
various Report Completed Domain Name Sales Here

Spaceship Spaceship


Domain BuyerTop Member
This thread is a central location to report domain name sales of any dollar amount.

As much information as you can include about the transaction is welcome, but at a bare minimum please include the domain name(s), the sale price, and whether you were the seller.

Good luck with your sales!

Please use the Like and Thank links on a post to indicate that you like it or are thankful for it being shared.

Do not post only, "great sale" or similar as this doesn't contribute to the thread. (Don't reply for the sole purpose of complimenting.)
  • Tip: Use the Like/Thanks feature instead.

Questions are allowed, but do not post commentary. If you want to discuss or comment on a sale in this thread, quote it and then post it in the following thread instead:

Suggested template (bold details are required):

Domain name:​
Sale venue:​
Listing type:​
Listing upgrades:​
Asking price:​
Sale price:​
Purchase venue:​
Purchase price:​

Suggested values / explanations:
  • Sale venue: Sold at NamePros, outbound direct, inbound direct, etc.
  • Listing type: Make Offer, Fixed price, Auction, Auction with Buy-It-Now, Reverse auction, etc.
  • Listing upgrades: Premium package, featured listing, etc.
  • Seller: me, a friend, a friend of a friend, a colleague, someone else, unknown, etc.
  • Purchase venue: Where (and the year) the seller purchased the domain name originally.
  • Details: Any additional details or comments about the domain name like how you bought it (e.g., hand registration), how long you had it before it sold, its age, whether you did outbound, etc.


Domain name:​
Sale venue: NamePros (2016)​
Listing type: Make offer with Buy-It-Now​
Listing upgrades: Featured listing​
Seller: Me​
Asking price: $950​
Sale price: $830​
Purchase venue: NamePros (2015)​
Purchase price: $25​
Details: Acquired from a reseller. 5 years old domain. Had for 1 year before resold.​

Domain name:​
Sale venue: GoDaddy Auctions (2012)​
Listing type: 7-day Public Auction​
Listing upgrades: N/A​
Seller: Someone else​
Asking price: N/A​
Sale price: $60​
Purchase venue: Hand registration (2009)​
Purchase price: $8​
Details: I watched its auction. The auction description said it was hand-registered the same day it dropped (from expiration).​

  • If you don't want to provide any other information about the sale besides what you've posted, then include "no further details" or "NFD" in your post.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
i*n*c*l*o*u*$ gd makeoffer.... <1yr handreg... no outbound.. 3 days total start to end to get paid using the new gd payment/payout system... for a non gd regged name... nice improvement over the ridiculous previous 20-30 days total wait.

I thought you can't list .CO domains at godaddy auctions ......?
I thought you can't list .CO domains at godaddy auctions ......?

you always coudl and probably always will be able to list co on gd.. except the ones marked as premium since sept2018... this one was marked premium but i regged it before sept... and put it on gd before sept too. therefore it remained listed there. what you probably heard is you can't list those prem .co names on gd .. since sept 2018.. which is true. unless they fixed it recently. they were gonna. but didn't check. i think someone else said they fixed it and now you can list prem .co there too.. but i didn't check. though I doubt it. either way, you can still probably list all .co prem or not through aftrnic on gd too.. if you prefer or need.. hope this helps. ciao.
0,99 reg Godaddy, 2018


  • sold - 25.03.jpg sold - 25.03.jpg
    44.2 KB · Views: 115
Sale Price: $1349 (discounted from $1799)
Squadhelp Marketplace
Listed: June 8th, 2018
Sold: March 20th, 2019
Sale closed within 24 hrs.

How many names do you have at Squadhelp if you don't mind


How many names do you have at Squadhelp if you don't mind

94, currently. I have sold 14 since the Marketplace opened.
Sold: Token//Vegas in com $550
Venue: Undeveloped
Make offer
Hold: 2.5Month
C a m p b e l l T o w i n g .com
hand reg for $1, 24.02.2019.
asking price $325
sold for $250
Undeveloped platform
W a k e r . c o m
Purchase Price: $1500
Sold : $8000
Sold Venue: Namepros/Brandload
Seller : @TrueDN

D i r e c t e x . c o m
Purchase Price: $80
Sold: $3500
Sold Venue: Afternic/Brandload
Seller: @TrueDN

Q l u r . c o m
Purchase price: $192
Sold: $1650
Venue: Godaddy/Brandload
Seller: Brandload
you always coudl and probably always will be able to list co on gd.. except the ones marked as premium since sept2018... this one was marked premium but i regged it before sept... and put it on gd before sept too. therefore it remained listed there. what you probably heard is you can't list those prem .co names on gd .. since sept 2018.. which is true. unless they fixed it recently. they were gonna. but didn't check. i think someone else said they fixed it and now you can list prem .co there too.. but i didn't check. though I doubt it. either way, you can still probably list all .co prem or not through aftrnic on gd too.. if you prefer or need.. hope this helps. ciao.
i just tried to list three 4L.cos and a and got denied.
W a k e r . c o m
Purchase Price: $1500
Sold : $8000
Sold Venue: Namepros/Brandload
Seller : @TrueDN

D i r e c t e x . c o m
Purchase Price: $80
Sold: $3500
Sold Venue: Afternic/Brandload
Seller: @TrueDN

Q l u r . c o m
Purchase price: $192
Sold: $1650
Venue: Godaddy/Brandload
Seller: Brandload
Great sales. Is there a reason you are reporting these instead of @TrueDN ? Or is this an additional account ?
tribu dot co ... $3250
MakeOffer on Afternic
Handreg ($10) in Nov 2017

limitededition dot co ... $2000
MakeOffer on Undeveloped lander
Handreg ($10) in Dec 2017

kaleo dot co ... $500
MakeOffer on Efty lander, Escrow via Undeveloped
Handreg ($9) in April 2018

koza dot co ... $300
MakeOffer on Undeveloped lander
Handreg ($5) in March 2018

A few notes:
  • My total portfolio size will be approx 1000 domains by the end of this month
  • More than 80% of my domains are .CO but I'm trying to diversify!
  • I've been testing recently with Efty vs Undeveloped landers (both BIN+MakeOffer)
  • If you haven't read it already: my experience with custom landers (and deal flow)
  • If you're new to NP/domaining: here's a thread that might be interesting
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••• GBP
registred yestarday 27 March 2019 O_o
free hand reg. $2.5
Sold today 28 March 2019 venue SEDO
by far my ever fast sale GBP
Sold today 28 March 2019 venue SEDO
free hand reg. $2.5

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••• GBP
registred yestarday 27 March 2019 O_o
free hand reg. $2.5
Sold today 28 March 2019 venue SEDO
by far my ever fast sale GBP
Sold today 28 March 2019 venue SEDO
free hand reg. $2.5

Nope..i don't make outbound at all..only advertising on social media + strategy to update price's lower or higher etc..
Why you have all so exciting with outbound? - personal i don't like . Maybe is helpful for others , not for me
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Nope..i don't make outbound at all..only advertising on social media + strategy to update price's lower or higher etc..
Why you have all so exciting with outbound? - personal i don't like
I asked due to the sale being so quick.
i*n*c*l*o*u*$ gd makeoffer.... <1yr handreg... no outbound.. 3 days total start to end to get paid using the new gd payment/payout system... for a non gd regged name... nice improvement over the ridiculous previous 20-30 days total wait.

Do you usually list on separately on Afternic and GD both? Do you see any added benefit of the same?
d/e/f/i/./ O/R/G
SaleVenue:Efty (inbound).Used sedo escrow to close.
Listing Type: BIN $5,000
Sold:$5,000 Buyer paid sedo fees
Purchase in December 2017.Cost and renewal less $71.
A previous buyer offered $3,000 and went cold. Followed up and he said he can pay $1000 so I ignored him because he first stateed he can pay only $3000.Current buyer hit the bin button and would not verify him so I contacted and asked if he needed any help and he mentioned escrow issues and asked if I can use sedo or godaddy . Used sedo escrow for the first time and deal is done. Might be using them more instead of because the verification has knocked out some deals as not all buyers can be comfortable with them.

Sold Venue :Inbound through domain agents.
Listing Type: make offer.
Sold :$600
Purchase: Won here in an auction of April 2017, $28 plus one renewal.
Buyer started with $200 and I quoted $600 and it was a done deal.

No Further details.
Do you usually list on separately on Afternic and GD both? Do you see any added benefit of the same?

I prefer seperately. cause i prefer gd auctions payment and payout and negotiations flow. ty.

d/e/f/i/./ O/R/G
SaleVenue:Efty (inbound).Used sedo escrow to close.
Listing Type: BIN $5,000
Sold:$5,000 Buyer paid sedo fees
Purchase in December 2017.Cost and renewal less $71.
A previous buyer offered $3,000 and went cold. Followed up and he said he can pay $1000 so I ignored him because he first stateed he can pay only $3000.Current buyer hit the bin button and would not verify him so I contacted and asked if he needed any help and he mentioned escrow issues and asked if I can use sedo or godaddy . Used sedo escrow for the first time and deal is done. Might be using them more instead of because the verification has knocked out some deals as not all buyers can be comfortable with them.

Sold Venue :Inbound through domain agents.
Listing Type: make offer.
Sold :$600
Purchase: Won here in an auction of April 2017, $28 plus one renewal.
Buyer started with $200 and I quoted $600 and it was a done deal.

No Further details.

great sale. how many org u have about?
great sale. how many org u have about?[/QUOTE]

Check pm. I don't count. I just go for what will work for me.
P / l / e / c / t / a .com

Sold via Uniregistry offer - $5K
Purchased: reg fee Nov 2014
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