
Selling reputation for $100

Spaceship Spaceship


WeSellName.comTop Member
I made an offer $1,000 on 2 domains and the seller accepted my offer.
He sent me his paypal email and asked me to pay.
I said I am on the road and I will pay when I get home. He said OK.

15 minutes later he sent me an email and said he sold the 2 names to someone for $1,100 because he needs more money.

So technically he sold his reputation for $100. I even offer $1,000 Mass Pay so he would net $1,000 even.
Is this the way you conduct a business? I told him he needs to refund the money to the buyer and sell the names to me as we agreed, The reason he needs money has nothing to do with the agreement for the transaction.

I am not desperately needed the names but I feel like I am being cheated.

The member is NP member and all the conversation happened in the PM.
I want to give him the last chance to do it right!!!
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.

Once an offer is acknowledged then the dealer ought to proceed with it.There is some kind of problem with your character if opportunity controls your loyalty.Similar circumstance transpired a week ago also. In any case, the merchant apologized and disclosed and attempted to compensate for it.
I made an offer $1,000 on 2 domains and the seller accepted my offer.
He sent me his paypal email and asked me to pay.
I said I am on the road and I will pay when I get home. He said OK.

15 minutes later he sent me an email and said he sold the 2 names to someone for $1,100 because he needs more money.

So technically he sold his reputation for $100. I even offer $1,000 Mass Pay so he would net $1,000 even.
Is this the way you conduct a business? I told him he needs to refund the money to the buyer and sell the names to me as we agreed, The reason he needs money has nothing to do with the agreement for the transaction.

I am not desperately needed the names but I feel like I am being cheated.

The member is NP member and all the conversation happened in the PM.
I want to give him the last chance to do it right!!!
Was that If so, you definitely missed out on a great domain. You should always use an escrow service in my opinion so that you don't get cheated. Just initiate the escrow as soon as a deal has been worked out. That way, the seller doesn't monkey around looking for other buyers.
I believe in first come first get.No Proper agreement was made for the sale. The Payment was not made. So the seller holds all right to sell it to anyone else :lookaround: #DontJudgeItsJustMyOpinion
Was that If so, you definitely missed out on a great domain. You should always use an escrow service in my opinion so that you don't get cheated. Just initiate the escrow as soon as a deal has been worked out. That way, the seller doesn't monkey around looking for other buyers.
hueheueh No He didnt mentioned the domains he was buying he is talking about the reputation of seller . :D
I think it's time that we create a code of ethics and value a bit more reputation.

Namepros is the right place to raise the bar in the industry.
Personally, I would like to know who this guy is, so I can avoid doing business with him/her/them anytime in the future.
He didn't loose his reputation, no one here knows who he is. Its unlikely you would have bought another domain from him after acquiring the two. He is in the business to make money, there is nothing wrong with making a profit.
Agree it sucks... I get offers on my domains everyday. Me and buyer agree on price and he disappear like a ghost, I would say this is normal for industry.

However he don't have any guarantee that you are going to buy domains from him, that is the main problem, you can change mind in a sec.

There is a lot of newbies in this industry, some of them only want to play with you. And I also notice pretty silly strategy from UK domainers on flippa. They will play with you only to see how much lower can you go with your price and then they will never contact you again. I just losing my time with them.

BTW flipping is not real domain business, it's more hard work with no rules. Most of time it's frustrating and you just lose your time.
Sorry to hear about this sort of unethical behaviour.
Agree it sucks... I get offers on my domains everyday. Me and buyer agree on price and he disappear like a ghost, I would say this is normal for industry.

It's the same in any industry. Most of the people who say they are going to buy from me (not domain's) are time wasters. Pure and simple. I put in a 'first past the post' for all my sales now. You pay and it's yours -- if someone coughs up first you lose the deal. No second chances sorry.

Out of 100 emails I receive for a property. 97 are dreamers (or email me when they are drunk) and won't buy a property. 2 out of the 100 are fairly interested but don't have the money to go ahead. 1 is a serious buyer buyer and pays up. if you find a serious buyer they will put money on the table there and then. None of this 'I'll pay you on Monday' blah blah. It's rubbish -- if you want the product then do the deal.

The problem for any business person is getting it right. Do you ignore the time wasters (and maybe lose a sale) or spend valuable time answering their emails knowing it won't go anywhere ??? My solution is to bang out a few emails and then ask for a land line number (not a mobile -- if they can't afford a land line they can't afford to buy from me). If they are serious they will pass on this information and welcome a chat. At the start of my business selling property I used to get it well wrong and waste time. Now I can weed out the people I know won't buy from me. I still get it wrong sometimes but it is worth it overall. I sell my properties in any event, and don't need to deal with people who won't buy from me when push comes to shove. It's a win win IMO. Just saying.

One thing I will add is this. My business is fairly well established. However when I first started my company my response to this thread would have been very different. When you first start any business you welcome any client with open arms. As your business develops you can afford to be more selective about who you deal with. Any project you are involved will take 3 years plus to get off the ground -- not all of course but most business's need time to be successful. You might one of the start ups making a few million in the first 12 months of trading. Don't count on it though -- expect to put in some hard work and have many knock backs before you are successful.

One more to thing add here. If you are successful in business you will be successful in other parts of your life. A confidence will come with it. It will take time but it will happen. Look at any really successful business person -- they carry an 'inner confidence' that most people don't have. You are a result of your own actions in life.

This is just what I think and sorry for rambling on :alien2:

Have a great weekend everyone.

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I think it's time that we create a code of ethics

Well the thing is that norms and values vary from country to country. In England, the word is the bond but, for example, from my dealings in India the word generally is not the bond and it often means absolutely nothing. The situation is quite different in Japan and again in China.

A code of ethics is a good idea provided it follows the well established principles of business that EVERYONE in developed countries understands and I would suggest applicable in English Contact Law. Of course, it doesn't need to be anything more than a set of say around 10 quite simple principles.
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I believe in first come first get.No Proper agreement was made for the sale.

Well I can see that you're from Pakistan and so I refer to my previous point about cultural differences. In fact, it has nothing to do with opinion - a proper agreement was made for the sale and some reasonable amount of time to make payment is always allowed so this is where we disagree.
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Well I can see that you're from Pakistan and so I refer to my previous point about cultural differences. In fact, it has nothing to do with opinion - a proper agreement was made for the sale and some reasonable amount of time to make payment is always allowed so this is where we disagree.
Oh yeah i am from Pakistan, I dont know if that makes me any different from other people here. Talking about the cultural differences Pakistan is no less superior then any other country in the world. About the post I stated my opinion and it doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with it neither you can change my opinion about it. I have experienced this situation many times before and i still think its totally fair unless the Deal was made from an authorized third party or a written or signed agreement was made for the sale. Considering it was a private sale .. This is a fair deal.

This situation lost of my many money , then seller apologised and explained and tried to make up for it.
Oh yeah i am from Pakistan, I dont know if that makes me any different from other people here.

Nor do I.

Talking about the cultural differences Pakistan is no less superior then any other country in the world.

Cultural differences has nothing to do with superiority or inferiority. Different countries and cultures simply have different ways of approaching business. What is normal in one country might be abnormal in another country.

I stated my opinion and it doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with it neither you can change my opinion about it.

It's not about whether I agree or disagree and nor do I want to change your opinion. It's just completely irrelevant as where I come from its not a matter of opinion. It's a matter of professionalism and morality and in some countries legality. Go back and read the responses and you'll see that you're very much in the minority here with regard to your view.

That's why I won't do business with you and nor should anyone else.
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Cultural differences has nothing to do with superiority or inferiority. Different countries and cultures simply have different ways of approaching business. What is normal in one country might be abnormal in another country.
I dont know why you even had to mentioned that in first place. does my opinion seem abnormal to you?
That's why I won't do business with you and nor should anyone else.

I dont know why you even had to mentioned that in first place. does my opinion seem abnormal to you?

yes, it is abnormal. to me and to many here as you can see by reading the whole thread.. but not to all, and this is where "cultural differences" come into play

i'm not saying anyone should not do business with you but one should keep it in mind that words are worth nothing and money is everything.
unless a payment is made or there's a written agreement signed you can change your mind and back out as you wish no matter what you had agreed upon or promised. isn't that is what you basically meant to say:

I believe in first come first get.No Proper agreement was made for the sale. The Payment was not made. So the seller holds all right to sell it to anyone else

i dont know if it's cultural or religious differences or something else.. but i believe that in most western countries you'll find it unacceptable to say the least while it's totally ok in other parts of the world, including your country according to you.. so one just needs to not forget that when dealing with different cultural backgrounds and traditions. imho
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