point if this were the 'tale of a sale'. However, it didn't actually sell for half. It was registered at $50k - and that's what makes this event one of those special moments.

And the first person to register it is seen by at least a dozen others, who were also in the line to buy it, as one very fortunate buyer. Forget the price, he GOT the name first. With a name like, any price below $250k is almost a 'steal'. Ask the man who owns - he supplied that same lesson this week.

Some people, including myself, may not understand the 'actual' .tv market, but the buyer of the name most certainly does and is to be congratulated for having the faith of his convictions. Convictions built through deal after deal with high-level .TV names

The good thing for .Tv is he is not alone. He has many other .TV investors and thousands of endusers to keep him company.

No vote from me either - what's the point? Let's examine the facts in a years time and deal with the 'reality' of what happened in TV land at this moment in time.
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Anyway... ANY domain purchase in that price range will too often turn out to be a bad purchase in the absence of a serious business plan. It's all capital tied up that could be put to better use.

Its hilarious to hear a forum troll speak of "serious business plans".
I do have to congratulate the new owner,

even if I had the name I could not afford the reprice, what would you do if you had the success of getting could you afford the reprice or be forced to let it go?


Solid buy.

Best case scenario: this name alone (resold/developed) can well pay for Joel's entire .TV operation costs so far. Congrats!
yes some people on this forum choose to always take the negative , me i happily voted yes , as stated regged for this amount and should only grow in value from now on

sports fans are nutz and this is why it will pay for itself further down the road
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