
Domain Parking: Tips & Tricks to Help You Earn More!

Spaceship Spaceship


The journey is never endingVIP Member
And so it begins!:wave:

My goal is to help people learn more about the parking industry and help them earn more money while spending less of it.

There are tons of tricks,tips,secrets that people use to make money in this business.

Let me say this, I will not discuss illegal or bad practices here so please don't ask.

What will I talk about? How to find domains,with traffic for cheap. Creating long term wealth for yourself and how to do it on a budget. I will answer questions and talk about what I know. If there is something I'm not familiar with or not knowledgeable about I will say so.

I am not here to start flaming wars with other domainers or parking gurus. Everyone has their own set of rules to making money. If you don't like mine, that's okay , but please share your ideas with everyone instead of bashing others.

Myths I want to debunk now:

#1. Parking is dead. (Far from it)

#2. You can't make money doing it. (B.S.- you can make a ton of money in it)

#3. Only the rich can do this. (This is not true!)

#4. Google doesn't like domain parking! (Yes they do, they make a ton of money off it. If they hated it so much why do they continue to support it?)


So what's the point of all this? It's to help people with parking.

Please feel free to email,pm, or post your questions here and I will do my best to answer them all.



(P.S. I'm not the best writer so I apologize for any grammar or sentence structure mistakes in advance.)

--Answers to Questions I'm frequently asked!--

#1. What parking companies do I support/like?

These are the main ones I use and have had great success with. I base my success not only on the amount of money I make but also, customer service and transparency.

In alphabetical order:

- Bodis.com (Supports Foreign Traffic)(Zero Click Model Supported)
- Domainsponsor.com (Supports Foreign Traffic) (Zero Click Model Supported)
- Parkingcrew.com (Supports Foreign Traffic)
- Voodoo.com (Highest Payouts In The Industry)

#2. What tools do you use to help you evaluate domains?

Besides my own "TOOL", which I'm not here to promote I would suggest the following;

1. Push2check.com - Great resource site (I do not affiliated with them in anyway)

If we break down the tools I generally look at the following:

Traffic Sources: (Understand that no tool is 100% accurate but together you can get a great picture.)

1. Compete.com
2. Alexa.com
3. Quantcast.com
4. Verisign Labs: http://domainscore.verisignlabs.com/ ( WARNING: This tool to be used when you have mastered other tools. The information on this site is tricky but can be useful)

History of the domain:

1. Archive.org
2. who.is

Backlinks: ( There are plenty of tools for these but here are some sites I use)

1. Majesticseo.com
2. Google Backlinks
3. Yahoo Backlinks
4. DuckDuckGo.com
5. AHrefs.com: https://ahrefs.com/site-explorer/overview/subdomains/brickbuyers.com
6. opensiteexplorer.org (Enjoy this one. It's the search engine for backlinks)


1. Google Keyword Tool

#3. Where can I get lists to analyze:

I have my own tools that do the work for me however here are a few places you can grab lists from to analyze:

1. Dynadot.com
2. Expireddomains.net - (good site)
3. Namejet.com
4. Snapnames.com
5. Godaddy.com
6. Freshdrop.net - (this covers a majority of the above & more)

#4. Do all your domains make money?:


I'll say it again : NO! I STILL PICK LOSERS!

In fact anyone who says they make money on every single purchase is lying. No one has a 100% success rate and you don't need to. What you need to do to win in this business is;

#1. Pick 51% winners
#2. Make sure to keep your costs low and make more then your spending.

Understand a single domain can make up the costs of lost ones. I picked a domain that makes me $15.00 a day in revenue. That means I'll make $450 a month with it and it's recouped $300 I've lost on previous domains.

Trust me, the sea of domains is massive and there are ton's of GOLDEN NUGGETS ready to be mined by all.

#5. How much do you spend on domains?:

I've spent anywhere from $.99 - $x,xxx! If I like a domain I will spend what I need, to get it as long as "I CAN STILL MAKE A PROFIT"! That's the key.

However, recently I am testing a new program which allows me to buy strictly "HANDREGS". YUP, Handregs! You would be surprised at how much stuff is just sitting on the ocean floor of domains that people think are garbage.

#6. Blacklisted Domains? Revenue Sucks! HELLLLLP!

This is something that's not addressed a lot and something everyone should be aware of: THE BLACK LIST!

This still happens to me this day. I'll buy a domain only to find out the previous owner got blacklisted from Google. This will affect your revenue greatly because Google will not allow Parking Companies to display the proper ad's on your site. If this happens you will need to go to a second feed like Yahoo! or Zeroclick model.

Common Terms for Blacklisted:

1. Faillisted
2. Blacklisted
3. Fail

Check the status of a domain when you park it and you'll see what I mean.

Edit:6/12/2012: Thank You www.ri.sch.edu.sg for this tool!

Originally Posted by www.ri.sch.edu.sg

One thing I can add to this thread is to check if the domain is blacklisted before you purchase them, simply point to:

https://api.bodis.com/domainclassification?domain=(Insert Domain Here)


Primary = Google

Secondary = All others but Google (Faillisted,blacklisted, etc from google)

Hope that helps

#7. YUM! YUM! Domain Tasting

If you're not sure what this is it's when you buy a domain and test the traffic for a set amount of time and if your not happy with the traffic you can get a refund or partial refund of your handreg fee.

One thing I see all the time is: Domain tasting is dead! No it's not!

Yes; it might not be as prevalent as it once used to be but there are companies out there that still allow it. How do I know this? Because I do it.

#8. Can I promote or advertise my parked domains?

No, No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No, No,No, No, No, No, No, No!

If I wasn't clear let me repeat it; NO!

#9. What do all those backlinks mean from different sites?

(Thanks Martiinko for the info)

All those sites "backlink" scanners work by "downloading" the pages all over internet and then searching for URLs in it. Moving from one page to the other over these links. But...

1. There maybe a difference in last time they check this domain for backlinks.

2. There is definitely a huge difference in their databases of pages. That means if one site has smaller DB they don't probably have all the backlinks from as many pages as the other site.

3. Some backlinks are maybe updated, some maybe aren't. The process of "crawling" the web is very time consuming, so not all the backlinks can be verified every day.

To your other question. The links like you described are ok. If you park a domain all the requests go straight to the main page. But what is important is where is the link located. Is it a "spam in comments section", is it in the "blog post" or is maybe a "banner"?


So I collected couple different pages (and I'm collecting even more) for you to check if the webpage/domain was ever parked before ;) Some have form input some are just simple url + domain name.
I will make it into a simple web app, so you don't have to go to all of this pages when checking a domain name for parking history. Mostly screenshots.

Was this domain name parked before?
All of them are free. And I don't have any connection to them whatsoever.

Fun fact: This article got to 2th place in google search for Domain name parking history after 20 minutes.



1. Never spend money you can't afford to lose! Consider every domain investment a loss till you make your money back because that's what it is. No one can tell me different on this and the reason why is you are "NEGATIVE" that amount of money till it's recouped.

2. When you buy a domain to park; look to get your initial investment back within 6-12 months.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Hero0o , I suggest you read carefully the terms of agreement of the parking service you have the domain parked at.

I'm pretty sure the answer to your question will be there, ie. you are not allowed to mess with the traffic of a parked domain in any way.

But since I have no idea of which parking company you're talking about I , again, suggest you read their Terms of Agreement.

I read the terms, every company accepts legal traffic and I mentioned I downloaded an ebook written by an expert in this industry who says its legitimate to promote a parked domain in this fashion. Even he suggested to put domain link on t-shirts and then sell them :rolleyes:
I read the terms, every company accepts legal traffic and I mentioned I downloaded an ebook written by an expert in this industry who says its legitimate to promote a parked domain in this fashion. Even he suggested to put domain link on t-shirts and then sell them :rolleyes:

are you sure you're not confusing 'parking' income with 'affiliates' income?

if you develop a domain with affiliates' links I'm pretty sure you can do everything you're mentioning above but I don't think you can just spread a parked domain's name around the net just like that without consequenses

it's best if you contact the parking company you're with.. they will explain everything in detail to you
Hi guys I need some help. I am parking my names with DNS and I have literally dug all the website to find a link to my whole portfolio but I couldn't find it!
Can you please tell me where the hell I can find it? Thank you very much

Do you mean, someone listed your entire portfolio online, or there's a link to a domain in your portfolio? If the former, I may be able to help.
Do you mean, someone listed your entire portfolio online, or there's a link to a domain in your portfolio? If the former, I may be able to help.

I mean a link I can copy and share so that potential buyers or whoever I want can see my whole portfolio at DNS..but someone told me that simply doesn't exist there..and I was like WT EFF???
So if you can help..
Why don't you keep a list on gist or something? It's not automated, but it'll work. If you use the .md file extension on gist, you can use Markdown to create links. Example:

* [aaa.example](http://aaa.example/)
* [bbb.example](http://bbb.example/)
* [ccc.example](http://ccc.example/)
Why don't you keep a list on gist or something? It's not automated, but it'll work. If you use the .md file extension on gist, you can use Markdown to create links. Example:

* [aaa.example](http://aaa.example/)
* [bbb.example](http://bbb.example/)
* [ccc.example](http://ccc.example/)

Paul..you are such a nice guy but that's ARABIAN for me!!!
..and that pisses me off a lot ( can I say piss on NP ? )
Sorry, I was pretty brief. It's sort of like the code that we use in posts here, but the syntax is a little different.

Here's an example: https://gist.github.com/Zenexer/34070e50b06654921b10
Here's the code for it: https://gist.github.com/Zenexer/34070e50b06654921b10/raw/namepros.md

It's like a notepad. You write text, and then you can send a link to other people. It has special support for Markdown, which is the code in the example; it lets you add basic formatting.

There are other pastebins that just use text--no code; for example, pastie.org.
Thanks. I will give it a look!

Sorry, I was pretty brief. It's sort of like the code that we use in posts here, but the syntax is a little different.

Here's an example: https://gist.github.com/Zenexer/34070e50b06654921b10
Here's the code for it: https://gist.github.com/Zenexer/34070e50b06654921b10/raw/namepros.md

It's like a notepad. You write text, and then you can send a link to other people. It has special support for Markdown, which is the code in the example; it lets you add basic formatting.

There are other pastebins that just use text--no code; for example, pastie.org.
oh so you can place on namepros..

but not all parking company allow to promote domains..
and 2nd but main reason: backlinks from forum are known as garbage.
tipicaly people searching on forums are looking for information not for a sale..
i think that you will have a really bad CTR for the traffic coming from signature link..
So where are the backlinks for domains?
Backlinking of parked domain is also a sort of promotion.
Isn't it?
So where are the backlinks for domains?

On gov or edu websites.. TripAdvisor, yelp, phone directory listing, information websites, Amazon, eBay and many more..

---------- Post added at 08:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:43 AM ----------

Backlinking of parked domain is also a sort of promotion.
Isn't it?

Backlinks are good if there were placed before the domain is parked.
Service like bodis allow link building but I think no one trusted site will exchange the link with a parked page.. So allow the link building is a bit unuseful IMHO.
Do u want an example of a really good domain expiring in days..

US traffic and lung is related to asbestos and mesothelioma too.. So I think 100$ clicks are not hard here.. Also coz traffic is from trusted backlink. If smurge is around I think he could confirm this. This example is a big help 4 all I think.
That's a nice one... maybe it's time I stop handreggin' and start some backorderin'

It's nearly impossible to find domains like these dropped :)
That's a nice one... maybe it's time I stop handreggin' and start some backorderin'

It's nearly impossible to find domains like these dropped :)

IMHO handregs are good coz are cheap.. personally I only had bad names for handregs, neither earned 3$ in one year on more than 30 names..
i got better luck with auctions and backorder..

surely auctions and backorders are really expansive compared to handregs.
But give it a try :)
coz with backorder is also easy buy a domain that you pay 69$ and will make around 2$ in 1 years.. (i've some that way)
IMHO handregs are good coz are cheap.. personally I only had bad names for handregs, neither earned 3$ in one year on more than 30 names..
i got better luck with auctions and backorder..

surely auctions and backorders are really expansive compared to handregs.
But give it a try :)
coz with backorder is also easy buy a domain that you pay 69$ and will make around 2$ in 1 years.. (i've some that way)

just for info. Usually the handregs I get pay their regcost in the first 1 or (max) 2 months, the rest is profit ;)

as I mentioned on another thread, with *only* handregs I'm making more than a $100 / month but seeing domains like the one you provided it surely makes my hands itchy :)
On gov or edu websites.. TripAdvisor, yelp, phone directory listing, information websites, Amazon, eBay and many more..

---------- Post added at 08:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:43 AM ----------

Backlinks are good if there were placed before the domain is parked.
Service like bodis allow link building but I think no one trusted site will exchange the link with a parked page.. So allow the link building is a bit unuseful IMHO.
I mean How they appear. Who them leaves?

---------- Post added at 03:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:21 PM ----------

When I check domain anal.net, I found 11 backlinks. One of them http://http://2-semble.ch/?p=508 under words Camera boy. This can leave only owner of name.
but not all parking company allow to promote domains...

I know any that allow it

The Advice here in this post from smurge have lead me to enhance my parking income 3 fold

Thanks Richard

his advice to me sounds very honest and if you want to make 1 million dollars in 1 month without risking a few bugs, you better try something else

need an opinion from experienced guys..

a domain with a backlink like this:


anchor is on the good position for "college transfer" (i don't want to say the complete urls because i don't want to promote my name as it is parked)

i think is a strong backlink..
i got 7 visitors from that url in just 15 days.. no one click.
(60 visitors total still 0 click)

keywords are related to college credit transfer, college transfer and online colleges..

do you think that this one is not a good backlink or maybe i need only to wait more visitors?
@smurge So I just started domaining at the start of this year. So far I have around 70ish domains parked with ParkingCrew and have managed to make $8.19 as of today. I just want to know if I'm on the right track or not. How long did it take you to start making $1K+ per month parking? I know $8.19 isn't a lot, but since I've only been doing this for a little less than two months now, is that better than most? Or am I way off?

EDIT: Thank you and all the other NP members for the abundance of information. :loveyou: (no homo)

UPDATE: Since Jan. I have made a total of $97 and change. Had about 75ish domains parked, and have bought anywhere from 5 - 10 more each month. Still not where I want it to be, but just the other day I got two clicks that totaled $15.75. Just wanted to share so others that are just starting out can have hope. You really can make money parking.
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Damn man seems you are doing so good.. I'm not smurge but I think I can help u
To understand if 8$a day is good or bad you have to consider how much u spent for those domains.. I'm in this biz by 4 years and I'm still to 4$ a day.. And I spent a lot for names.. Around 1k$ in just 5 months.. Maybe is better I jump down from a skyscraper.. Or change biz
Damn man seems you are doing so good.. I'm not smurge but I think I can help u
To understand if 8$a day is good or bad you have to consider how much u spent for those domains.. I'm in this biz by 4 years and I'm still to 4$ a day.. And I spent a lot for names.. Around 1k$ in just 5 months.. Maybe is better I jump down from a skyscraper.. Or change biz

I've made $8 as of today, not in just one day. The most I've made in a single day so far is $1.24. So since the start of Jan, I've made $8.19 total. My apologizes if I misstated that.
I've made $8 as of today, not in just one day. The most I've made in a single day so far is $1.24. So since the start of Jan, I've made $8.19 total. My apologizes if I misstated that.

oh sorry.. maybe my fault..

imho with only those numbers is impossible say nothing..
how much do you pay for your portfolio? more or less..

usually expert domainers want recover the price payed in 3/4 months.. also because the traffic expires fastly (tipically.. coz there are domains that have traffic for years)
Wrong post, sorry
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Yesterday revenue for 1 domain. five $63 clicks.

wow great revenue for just one domain
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