
advice How to report incoming spam via such as unsolicited domain offers SEO offers any Spam

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XYNames.comTop Member
12,019 is the solution.

Registration is easy, and free. (If you donate a small amount, the system will allow faster processing of each spam report, less lag time, but the free account works fine and fast enough for most purposes.)

Once you register an account and before you start reporting SPAM, be sure to register each of your MailHosts with them, so that you don't end up reporting yourself!

You need register just ONE email from each host, for example ONE gmail, one yahoo, one hotmail, one @ email for any of your business personal domains that use cpanel or other email, etc.

To register MailHosts:
You submit one test email and register its source (headers + content) with SpamCop, such as for example here is the process for registering a hotmail email address:
1. Register your account
2. Login to your SpamCop account

I like to set it for a login that expires on 1 year. That way you are able to keep submitting spam for a while without the need to keep logging into your browser. As long as cookies remain intact, you will remain logged in on that browser for 1 year.
3. Click on Mailhosts
4. Click on Add new hosts

5. Enter an email. In the example below I add a hotmail email and its standard name, in this example,
6. Proceed to send the test email
The test email will be sent

7. Within your email account (in this case hotmail) locate the [SpamCop] account configuration email

and visit the URL
and submit the full headers + content "source" of the email at that address. With hotmail, the process to get the complete source via "View message source" which is found by clicking on the three dots ... on the right. (More actions) When you view the message source, click to select all or scroll through it while selecting all of it, and copy all of it.
8. Go to the address to submit the email source

and submit the entire source in the first box (or divide it up into headers in box above and email message in bottom)
Click to process sample.
If you encounter formatting errors, then submit via direct email, as an attachment. With hotmail, you must copy/paste the entire email into a txt file and then submit it as an .eml attachment.

SpamCop will confirm proper receipt and add this to your list of MailHosts. If you have any issues, use the Help / How can I contact a SpamCop representative link

Other reasons for contact

Contact SpamCop

form to submit the headers manually to Richard, the spamcop admin, who will add the mailhost for you himself.

Use this same contact form to contact SpamCop for help if needed with reporting any SPAM in the future as well.

From that point on, whenever you receive an email, copy/paste the full email source into this window

click to Process Spam, and it will be reported automatically, with all headers parsed and with the spam reported not just to the ISP but even the backbone (admin) of the offender's ISP.

Be careful about reporting SPAM that includes your own URLs within the body of the email...somehow referring to your own domain URL within the email. Remember, SpamCop parses all URLs to report to the admin of these URLs, and it will do the same if your own domain is somehow referenced within the email. For these, UNcheck any SPAM cop reports as they are being sent out that might result in your reporting yourself. (This is a rare occurrence, not something to worry about too much, but just keep an eye out for say, SEO spammers that refer to your own website URL within the body of the email, offering to help you...SpamCop will pull this URL out of the email and try to send a report to your own ISP reporting the Spam.)

For example look here

the red circled portion references my OWN website - because my URL was referenced in this spam email by the spammer - I would want to UNcheck those two boxes before sending in the report, to make sure I don't report myself. Again, this situation arises rarely - most Spam is very generic and does not reference your own website.

You must report the spam within 48 hours of receipt. When I am traveling and too busy to report SPAM, I just let it go until I have returned.

Be patient - some spam will be shut down with just one report, but other spam, from more "spam friendly" ISPs such as in countries like China, might take more than one report to shut down. Some spam will seem to never stop, but reporting it like this does help shut it all down, eventually.

If you receive a long row of SPAM and notice that the reports are going to the same ISP / admin etc., just report the first and last spam in the list; that is usually enough to get the message across.

You will occasionally get a message when you report the spam that "the ISP has indicated that the spam will cease" which means that SpamCop has already done its job.

I don't tolerate spam, and don't take cotton to spammers! :punch: I report most all of 'em.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Thanks @xynames I already mistakenly reported myself many times as I didn't realise you had to register your email address first but have done so now. With gmail had to register 5 times for different links e.g. X-SpamCop-Mx: etc. but did it for all 5 and now it shows my email address registered in mailhosts + all kinds of hosts/domains, relaying IPSV4 ETC.

Hopefully i'm all set up right now.
Btw nice name .. i have a similar
joro001 you need register only one of each mail provider, for example just one of your gmails, one of your yahoos, one of your Hostgator emails, etc.
joro001 you need register only one of each mail provider, for example just one of your gmails, one of your yahoos, one of your Hostgator emails, etc.

First reply to my spam reports:

This message is brief for your comfort. Please use links below for
details ...

Then at the end says this:

Dear Reporter / Sir / Madam / Concern,

We are sorry for the inconvenience you faced because of this matter.
Thanks for your report. We are now checking this matter and will make
sure it is resolved.


To all domain spammers be aware that you are taking risks outbound marketing and you will possibly be reported and dealt with. The risk/reward doesn't seem worth it to me but it's your call.
A member has been asking me why sometimes the SpamCop report goes to an email address with a # in it. If I understand his question correctly, this is not an issue. For example below are a few spams I reported this morning.



Got this reply from spam cop for reports that aren't going through correctly through get response etc.
In your examples we don't send reports to Mailchimp or GetResponse as
they are ESPs. We don't send reports to ESPs because we find many will
simply list wash, which is something we don't support.

Our lawyers have advised it is better to just blanket ban ESPs rather
than trying to sort out the good from the bad.

You are always able and welcome to send manual complaints to the
parties, just not through SpamCop.

I know that for example if I am in a hurry and try to report something incoming that arrived via FormMail I get the error of that there was no IP address in the headers:

Mailhost configuration problem, identified internal IP as source
Please correct this situation - register every email address where you receive spam
No source IP address found, cannot proceed.

I believe this is because FormMail uses your own mail server to send you the mail, so the header IP address ends up being something like a LAN versus a WAN.
In these 2 particular instances of serial spammers I have reported them to abuse @ xyz .com and asked them to take these idiots down. Put up for so many years with relentless spam and enough is enough, i'm now on a mission with spam and yes that includes domainers spamming me with "similar" names, i'm reporting you too so all those who outbound be careful...
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seems kinda backwards to take so much time to do this. seems more annoying than having some spams in your inbox. Probably will never even make a dent in spamming either.

And anyways, if someone sends you a simple email saying "hey I'm selling Would you be interested?" and your just like, Fuckin reporting you! Really?
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Well it's like picking up a piece of trash. You may choose to ignore it and walk on by but that doesn't serve to clean up the world.
be aware that you are taking risks outbound marketing and you will possibly be reported and dealt with. The risk/reward doesn't seem worth it to me but it's your call.

Not if "outbounding" is done properly. The problem is that so few are prepared to accept what exactly "done properly" means. There are threads on this forum with queues of members lining up to tell us all that what they are doing, i.e. that their spamming, is justifiable and acceptable.

And anyways, if someone sends you a simple email saying "hey I'm selling Would you be interested?" and your just like, Fuckin reporting you! Really?

Yes, really. The problem is not "a" spammer, it is lines of the dickheads filling my inbox with absolutely crappy, worthless nonsense. It would be too hard to go through it all and pick out maybe the odd, infrequent, potentially worthwhile one. Added to which it interferes with my day to day business with the time it takes to go through and delete it all. May as well try to ensure the next 6 or more they send in future just don't arrive in the first place while I'm doing that.
its always the nobodys that care the most, that is the funny part
Anyone trying to sell a dot horse domain should be reported for spamming just on general principles. How about that. :ROFL:
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