
Reseller hosting advice

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
what is the cheapest reseller hosting to start reselling?

hostgator looks good at 25$ per month, is there anything with same good fame and cheaper price?
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I wouldn't recommend going cheap to start out. If you are really serious about getting into reselling and start a hosting company, spend a little more to get quality service. Not saying that HostGator does not provide quality services, just saying you may want to look into a non-overselling company that provides a better service than quantity for your budget. In the end there will be less headaches and your customers will be much happier.
I think that you do not need to look for the cheapest one. I think that the most reliable must be an option for you. But your ammount of money you are going to spent per month - more then enough for good one.
i say start with a decent reseller hosting, then upgrade to vps and then to dedicated server.
To what extent are you going to rely on your host's support? If the answer is "a lot", then you shouldn't talk about cheap reselling options. But I don't think that Hostgator's reseller deals are cheap.
You can also look into with simple reseller setup control panel branding. multiple domain reselling plans, free web site templates.
I would suggest you to spend more for getting a good reliable start at web hosting.
A cheap host also providing cheap service. If you are looking for a shared account from Hostgator, it may be success because they have their own position in web hosting industry.
There is no option for your success as a reseller if you are not providing good uptime and support. Dont forget you will get for what you pay .
I believet that you will be able to find plenty of cheap reseller offers. Other question how stable will they be?
The most important you may need to look is their support quality. Price is the second matter. Not all cheap hosting have cheap services / bad quality support. Some of them are good.
To the OP, are you looking for the new one?
Sorry, I would recommend against HostGator. The big boys oversell, huge. It works this way, they offer 100000GB space and XX Terabytes bandwidth, for a cheap price. It's marketing model and it works. Their aim to attract the new customer.

But you should not fall for this, choose a realistic offer, which is cheap, and does not oversell.
thanks to all,

i don't think hostgator is overselling reseller hosting, as they offer 24gb /250gb bandwidth for 300$ yearly.

I will not have many user, just my me, 2 friends and some clients with many small and low traffic sites.

If any other big company, like hostgator, lunarpages or bluehost, has a cheaper/smaller reselling hosting like 5gb / 100gb bandwith for me it will be enough.
But dreamhost has no reseller plan, lunarpages' reseller has 1gb space and hostgator looks a bit above my needs.
I see reseller plans often mentioned, definitely not cheap, including CPU level monitoring, feature-rich plans able to meet the demands of a big clients' audience (Tom cat, Perl, Ruby on Rails).
I agree that the big boys do oversell a lot. maximum support and uptime are the keys to look for.
I'd mention reseller solutions from, and Guess you may choose from them that plan that will mmet youor needs. This companies provide them a lot with in-house support and their flexible system of discounts looks good too.
If might be wise to make a thread in the Web Hosting Requests here and seeing what you can find.
Most hosts around there do not oversell, and offer fantastic support.

some help

host it planet

They are a bit cheaper and sell dedicated servers at great rates.
Hosting package with CPanel


Whats your budget?

I have reseller account and am not using it fully. I can share it.

Its Linux hosting and I pay monthly. Am happy with the services.
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If you are doing reseller, dont go with cheapest. You are risking not just your own site but your customers sites and your reputation as well.

if you want to start with something small, checkout They charge you based on the domains you added. It is a good company and you pay according to the sites you host.
Becoming a reseller should not be taken lightly. If you are going to start with a reseller plan from another company such as Hostgator make sure you do your research into uptime reports, support and other issues that could potentially affect your customers. Going in blind is probably the worst thing you can do. Also as a few others have pointed out cheap is not always the best. What is going to be most important is to make sure your customers have a stable system to host on.

I would also decide on a niche market to concentrate on. One that allows you to charge a premium for better hosting solutions. The low end of the market is so overrun these days that making money is almost an uncertain prospect and hosting at this end of the spectrum is more a commodity now then anything else. You really need to offer additional services to make any money on the low end of the hosting market these days.
Hostnetric said:
Becoming a reseller should not be taken lightly. If you are going to start with a reseller plan from another company such as Hostgator make sure you do your research into uptime reports, support and other issues that could potentially affect your customers. Going in blind is probably the worst thing you can do. Also as a few others have pointed out cheap is not always the best. What is going to be most important is to make sure your customers have a stable system to host on.

I would also decide on a niche market to concentrate on. One that allows you to charge a premium for better hosting solutions. The low end of the market is so overrun these days that making money is almost an uncertain prospect and hosting at this end of the spectrum is more a commodity now then anything else. You really need to offer additional services to make any money on the low end of the hosting market these days.

Well said. Just perform a search on the company that interests you to determine if they are reliable or not. You may wish to test their support speeds too.
okapi said:
what is the cheapest reseller hosting to start reselling?

hostgator looks good at 25$ per month, is there anything with same good fame and cheaper price?

Hey okapi,

For about $30 (or little more) you can get a small reliable VPS (512MB RAM, 1GB BURST, equal share processor... or something in this range... maybe even better). I would go for a VPS instead of reseller -the difference in price isn't so big and you'll have greater control over your server ;)
I can give you good support on a reseller starting from $8.99!
250mb space, 5gb bandwidth, CPanel - 4$
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