
question How You will celebrate Christmas 2020?

Spaceship Spaceship

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Hello NamePros
How you will celebrate Christmas and New Year 2020...
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Not sure yet but beer will be involved :)
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Well here in the South East of England we have just been told not to mix with other households over Christmas (starts tomorrow)......


No extended family Christmas, just me, the missus, 3 children and the dog.....

All healthy so can't complain - we can always visit the rest of our families when better times come back....
We will be celebrating by worshipping our Lord and Savior with family.
Praying that we have a better christmas next year.
Well here in the South East of England we have just been told not to mix with other households over Christmas (starts tomorrow)......


No extended family Christmas, just me, the missus, 3 children and the dog.....

All healthy so can't complain - we can always visit the rest of our families when better times come back....
In the same boat. No kids but just moved in to a house that needs a LOT of decorating so I'll have a brush or a drill in my hands for the next 2 weeks.
In the same boat. No kids but just moved in to a house that needs a LOT of decorating so I'll have a brush or a drill in my hands for the next 2 weeks.
That's good timing :xf.smile: - you've got to keep busy, be it physically, mentally or preferably both otherwise the walls start to close in
Winter camping under the Aurora in the Boreal forest...

We will celebrate at home.
We = I + some beers + some wines

While some countries have Christmas all figured out... it provides an economic boon (in more ways than one).

This post is not intended as a political statement or I would have posted in a political thread; nor is it meant to bring anyone down during this festive season, rather it is intended to shed some light on the practice of commercializing Christmas and certain governments' policies regarding human rights.


I know this article to be true. It was written by a friend (a renowned British journalist) about another good friend (a scholar and a gentleman), both of whom I met and worked with in China. In fact, we raised $80,000 through charitable donations for legal fees, else my friend would still be incarcerated there. In fact, I traded my shoes for his prison worn slippers at the airport on his release, as he was being escorted by guards upon deportation. I have since spoken with Stuart, he now spends his time and energy working closely with human rights organizations helping others caught in similar situations. I pray that we may all find the Christmas spirit and help those less fortunate than ourselves. PEACE.
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I was going to spend Christmas with parents, sister and her husband, but on Christmas Eve morning my mum got diagnosed with Covid, so instead there was quarantine and hectic new plans :xf.confused:

All is well, though. Parents got a mild(ish) case, like regular flu.

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to All of you💐💐💐
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